from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFGraphicState, PDFResourceManager from pdfminer.pdffont import PDFFont, PDFCIDFont from pdfminer.converter import PDFConverter from pdfminer.pdffont import PDFUnicodeNotDefined from pdfminer.utils import apply_matrix_pt, mult_matrix from pdfminer.layout import ( LTChar, LTFigure, LTLine, LTPage, ) import logging import re import concurrent.futures import numpy as np import unicodedata from tenacity import retry, wait_fixed from pdf2zh import cache from pdf2zh.translator import ( BaseTranslator, GoogleTranslator, DeepLTranslator, DeepLXTranslator, OllamaTranslator, OpenAITranslator, AzureTranslator, TencentTranslator, ) from pymupdf import Font log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PDFConverterEx(PDFConverter): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, ) -> None: PDFConverter.__init__(self, rsrcmgr, None, "utf-8", 1, None) def begin_page(self, page, ctm) -> None: # 重载替换 cropbox (x0, y0, x1, y1) = page.cropbox (x0, y0) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x0, y0)) (x1, y1) = apply_matrix_pt(ctm, (x1, y1)) mediabox = (0, 0, abs(x0 - x1), abs(y0 - y1)) self.cur_item = LTPage(page.pageno, mediabox) def end_page(self, page): # 重载返回指令流 return self.receive_layout(self.cur_item) def begin_figure(self, name, bbox, matrix) -> None: # 重载设置 pageid self._stack.append(self.cur_item) self.cur_item = LTFigure(name, bbox, mult_matrix(matrix, self.ctm)) self.cur_item.pageid = self._stack[-1].pageid def end_figure(self, _: str) -> None: # 重载返回指令流 fig = self.cur_item assert isinstance(self.cur_item, LTFigure), str(type(self.cur_item)) self.cur_item = self._stack.pop() self.cur_item.add(fig) return self.receive_layout(fig) def render_char( self, matrix, font, fontsize: float, scaling: float, rise: float, cid: int, ncs, graphicstate: PDFGraphicState, ) -> float: # 重载设置 cid 和 font try: text = font.to_unichr(cid) assert isinstance(text, str), str(type(text)) except PDFUnicodeNotDefined: text = self.handle_undefined_char(font, cid) textwidth = font.char_width(cid) textdisp = font.char_disp(cid) item = LTChar( matrix, font, fontsize, scaling, rise, text, textwidth, textdisp, ncs, graphicstate, ) self.cur_item.add(item) item.cid = cid # hack 插入原字符编码 item.font = font # hack 插入原字符字体 return item.adv class Paragraph: def __init__(self, y, x, x0, x1, size, font, brk): self.y: float = y # 初始纵坐标 self.x: float = x # 初始横坐标 self.x0: float = x0 # 左边界 self.x1: float = x1 # 右边界 self.size: float = size # 字体大小 self.font: PDFFont = font # 字体 self.brk: bool = brk # 换行标记 # fmt: off class TranslateConverter(PDFConverterEx): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr, vfont: str = None, vchar: str = None, thread: int = 0, layout={}, lang_in: str = "", lang_out: str = "", service: str = "", resfont: str = "", noto: Font = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(rsrcmgr) self.vfont = vfont self.vchar = vchar self.thread = thread self.layout = layout self.resfont = resfont self.noto = noto self.translator: BaseTranslator = None