Updated to use deep learning
Browse files
@@ -1,137 +1,136 @@
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import random
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import gradio as gr
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import gradio as gr
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import pandas as pd
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import numpy as np
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from tensorflow import keras
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import pickle
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# Configuration section START
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with open('model_config.pkl', 'rb') as f:
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tf = pickle.load(f)
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model = keras.models.load_model('model.keras')
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all_selected_features = ['Alcohol', 'Arrest Type', 'Belts', 'Contributed To Accident', 'Disobedience', 'Driver City',
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'Invalid Documentation', 'Make', 'Mobile Phone', 'Negligent Driving', 'Number Of Offences',
17 |
'Personal Injury',
18 |
'Property Damage', 'Race', 'Road Signs And Markings', 'Search Outcome', 'Speeding',
19 |
'Stop Hour', 'Stop Year',
20 |
'SubAgency', 'Vehicle Safety And Standards', 'VehicleType', 'Year']
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very_high_cardinality_features = ['Driver City']
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high_cardinality_features = ['Make', 'VehicleType']
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bools = ['Alcohol', 'Belts', 'Contributed To Accident', 'Disobedience', 'Invalid Documentation', 'Mobile Phone',
24 |
'Negligent Driving',
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'Personal Injury', 'Property Damage', 'Road Signs And Markings', 'Speeding', 'Vehicle Safety And Standards']
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num_cols = ['Driver City', 'Make', 'Number Of Offences', 'Stop Hour', 'Stop Year', 'VehicleType', 'Year']
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# Configuration section END
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make_prediction(alcohol, arrest_type, belts, contributed_to_accident, disobedience, driver_city, gender,
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invalid_documentation, make, mobile_phone, negligent_driving, number_of_offences, personal_injury,
34 |
property_damage, race, road_signs_and_markings, search_outcome, speeding, stop_hour, stop_year,
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subagency, vehicle_safety_and_standards, vehicletype, year):
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Function to predict the 'Violation Type' of an individual sample of traffic stop:
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:param alcohol: boolean
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:param arrest_type: String
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:param belts: Boolean
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:param contributed_to_accident: Boolean
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:param disobedience: Boolean
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:param driver_city: String
44 |
:param gender: 'M', 'F' or 'N'
45 |
:param invalid_documentation: Boolean
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:param make: String
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:param mobile_phone: Boolean
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:param negligent_driving: Boolean
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:param number_of_offences: Integer
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:param personal_injury: Boolean
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:param property_damage: Boolean
52 |
:param race: One of 'HISPANIC', 'BLACK', 'WHITE', 'OTHER', 'ASIAN', or 'NATIVE AMERICAN'
53 |
:param road_signs_and_markings: Boolean
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:param search_outcome: String
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:param speeding: Boolean
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:param stop_hour: Integer
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:param stop_year: Integer
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:param subagency: String
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:param vehicle_safety_and_standards: Boolean
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:param vehicletype: String
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:param year: Integer
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# Create a dataframe with the feature values
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X = pd.DataFrame([[alcohol, arrest_type, belts, contributed_to_accident, disobedience, driver_city, gender,
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invalid_documentation, make,
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mobile_phone, negligent_driving, number_of_offences, personal_injury, property_damage, race,
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search_outcome, speeding, stop_hour, stop_year, subagency, vehicle_safety_and_standards,
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vehicletype, year]],
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# Transform the features
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# Encode very high cardinality features (Driver City) with ordinal encoding, by fitting on the whole dataset
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oev = tf["OrdinalEncoder_VeryHighCardinality"].set_params(handle_unknown='use_encoded_value').set_params(
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X[very_high_cardinality_features] = oev.transform(X[very_high_cardinality_features])
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# Encode high cardinality features with ordinal encoding by fitting only on the training set
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X[high_cardinality_features] = tf["OrdinalEncoder_HighCardinality"].transform(X[high_cardinality_features])
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# Scale all the numerical features, including those that were ordinal encoded
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X[num_cols] = tf["StandardScaler"].transform(X[num_cols])
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# Convert booleans to numbers
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X[bools] = X[bools].astype('int8')
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# One-hot encode the low cardinality features
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X = tf['OneHotEncoder'].transform(X)
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# Make the prediction using the model
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prediction = model.predict(X, verbose=0)
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prediction = tf["LabelEncoder"].inverse_transform(np.argmax(prediction, axis=1))
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# Return the prediction
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return prediction[0]
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arrest_types = ['A - Marked Patrol', 'G - Marked Moving Radar (Stationary)',
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'Q - Marked Laser', 'L - Motorcycle',
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'H - Unmarked Moving Radar (Stationary)', 'O - Foot Patrol',
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'E - Marked Stationary Radar', 'B - Unmarked Patrol',
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'S - License Plate Recognition', 'R - Unmarked Laser',
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'J - Unmarked Moving Radar (Moving)', 'M - Marked (Off-Duty)',
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'I - Marked Moving Radar (Moving)',
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'F - Unmarked Stationary Radar', 'D - Unmarked VASCAR',
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'K - Aircraft Assist', 'C - Marked VASCAR', 'P - Mounted Patrol',
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'N - Unmarked (Off-Duty)']
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iface = gr.Interface(fn=make_prediction,
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inputs=[gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver under the influence of alcohol?'),
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Choose the arrest type', choices=arrest_types, value='A - Marked Patrol')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Were seatbelts used appropriately?'),
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Did the driver actions contribute to an accident?'),
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver disobedient? (such as failing to display documentation upon request)?'),
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Choose the arrest type', choices=tf['OrdinalEncoder_VeryHighCardinality'].categories_, value='SILVER SPRING')
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Driver Gender', choices=['M', 'F', 'N'], value='M')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver driving with Invalid Documentation (such as suspended registration, suspended license, expired registration plates and validation tabs or expired license plate)?'),
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Vehicle Make', choices=tf['OrdinalEncoder_HighCardinality'].categories_[0], value='TOYOTA')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver using a mobile phone while driving?'),
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver caught driving with negligence (example switching lanes in an unsafe manner)?'),
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gr.components.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, label='Number of offences committed')],
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Did the violation involve any personal injury?'),
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Did the violation involve any property damage?'),
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Choose the race of the driver', choices=tf['OneHotEncoder'].transformers_[0][1].categories_[2], value='WHITE')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Did the driver fail to obey signs and markings (such as traffic control device instructions, stop lights, red signal and stop sign lines)?'),
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='Choose the race of the driver', choices=tf['OneHotEncoder'].transformers_[0][1].categories_[3], value='NO SEARCH CONDUCTED')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the driver caught speeding?'),
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gr.components.Slider(maximum=23, step=1, label='Time HOUR when stop occurred in 24-hour format')],
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gr.components.Slider(minimum=2012, maximum=2024, step=1, label='Year when stop occurred')],
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gr.components.Dropdown(label='What is the name of the subagency that conducted the traffic stop?', choices=tf['OneHotEncoder'].transformers_[0][1].categories_[1], value='4th District, Wheaton')
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gr.components.Checkbox(label='Was the vehicle safe and up to standards (lights properly switched, registration plates attached etc.)?'),
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gr.components.Slider(minimum=1970, maximum=2023, step=1, label='Year of manufacture of the vehicle:)],
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