File size: 8,631 Bytes
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Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#include <memory>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include "core/file_resource.h"
#include "core/track.h"
#include "epoch_tracker/epoch_tracker.h"
#include "wave/wave.h"
const char* kHelp = "Usage: <bin> -i <input_file> "
"[-f <f0_output> -p <pitchmarks_output> \\\n"
"-c <correlations_output> "
"-t "
"-s "
"-e <float> "
"-x <float> "
"-m <float> \\\n"
"-u <float> "
"-w <float> "
"-a "
"-d <debug_output_basename>] "
"\n\n Help:\n"
"-t enables a Hilbert transform that may reduce phase distortion\n"
"-s suppress applying high pass filter at 80Hz "
"(rumble-removal highpass filter)\n"
"-e specifies the output frame interval for F0\n"
"-x maximum f0 to look for\n"
"-m minimum f0 to look for\n"
"-u regular inter-mark interval to use in UV pitchmark regions\n"
"-w set the cost for unvoiced segments\n"
" (def. 0.9, the higher the value the more f0 estimates in noise)\n"
"-a saves F0 and PM output in ascii mode\n"
"-d write diagnostic output to this file pattern\n"
"The output files specified with -f and -p are Edinburgh Speech Tool\n"
"(EST) style files. These are output as binary by default, ASCII with\n"
"the -a option. The F0 values in the f0_output file are resampled with\n"
"the frame interval specified by option -e (default .005 s).\n"
"The unvoiced regions of the pitchmark file are filled with marks spaced\n"
"by the interval specified with -u (default .01 s).\n"
"\nIt is strongly recommended that the default high-pass filter be\n"
"applied to all input signals to remove DC and low-frequency\n"
"components. For signals that have been recorded using close-talking\n"
"microphones, or those that have been subjected to various other\n"
"non-linear phase distortions in the studio, or in post-production, it\n"
"is often helpful to apply a Hilbert transform (-t option). The .resid\n"
"file output when -d is specified can be examined to determine if the\n"
"voice pulses look anything like the classical glottal-flow derivative,\n"
"and the Hilbert transform enabled, or not.\n"
"In the discussion below, the following notation is used:\n"
"Fs: sample rate\n"
"Fs0: sample rate of input file\n"
"nd: n-dimensional vector signal\n"
"ts: time-stamped vector signal; 1st ele. is the time of the sample in sec.\n"
"float, int16, etc.: atomic type of the data in the file\n"
"\nIf -d <name>is specified, the following raw binary output files are produced,\n"
"with the base path as specified in <name>, and the indicated extensions:\n"
".bestcorr 2d float ts the highest NCC value found at each residual peak\n"
".bprms 1d float Fs=500 RMS of 100-1000 Hz bandpassed input signal\n"
".f0ap 3d float ts F0 and NCC value found for each period\n"
".resid 1d float Fs=Fs0 LPC residual of conditioned input signal\n"
".nresid 1d float Fs=Fs0 LPC residual with local gain normalization\n"
".offsetp 1d float Fs=500 pseudo-probability that voicing is terminating\n"
".onsetp 1d float Fs=500 pseudo-probability that voicing is starting\n"
".pvoiced 1d float Fs=500 pseudo-probability that voicing is occurring\n"
".pcm 1d float Fs=Fs0 conditioned input signal\n"
".pmlab ASCII 'xlabel' format file of epoch marks\n"
".pvals 1d float Fs=Fs0 graded residual peak candidates\n";
Track* MakeEpochOutput(EpochTracker &et, float unvoiced_pm_interval) {
std::vector<float> times;
std::vector<int16_t> voicing;
et.GetFilledEpochs(unvoiced_pm_interval, ×, &voicing);
Track* pm_track = new Track;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i) {
pm_track->t(i) = times[i];
pm_track->set_v(i, voicing[i]);
return pm_track;
Track* MakeF0Output(EpochTracker &et, float resample_interval, Track** cor) {
std::vector<float> f0;
std::vector<float> corr;
if (!et.ResampleAndReturnResults(resample_interval, &f0, &corr)) {
return NULL;
Track* f0_track = new Track;
Track* cor_track = new Track;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < f0.size(); ++i) {
float t = resample_interval * i;
f0_track->t(i) = t;
cor_track->t(i) = t;
f0_track->set_v(i, (f0[i] > 0.0) ? true : false);
cor_track->set_v(i, (f0[i] > 0.0) ? true : false);
f0_track->a(i) = (f0[i] > 0.0) ? f0[i] : -1.0;
cor_track->a(i) = corr[i];
*cor = cor_track;
return f0_track;
bool ComputeEpochsAndF0(EpochTracker &et, float unvoiced_pulse_interval,
float external_frame_interval,
Track** pm, Track** f0, Track** corr) {
if (!et.ComputeFeatures()) {
return false;
bool tr_result = et.TrackEpochs();
et.WriteDiagnostics(""); // Try to save them here, even after tracking failure.
