<!-- livebook:{"app_settings":{"access_type":"public","output_type":"rich","slug":"welcome"}} -->

# Livebook <3 Hugging Face

  {:kino, "~> 0.13"}

## Section

This is the source of a deployed notebook.
This notebook is static and simply renders the markdown content below.

Welcome to Livebook in Hugging Face!

This is a deployed notebook, which is also a perfect place to teach you
the ropes in using Livebook with Hugging Face.

## Getting started

First off, if you want to run your own copy of Livebook,
[check our tutorial](https://news.livebook.dev/livebook-inside-hugging-face-spaces-3LQaRi).
Once you clone the space, remember to set `LIVEBOOK_PASSWORD` as
an environment variable on your Space Settings page (a minimum of
12 digits is required).

If you are new to Elixir and Livebook, [head out to the Learn page](/learn)
(it requires a password), there you will find resources to get started
with both.

## Deploying notebooks

Livebook is fully collaborative and it enables you to deploy interactive
and collaborative apps just as well. All of your deployable notebooks will
be in the "public-apps" directory of your Spaces repository.

To deploy your own notebook on Hugging Face, you must click the
<i class="ri-livebook-deploy"></i> icon on the notebook sidebar, set a "Slug"
for the notebook, mark it as public and then drop its `.livemd` file into
the "public-apps" directory of your Spaces repo.