from app import Plugin import streamlit as st import sqlite3 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime import ollama from global_vars import t, translations # Ajout des traductions spécifiques à ce plugin translations["en"].update({ "scansite_title": "News Aggregator", "total_links": "Total number of links", "annotated_links": "Number of annotated links", "known_tags": "Known tags", "reset_database": "Reset database", "database_reset_success": "Database reset successfully", "launch_scan": "Launch scan", "scan_complete": "Scan complete", "no_articles": "No articles to display.", "page": "Page", "previous_page": "Previous page", "next_page": "Next page", "new_articles": "New Articles", "rated_articles": "Rated Articles", "clicked_not_rated": "Clicked but not rated Articles", "tagged_articles": "Tagged Articles", "ignored_articles": "Ignored Articles", "excluded_articles": "Excluded Articles", "rating": "Rating", "tags": "Tags", "exclude": "Exclude", "sources": "Sources", "update": "Update", "delete": "Delete", "add_new_source": "Add a new source (URL)", "add_source": "Add source", "new_tag": "New tag", "new_tag_description": "New tag description", "add_tag": "Add tag", "work_directory": "Work Directory", }) translations["fr"].update({ "scansite_title": "Agrégateur de Nouvelles", "total_links": "Nombre total de liens", "annotated_links": "Nombre de liens annotés", "known_tags": "Tags connus", "reset_database": "Réinitialiser la base de données", "database_reset_success": "Base de données réinitialisée", "launch_scan": "Lancer le scan", "scan_complete": "Scan terminé", "no_articles": "Aucun article à afficher.", "page": "Page", "previous_page": "Page précédente", "next_page": "Page suivante", "new_articles": "Nouveaux Articles", "rated_articles": "Articles Notés", "clicked_not_rated": "Articles Cliqués non notés", "tagged_articles": "Articles Tagués", "ignored_articles": "Articles Ignorés", "excluded_articles": "Articles Exclus", "rating": "Note", "tags": "Tags", "exclude": "Exclure", "sources": "Sources", "update": "Mettre à jour", "delete": "Supprimer", "add_new_source": "Ajouter une nouvelle source (URL)", "add_source": "Ajouter source", "new_tag": "Nouveau tag", "new_tag_description": "Description du nouveau tag", "add_tag": "Ajouter tag", "work_directory": "Répertoire de travail", }) class ScansitePlugin(Plugin): def __init__(self, name, plugin_manager): super().__init__(name, plugin_manager) self.conn = self.get_connection() self.c = self.conn.cursor() self.init_db() def get_connection(self): return sqlite3.connect('news_app.db', check_same_thread=False) def init_db(self): current_version = self.get_db_version() if current_version < 1: self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sources (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, url TEXT, title TEXT)''') self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS articles (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, source_id INTEGER, url TEXT UNIQUE, title TEXT, date TEXT, is_new INTEGER, is_excluded INTEGER DEFAULT 0)''') self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_actions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, article_id INTEGER, action TEXT, rating INTEGER, tags TEXT, timestamp TEXT)''') self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, description TEXT)''') self.set_db_version(1) # Add more version upgrades here # if current_version < 2: # self.c.execute('''ALTER TABLE articles ADD COLUMN new_column TEXT''') # self.set_db_version(2) self.conn.commit() def get_db_version(self): self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db_version (version INTEGER)''') self.c.execute('SELECT version FROM db_version') result = self.c.fetchone() return result[0] if result else 0 def set_db_version(self, version): self.c.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO db_version (rowid, version) VALUES (1, ?)', (version,)) self.conn.commit() def get_tabs(self): return [{"name": t("scansite_title"), "plugin": "scansite"}] def run(self, config): st.title(t("scansite_title")) total_links, annotated_links = self.get_stats() st.write(f"{t('total_links')} : {total_links}") st.write(f"{t('annotated_links')} : {annotated_links}") all_tags = self.get_all_tags() st.write(f"{t('known_tags')} :", ", ".join(all_tags)) if st.button(t("reset_database")): self.reset_database() st.success(t("database_reset_success")) if st.button(t("launch_scan")): self.launch_scan() st.success(t("scan_complete")) self.display_tabs() def get_stats(self): total_links = self.c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles WHERE is_excluded = 0").fetchone()[0] annotated_links = self.c.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT article_id) FROM user_actions WHERE action IN ('click', 'rate', 'tag') """).fetchone()[0] return total_links, annotated_links def get_all_tags(self): return [row[0] for row in self.c.execute("SELECT name FROM tags").fetchall()] def reset_database(self): self.c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sources") self.c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles") self.c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_actions") self.c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tags") self.conn.commit() self.init_db() def launch_scan(self): sources = self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM sources").fetchall() for source in sources: self.mark_not_new(source[0]) links = self.scan_new_links(source[0], source[1]) for link, title in links: self.c.