customer_input,agent_response,Label "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","It seems like your address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",non-compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It looks like your address is 202 Birch Blvd, Chicago, IL. Is this correct?",non-compliant "It's 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA.",Can you tell me the address on file for verification?,compliant "Sure, it's 456 Elm St, Los Angeles, CA.",Can you please confirm your address for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "It's 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA.",Can you tell me the address on file for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA as your address. Can you confirm?",non-compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "My home address is 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA.",Can you provide your current home address?,compliant "My home address is 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA.",Can you provide your current home address?,compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "Yes, that is correct.","I see your address as 456 Elm St, Los Angeles, CA. Is that correct?",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "It's 202 Birch Blvd, Chicago, IL.","For verification, may I have your address?",compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It appears your address is 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA. Is that right?",non-compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It appears your address is 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA. Is that right?",non-compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address on record is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX. Is that okay?",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "My home address is 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA.",Can you provide your current home address?,compliant "Yes, that's my current address.","The address I see here is 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO. Is it still valid?",non-compliant "It's 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA.",Can you tell me the address on file for verification?,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "Yes, that's right.","It looks like your address is 202 Birch Blvd, Chicago, IL. Is this correct?",non-compliant "Yes, that's my current address.","The address I see here is 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO. Is it still valid?",non-compliant "Yes, that's right.","It appears your address is 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA. Is that right?",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It appears your address is 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA. Is that right?",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "Sure, it's 456 Elm St, Los Angeles, CA.",Can you please confirm your address for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address shows as 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL. Is that accurate?",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "It's 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA.",Can you tell me the address on file for verification?,compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "Yes, that's it.","Your address is 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR. Please verify.",non-compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address shows as 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL. Is that accurate?",non-compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It appears your address is 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA. Is that right?",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address on record is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX. Is that okay?",non-compliant "Yes, that's right.","It looks like your address is 202 Birch Blvd, Chicago, IL. Is this correct?",non-compliant "It's 432 Spruce St, Boston, MA.",Please tell me the address associated with your account.,compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address shows as 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL. Is that accurate?",non-compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address shows as 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL. Is that accurate?",non-compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "Yes, that's correct.","It seems like your address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, that's my address.","Your address shows as 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL. Is that accurate?",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA as your address. Can you confirm?",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "My address is 345 Oak St, Austin, TX.",Could you please state your full address?,compliant "Yes, that's right.","It looks like your address is 202 Birch Blvd, Chicago, IL. Is this correct?",non-compliant "Yes, that is correct.","I see your address as 456 Elm St, Los Angeles, CA. Is that correct?",non-compliant "It's 678 Cedar St, Denver, CO.",May I know your complete address for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA as your address. Can you confirm?",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","I have your address as 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA. Please confirm.",non-compliant "Yes, that's correct.","It seems like your address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",non-compliant "My current address is 789 Pine Ave, Miami, FL.",Please provide your current address for verification purposes.,compliant "Yes, it's 567 Willow Rd, Portland, OR.","For our records, could you state your current address?",compliant "It's 101 Maple Rd, Seattle, WA.",Can you tell me the address on file for verification?,compliant "Yes, that's correct.","It seems like your address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",non-compliant "My home address is 910 Pine Ave, San Diego, CA.",Can you provide your current home address?,compliant "My address is 123 Main St, Springfield, IL.",Thank you! What is your address?,compliant