param = service.split(":", 1) if param[0] == "google": self.translator = GoogleTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, None) elif param[0] == "deepl": self.translator = DeepLTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, None) elif param[0] == "deeplx": self.translator = DeepLXTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, None) elif param[0] == "ollama": self.translator = OllamaTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, param[1]) elif param[0] == "openai": self.translator = OpenAITranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, param[1]) elif param[0] == "azure": self.translator = AzureTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, None) elif param[0] == "tencent": self.translator = TencentTranslator(service, lang_out, lang_in, None) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported translation service") def receive_layout(self, ltpage: LTPage): # 段落 sstk: list[str] = [] # 段落文字栈 pstk: list[Paragraph] = [] # 段落属性栈 vbkt: int = 0 # 段落公式括号计数 # 公式组 vstk: list[LTChar] = [] # 公式符号组 vlstk: list[LTLine] = [] # 公式线条组 vfix: float = 0 # 公式纵向偏移 # 公式组栈 var: list[list[LTChar]] = [] # 公式符号组栈 varl: list[list[LTLine]] = [] # 公式线条组栈 varf: list[float] = [] # 公式纵向偏移栈 vlen: list[float] = [] # 公式宽度栈 # 全局 lstk: list[LTLine] = [] # 全局线条栈 xt: LTChar = None # 上一个字符 xt_cls: int = -1 # 上一个字符所属段落 vmax: float = ltpage.width / 4 # 行内公式最大宽度 ops: str = "" # 渲染结果 def vflag(font: str, char: str): # 匹配公式(和角标)字体 font = font.split("+")[-1] # 字体名截断 if re.match(r"\(cid:", char): return True # 基于字体名规则的判定 if self.vfont: if re.match(self.vfont, font): return True else: if re.match( # latex 字体 r"(CM[^R]|(MS|XY|MT|BL|RM|EU|LA|RS)[A-Z]|LINE|TeX-|rsfs|txsy|wasy|stmary|.*Mono|.*Code|.*Ital|.*Sym|.*Math)", font, ): return True # 基于字符集规则的判定 if self.vchar: if re.match(self.vchar, char): return True else: if ( char and char != " " # 非空格 and ( unicodedata.category(char[0]) in ["Lm", "Mn", "Sk", "Sm", "Zl", "Zp", "Zs"] # 文字修饰符、数学符号、分隔符号 or ord(char[0]) in range(0x370, 0x400) # 希腊字母 ) ): return True return False ############################################################ # A. 原文档解析 for child in ltpage: if isinstance(child, LTChar): cur_v = False layout = self.layout[ltpage.pageid] # ltpage.height 可能是 fig 里面的高度,这里统一用 layout.shape h, w = layout.shape # 读取当前字符在 layout 中的类别 cx, cy = np.clip(int(child.x0), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(child.y0), 0, h - 1) cls = layout[cy, cx] if ( # 判定当前字符是否属于公式 cls == 0 # 1. 类别为保留区域 or (cls == xt_cls and len(sstk[-1].strip()) > 1 and child.size < pstk[-1].size * 0.79) # 2. 角标字体,有 0.76 的角标和 0.799 的大写,这里用 0.79 取中,同时考虑首字母放大的情况 or vflag(child.fontname, child.get_text()) # 3. 公式字体 or (child.matrix[0] == 0 and child.matrix[3] == 0) # 4. 垂直字体 ): cur_v = True # 判定括号组是否属于公式 if not cur_v: if vstk and child.get_text() == "(": cur_v = True vbkt += 1 if vbkt and child.get_text() == ")": cur_v = True vbkt -= 1 if ( # 判定当前公式是否结束 not cur_v # 1. 当前字符不属于公式 or cls != xt_cls # 2. 当前字符与前一个字符不属于同一段落 or (abs(child.x0 - xt.x0) > vmax and cls != 0) # 3. 