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO articles (source_id, url, title, date, is_new, is_excluded) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 1, 0) """, (source[0], link, title,'%Y-%m-%d'))) self.conn.commit() def display_tabs(self): tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6 = st.tabs([ t("new_articles"), t("rated_articles"), t("clicked_not_rated"), t("tagged_articles"), t("ignored_articles"), t("excluded_articles") ]) all_tags = self.get_all_tags() with tab1: st.header(t("new_articles")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_new_articles(), all_tags, "nouveaux") with tab2: st.header(t("rated_articles")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_rated_articles(), all_tags, "notes") with tab3: st.header(t("clicked_not_rated")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_clicked_not_rated_articles(), all_tags, "cliques") with tab4: st.header(t("tagged_articles")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_tagged_articles(), all_tags, "tagues") with tab5: st.header(t("ignored_articles")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_ignored_articles(), all_tags, "ignores") with tab6: st.header(t("excluded_articles")) self.display_paginated_articles(self.get_excluded_articles(), all_tags, "exclus") def display_paginated_articles(self, articles, all_tags, tab_name, items_per_page=20): if not articles: st.write(t("no_articles")) return total_pages = (len(articles) - 1) // items_per_page + 1 page_key = f"{tab_name}_page" if page_key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[page_key] = 1 page = st.number_input(t("page"), min_value=1, max_value=total_pages, value=st.session_state[page_key], key=f"{tab_name}_number_input") st.session_state[page_key] = page start_idx = (page - 1) * items_per_page end_idx = start_idx + items_per_page for article in articles[start_idx:end_idx]: self.display_article(article, all_tags, tab_name) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: if page > 1: if st.button(t("previous_page"), key=f"{tab_name}_prev"): st.session_state[page_key] = page - 1 st.rerun() with col3: if page < total_pages: if st.button(t("next_page"), key=f"{tab_name}_next"): st.session_state[page_key] = page + 1 st.rerun() with col2: st.write(f"{t('page')} {page}/{total_pages}") def display_article(self, article, all_tags, tab_name): article_id = article[0] col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns([3, 0.5, 1, 2, 1]) with col1: summary_key = f"{tab_name}_summary_{article_id}" if summary_key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[summary_key] = None if st.button(article[3], key=f"{tab_name}_article_{article_id}"): summary = self.get_article_summary(article[2]) st.session_state[summary_key] = summary self.c.execute("INSERT INTO user_actions (article_id, action, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (article_id, 'click','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) self.c.execute("UPDATE articles SET is_new = 0 WHERE id = ?", (article_id,)) self.conn.commit() if st.session_state[summary_key]: st.write(st.session_state[summary_key]) with col2: st.markdown(f"[🔗]({article[2]})") with col3: rating_key = f"{tab_name}_rating_{article_id}" current_rating = self.get_article_rating(article_id) rating = st.slider(t("rating"), 0, 5, current_rating, key=rating_key) if rating != current_rating: self.c.execute("INSERT INTO user_actions (article_id, action, rating, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (article_id, 'rate', rating,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) self.conn.commit() with col4: tags_key = f"{tab_name}_tags_{article_id}" current_tags = self.get_article_tags(article_id) selected_tags = st.multiselect(t("tags"), all_tags, default=current_tags, key=tags_key) if set(selected_tags) != set(current_tags): tags_str = ','.join(selected_tags) self.c.execute("INSERT INTO user_actions (article_id, action, tags, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (article_id, 'tag', tags_str,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) self.conn.commit() with col5: exclude_key = f"{tab_name}_exclude_{article_id}" if st.button(t("exclude"), key=exclude_key): self.c.execute("UPDATE articles SET is_excluded = 1 WHERE id = ?", (article_id,)) self.conn.commit() st.rerun() def get_config_ui(self, config): updated_config = {} updated_config['sources'] = st.header(t("sources")) sources = self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM sources").fetchall() for source in sources: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 1, 1]) with col1: new_title = st.text_input(f"{t('update')} {source[1]}", value=source[2], key=f"source_title_{source[0]}") with col2: if st.button(t("update"), key=f"update_source_{source[0]}"): self.c.execute("UPDATE sources SET title = ? WHERE id = ?", (new_title, source[0])) self.conn.commit() with col3: if st.button(t("delete"), key=f"delete_source_{source[0]}"): self.c.execute("DELETE FROM sources WHERE id = ?", (source[0],)) self.conn.commit() new_url = st.text_input(t("add_new_source")) if st.button(t("add_source")): title = self.fetch_page_title(new_url) self.c.execute("INSERT INTO sources (url, title) VALUES (?, ?)", (new_url, title)) self.conn.commit() st.header(t("tags")) tags = self.get_all_tags_with_descriptions() for tag, description in tags: col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([2, 3, 1, 1]) with col1: st.text(tag) with col2: new_description = st.text_input(f"{t('update')} {tag}", value=description, key=f"tag_desc_{tag}") with col3: if st.button(t("update"), key=f"update_tag_{tag}"): self.add_or_update_tag(tag, new_description) with col4: if st.button(t("delete"), key=f"delete_tag_{tag}"): self.delete_tag(tag) new_tag = st.text_input(t("new_tag")) new_tag_description = st.text_input(t("new_tag_description")) if st.button(t("add_tag")): self.add_or_update_tag(new_tag, new_tag_description) # Ajout des configurations modifiées au dictionnaire updated_config updated_config["sources"] = sources updated_config["new_source_url"] = new_url updated_config["tags"] = tags updated_config["new_tag"] = new_tag updated_config["new_tag_description"] = new_tag_description return updated_config def fetch_page_title(self, url): try: response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') return soup.title.string except: return url def mark_not_new(self, source_id): self.c.execute("UPDATE articles SET is_new = 0 WHERE source_id = ?", (source_id,)) self.conn.commit() def scan_new_links(self, source_id, url): links = self.scan_links(url) filtered_links = [] for link, title in links: self.c.execute("SELECT id, is_excluded FROM articles WHERE url = ?", (link,)) result = self.c.fetchone() if result is None: filtered_links.append((link, title)) return filtered_links def scan_links(self, url): links = set() try: response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') for link in soup.find_all('a'): href = link.get('href') title = link.text.strip() or href if href and href.startswith('http'): try: article_response = requests.get(href) article_soup = BeautifulSoup(article_response.text, 'html.parser') if article_soup.find('article'): links.add((href, title)) except: pass except: st.error(f"Erreur lors du scan de {url}") return list(links) def get_article_summary(self, url, model="qwen2"): prompt = f"Résumez brièvement l'article à cette URL : {url}" response = ollama.generate(model=model, prompt=prompt) return response['response'] def get_new_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT * FROM articles WHERE is_new = 1 AND is_excluded = 0 AND id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT article_id FROM user_actions WHERE action IN ('click', 'rate', 'tag') ) ORDER BY date DESC """).fetchall() def get_rated_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM articles a JOIN user_actions ua ON = ua.article_id WHERE ua.action = 'rate' AND a.is_excluded = 0 ORDER BY ua.timestamp DESC """).fetchall() def get_clicked_not_rated_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM articles a JOIN user_actions ua ON = ua.article_id WHERE ua.action = 'click' AND a.is_excluded = 0 AND NOT IN ( SELECT article_id FROM user_actions WHERE action IN ('rate', 'tag') ) ORDER BY ua.timestamp DESC """).fetchall() def get_tagged_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM articles a JOIN user_actions ua ON = ua.article_id WHERE ua.action = 'tag' AND a.is_excluded = 0 AND NOT IN ( SELECT article_id FROM user_actions WHERE action IN ('rate', 'click') ) ORDER BY ua.timestamp DESC """).fetchall() def get_ignored_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT * FROM articles WHERE is_new = 0 AND is_excluded = 0 AND id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT article_id FROM user_actions WHERE action IN ('click', 'rate', 'tag') ) ORDER BY date DESC """).fetchall() def get_excluded_articles(self): return self.c.execute(""" SELECT * FROM articles WHERE is_excluded = 1 ORDER BY date DESC """).fetchall() def get_article_rating(self, article_id): self.c.execute("SELECT rating FROM user_actions WHERE article_id = ? AND action = 'rate' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", (article_id,)) result = self.c.fetchone() return result[0] if result else 0 def get_article_tags(self, article_id): self.c.execute("SELECT tags FROM user_actions WHERE article_id = ? AND action = 'tag' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", (article_id,)) result = self.c.fetchone() return result[0].split(',') if result and result[0] else [] def get_all_tags_with_descriptions(self): return self.c.execute("SELECT name, description FROM tags").fetchall() def add_or_update_tag(self, name, description): self.c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tags (name, description) VALUES (?, ?)", (name, description)) self.conn.commit() def delete_tag(self, name): self.c.execute("DELETE FROM tags WHERE name = ?", (name,)) self.conn.commit() def get_reference_data(self): # Récupérer les articles avec leur rating self.c.execute(""" SELECT, a.url, a.title, COALESCE(ua.rating, 0) as rating FROM articles a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT article_id, rating FROM user_actions WHERE action = 'rate' GROUP BY article_id HAVING MAX(timestamp) ) ua ON = ua.article_id WHERE a.is_excluded = 0 ORDER BY rating DESC, DESC """) articles = self.c.fetchall() # Séparer les articles en valides (notés) et rejetés (non notés) reference_data_valid = [(article[1], article[2], article[3]) for article in articles if article[3] > 0] reference_data_rejected = [(article[1], article[2]) for article in articles if article[3] == 0] return reference_data_valid, reference_data_rejected