roleplay-chat /
kjozsa's picture
fix unresolvable targets in conversation
history blame
3.34 kB
import re
import ollama
import streamlit as st
from loguru import logger
available_models = sorted([x['model'] for x in ollama.list()['models']], key=lambda x: (not x.startswith("openhermes"), x))
def ask(model, system_prompt, pre_prompt, question):
messages = [
'role': 'system',
'content': f"{system_prompt} {pre_prompt}",
'role': 'user',
'content': f"{question}",
logger.debug(f"<< {model} << {question}")
response =, messages=messages)
answer = response['message']['content']
logger.debug(f">> {model} >> {answer}")
return answer
class Actor:
actors = {}
def __init__(self, role, model, system_prompt, pre_prompt):
self.role = role
self.model = model
self.system_prompt = system_prompt
self.pre_prompt = pre_prompt
Actor.actors[role] = self
def __class_getitem__(cls, item):
return cls.actors[item]
def setup(question):
pp1 = pp2 = pp3 = "Ask the other two by always starting your sentence with their role. Never start your sentence with your own name. Share your inner thoughts inside parentheses. SAY ONLY ONE SINGLE SENTENCE!"
priest = Actor("Priest", available_models[0], "You are the Priest. There are 3 people standing in a circle: the Priest (that's you), the Teacher and the Kid.", pp1)
teacher = Actor("Teacher", available_models[0], "You are the Teacher. There are 3 people standing in a circle: the Priest, the Teacher (that's you) and the Kid.", pp2)
kid = Actor("Kid", available_models[0], "You are the Kid. There are 3 people standing in a circle: the Priest, the Teacher and the Kid (that's you).", pp3)
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
for actor, col in [(priest, col1), (teacher, col2), (kid, col3)]:
with col:
role = actor.role
actor.model = st.selectbox("model", available_models, key=f"{role}-model")
actor.system_prompt = st.text_area("system-prompt", actor.system_prompt, key=f"{role}-sp")
actor.pre_prompt = st.text_area("pre-prompt", actor.pre_prompt, key=f"{role}-pp")
st.text_input("Priest's task", f"{question}")
return question
def main():
question = setup("Priest, your task is to figure out their names and where they live. Do not ask directly, they must not realize what information you are after!")
actor = target(sanitize(question))
max_steps = 1
for step, _ in enumerate(range(max_steps), start=1):
with st.spinner(f"({step}/{max_steps}) Asking {actor.role}..."):
answer = ask(actor.model, actor.system_prompt, actor.pre_prompt, question)
st.write(f":blue[{actor.role} says:] {answer}")
question = sanitize(answer)
actor = target(question)
def target(question) -> Actor:
role = re.split(r'\s|,|:', question.strip())[0].strip()
return Actor[role]
except KeyError:
logger.warning(f"no actor found in question: {question}, trying to return the first actor")
return next(iter(Actor.actors.items()))[1]
def sanitize(question):
return re.sub(r"\([^)]*\)", "", question)
if __name__ == "__main__":