import React, { useState, useRef } from "react"; import "./App.css"; import { RQicon } from './mysvg' import { Button, Divider, Form, Input, Layout, Space, Table, notification } from "antd"; import { Content, Footer, Header } from "antd/es/layout/layout"; import { SearchOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import TextArea from "antd/es/input/TextArea"; import FullPageLoader from "./FullPageLoader"; import { answers, columns, filterColumns, paperColumns } from "./columns"; function App() { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false) const contentRef = useRef(); const scrollToBottom = () => { let elem = document.getElementById("mainContainer") setTimeout(()=>{ elem.scroll(0,elem.scrollHeight) }, 300) }; const [name, setName] = useState("'My work aims to systematically identify and analyze, the literature on Large language models in software development'"); const [noOfQuestion, setNoOfQuestions] = useState(2) const [researchQuestions, setResearchQuestions] = useState([]) const [researchQuestionApiResponse, setResearchQuestionApiResponse] = useState() const [searchString, setSearchString] = useState('') const [start_year, setstartYear] = useState(2023) const [end_year, setEndYear] = useState(2020) const generateSearchString = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { setLoading(true) const response = await fetch("/api/generate_search_string", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ objective: name, research_questions: researchQuestions }) }); const message = await response.json(); setSearchString( message.search_string .replace(/^\d+\.\s*/, '') // Remove any leading digits and dots .replace(/\bAND\b/g, 'OR') // Replace "AND" with "OR" .replace(/[()]/g, '') // Remove parentheses ); setLoading(false) scrollToBottom() notification.success({ message:"Search String Generated" }) } catch (e) { notification.error({ message: `internal Server Error` }) setLoading(false) } } const [papersData, setPapersData] = useState() const [limitPaper, setLimitPaper] = useState(10) const fetchAndSavePapers = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { setLoading(true) const response = await fetch("/api/search_papers", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ search_string: searchString, start_year: start_year, limit: limitPaper }) }); const message = await response.json(); if (message) { setPapersData(message) } scrollToBottom() setLoading(false) notification.success({ message:"Papers Found" }) } catch (e) { console.log("error:", e) setLoading(false) notification.error({ message:"Internal Server Error" }) } } const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { setLoading(true) const response = await fetch("/api/generate_research_questions_and_purpose", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ objective: name, num_questions: noOfQuestion }), }); const message = await response.json(); let dataResponse =, index) => ({ ...i, key: index })) console.log("response:", dataResponse); setResearchQuestionApiResponse(dataResponse) let questions = => i.question) setResearchQuestions(questions) setLoading(false) scrollToBottom() notification.success({ message:"Research Questions Generated" }) } catch (error) { console.error("Error submitting data:", error); setLoading(false) notification.error({ message:"Internal Server Error" }) } }; const [papersFilterData, setPapersFilterData] = useState([]) const handleCheckboxChange = (key) => { const newpapersFilterData = [...papersFilterData]; if (newpapersFilterData.includes(key)) { newpapersFilterData.splice(newpapersFilterData.indexOf(key), 1); } else { newpapersFilterData.push(key); } setPapersFilterData(newpapersFilterData); }; const fetchAndFilterPapers = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { setLoading(true) const response = await fetch("/api/filter_papers", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ search_string: searchString, papers: papersData }) }); const message = await response.json(); if (message) { const newFilteredPapers = message.filtered_papers; const combinedArray = [ Set([...papersFilterData, ...newFilteredPapers])]; setPapersFilterData(combinedArray); } scrollToBottom() setLoading(false) notification.success({ message:"Papers Filtered" }) } catch (e) { console.log("error:", e) setLoading(false) notification.error({ message:"internal server error" }) } } const [ansWithQuestions, setAnsWithQuestionsData] = useState() const ansWithQuestionsData = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); try { setLoading(true) const response = await fetch("/api/answer_question", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ questions: researchQuestions, papers_info: [ Set([...papersFilterData, ...papersFilterData])] }) }); const message = await response.json(); console.log("message:", message) if (message) { setAnsWithQuestionsData(message.answers) } setLoading(false) notification.success({ message:"Answers Generated" }) scrollToBottom() } catch (e) { console.log("error:", e) setLoading(false) notification.error({ message:"Internal Server Error" }) } } const [summary, setSummary] = useState() const [introSummary, setIntroSummary] = useState() const generateSummaryAbstract = async (e) =>{ e.preventDefault() setLoading(true) try{ let response = await fetch ("api/generate-summary-abstract", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ questions: researchQuestions, objective: name, search_string: searchString }) }); let message = await response.json() setSummary(message.summary_abstract) setLoading(false) notification.success({ message:"Summary Abstract Generated" }) scrollToBottom() }catch(error) { setLoading(false) console.log("error:", error) } } const introductionSummary = async (e) =>{ e.preventDefault() setLoading(true) try{ let response = await fetch ("api/generate-introduction-summary", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ questions: researchQuestions, objective: name, search_string: searchString, total_papers: papersData, filtered_papers: papersFilterData, answers: ansWithQuestions }) }); let message = await response.json() setIntroSummary(message.introduction_summary) setLoading(false) notification.success({ message:"Introduction Summary Generated" }) scrollToBottom() }catch(error) { setLoading(false) console.log("error:", error) } } const [downloadlink, setDownloadLink] = useState() const generateAllSummary = async (e) =>{ e.preventDefault() setLoading(true) try{ let response = await fetch ("api/generate-summary-all", { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ abstract_summary: summary, intro_summary: introSummary, conclusion_summary: summary }) });if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Error: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`); } const blob = await response.blob(); const contentDisposition = response.headers.get('Content-Disposition'); const filename = contentDisposition ? contentDisposition.split('filename=')[1] : 'paper_summary.tex'; const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob])); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; link.setAttribute('download', filename); document.body.appendChild(link);; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); document.body.removeChild(link); setLoading(false) }catch(error) { setLoading(false) console.log("error:", error) } } const handleTextareaChange = (event) => { const newText =; const modifiedString = newText.replace(/^Question \d+: /gm, ''); console.log("modified value",modifiedString.trim()); // console.log("question value:", const newQuestions = modifiedString.split('\n').map((question) => question); setResearchQuestions(newQuestions); }; const handleSearchStringChange = (event) => { if( == ""){ setSearchString(" ") }else{ setSearchString(; } }; return (
SLR Automation Tool
{loading && }
Hello, I am your Agent, Enter Your Research Objective.
setName(} /> setNoOfQuestions(} type="number" />
{researchQuestionApiResponse &&
} {researchQuestions && researchQuestions.length > 0 &&