# remotes::install_github("jrosell/ambhtmx", force = TRUE) library(ambhtmx) library(ggplot2) library(plotly) page_title <- "WIP: ambhtmx slider example" head_tags <- htmltools::tagList() #' Generate a plot from rexp_data generate_htmlwidget <- \(){ print("generate_htmlwidget") rexp_df <- tibble(x = 1:length(rexp_data), y = rexp_data) p_plot <- ggplot(rexp_df, aes(x, y)) + geom_line() plotly::ggplotly(p_plot, width = 200, height = 100) } counter <- 1 rexp_data <- c(rexp(1), rexp(1)) #' Starting the app c(app, context, operations) %<-% ambhtmx(host = "", port = "7860") #' Main page of the app app$get("/", \(req, res){ html <- "" tryCatch({ rexp_widget <- generate_htmlwidget() rexp_tags <- amb_htmlwidget(rexp_widget, id = "rexp_widget") html <- div( style = "margin: 20px", h1(page_title), div( id = "counter", p(glue("Counter is set to {counter}")), rexp_tags ), button( "+1", hx_get="/increment", hx_target="#counter", # hx_target="#rexp_widget [data-for]", # hx_target="#debug", hx_swap="outerHTML" ), div(id = "debug") ) |> send_page(res) }, error = \(e) print(e) ) }) #' Call to return the plot app$get("/increment", \(req, res){ counter <<- counter + 1 rexp_data <<- c(rexp_data, rexp(1)) rexp_widget <- generate_htmlwidget() rexp_tags <- amb_htmlwidget(rexp_widget, id = "rexp_widget") div( id = "counter", p(glue("Counter is set to {counter}")), rexp_tags ) |> send_tags(res) }) #' Start the app with all the previous defined routes app$start(open = FALSE)