if (!tr_result) {
fprintf(stderr, "Problems in TrackEpochs");
return false;
// create pm and f0 objects, these need to be freed in calling client.
*pm = MakeEpochOutput(et, unvoiced_pulse_interval);
*f0 = MakeF0Output(et, external_frame_interval, corr);
return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int opt = 0;
std::string filename;
std::string f0_output;
std::string pm_output;
std::string corr_output;
bool do_hilbert_transform = kDoHilbertTransform;
bool do_high_pass = kDoHighpass;
float external_frame_interval = kExternalFrameInterval;
float max_f0 = kMaxF0Search;
float min_f0 = kMinF0Search;
float inter_pulse = kUnvoicedPulseInterval;
float unvoiced_cost = kUnvoicedCost;
bool ascii = false;
std::string debug_output;
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", kHelp);
return 1;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:p:c:htse:x:m:u:w:ad:")) != -1) {
switch(opt) {
case 'i':
filename = optarg;
case 'f':
f0_output = optarg;
case 'p':
pm_output = optarg;
case 'c':
corr_output = optarg;
case 't':
do_hilbert_transform = true;
case 's':
do_high_pass = false;
case 'e':
external_frame_interval = atof(optarg);
case 'x':
max_f0 = atof(optarg);
case 'm':
min_f0 = atof(optarg);
case 'u':
inter_pulse = atof(optarg);
case 'w':
unvoiced_cost = atof(optarg);
case 'a':
ascii = true;
case 'd':
debug_output = optarg;
case 'h':
fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", kHelp);
return 0;
// Load input.
Wave wav;
if (!wav.Load(filename)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load waveform '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
return 1;
EpochTracker et;
int16_t* wave_datap = const_cast<int16_t *>(>data());
int32_t n_samples = wav.num_samples();
float sample_rate = wav.sample_rate();
if (!et.Init(wave_datap, n_samples, sample_rate,
min_f0, max_f0, do_high_pass, do_hilbert_transform)) {
return 1;
if (!debug_output.empty()) {
// Compute f0 and pitchmarks.
Track *f0 = NULL;
Track *pm = NULL;
Track *corr = NULL;
if (!ComputeEpochsAndF0(et, inter_pulse, external_frame_interval, &pm, &f0, &corr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compute epochs\n");
return 1;
// Save outputs.
if (!f0_output.empty() && !f0->Save(f0_output, ascii)) {
delete f0;
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to save f0 to '%s'\n", f0_output.c_str());
return 1;
if (!pm_output.empty() && !pm->Save(pm_output, ascii)) {
delete pm;
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to save pitchmarks to '%s'\n", pm_output.c_str());
return 1;
if (!corr_output.empty() && !corr->Save(corr_output, ascii)) {
delete corr;
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to save correlations to '%s'\n", corr_output.c_str());
return 1;
delete f0;
delete pm;
delete corr;
return 0;