段落内换行,可能是一长串斜体的段落,也可能是段内分式换行,这里设个阈值进行区分 ): if vstk: if ( # 根据公式右侧的文字修正公式的纵向偏移 not cur_v # 1. 当前字符不属于公式 and cls == xt_cls # 2. 当前字符与前一个字符属于同一段落 and child.x0 > max([vch.x0 for vch in vstk]) # 3. 当前字符在公式右侧 ): vfix = vstk[0].y0 - child.y0 sstk[-1] += f"$v{len(var)}$" var.append(vstk) varl.append(vlstk) varf.append(vfix) vstk = [] vlstk = [] vfix = 0 # 当前字符不属于公式或当前字符是公式的第一个字符 if not vstk: if cls == xt_cls: # 当前字符与前一个字符属于同一段落 if child.x0 > xt.x1 + 1: # 添加行内空格 sstk[-1] += " " elif child.x1 < xt.x0: # 添加换行空格并标记原文段落存在换行 sstk[-1] += " " pstk[-1].brk = True else: # 根据当前字符构建一个新的段落 sstk.append("") pstk.append(Paragraph(child.y0, child.x0, child.x0, child.x0, child.size, child.font, False)) if not cur_v: # 文字入栈 if ( # 根据当前字符修正段落属性 child.size > pstk[-1].size / 0.79 # 1. 当前字符显著比段落字体大 or len(sstk[-1].strip()) == 1 # 2. 当前字符为段落第二个文字(考虑首字母放大的情况) or vflag(pstk[-1].font.fontname, "") # 3. 段落字体为公式字体 or re.match( # 4. 段落字体为粗体 r"(.*Medi|.*Bold)", pstk[-1].font.fontname, re.IGNORECASE, ) ): pstk[-1].y -= child.size - pstk[-1].size # hack 这个段落纵向位置的修正有问题,不过先凑合用吧 pstk[-1].size = child.size pstk[-1].font = child.font sstk[-1] += child.get_text() else: # 公式入栈 if ( # 根据公式左侧的文字修正公式的纵向偏移 not vstk # 1. 当前字符是公式的第一个字符 and cls == xt_cls # 2. 当前字符与前一个字符属于同一段落 and child.x0 > xt.x0 # 3. 前一个字符在公式左侧 ): vfix = child.y0 - xt.y0 vstk.append(child) # 更新段落边界,因为段落内换行之后可能是公式开头,所以要在外边处理 pstk[-1].x0 = min(pstk[-1].x0, child.x0) pstk[-1].x1 = max(pstk[-1].x1, child.x1) # 更新上一个字符 xt = child xt_cls = cls elif isinstance(child, LTFigure): # 图表 pass elif isinstance(child, LTLine): # 线条 layout = self.layout[ltpage.pageid] # ltpage.height 可能是 fig 里面的高度,这里统一用 layout.shape h, w = layout.shape # 读取当前线条在 layout 中的类别 cx, cy = np.clip(int(child.x0), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(child.y0), 0, h - 1) cls = layout[cy, cx] if vstk and cls == xt_cls: # 公式线条 vlstk.append(child) else: # 全局线条 lstk.append(child) else: pass # 处理结尾 if vstk: # 公式出栈 sstk[-1] += f"$v{len(var)}$" var.append(vstk) varl.append(vlstk) varf.append(vfix) log.debug("\n==========[VSTACK]==========\n") for id, v in enumerate(var): # 计算公式宽度 l = max([vch.x1 for vch in v]) - v[0].x0 log.debug(f'< {l:.1f} {v[0].x0:.1f} {v[0].y0:.1f} {v[0].cid} {v[0].fontname} {len(varl[id])} > $v{id}$ = {"".join([ch.get_text() for ch in v])}') vlen.append(l) ############################################################ # B. 段落翻译 log.debug("\n==========[SSTACK]==========\n") hash_key = cache.deterministic_hash("PDFMathTranslate") cache.create_cache(hash_key) @retry(wait=wait_fixed(1)) def worker(s: str): # 多线程翻译 try: hash_key_paragraph = cache.deterministic_hash( (s, str(self.translator)) ) new = cache.load_paragraph(hash_key, hash_key_paragraph) # 查询缓存 if new is None: new = self.translator.translate(s) cache.write_paragraph(hash_key, hash_key_paragraph, new) return new except BaseException as e: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.exception(e) else: log.exception(e, exc_info=False) raise e with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.thread ) as executor: news = list(, sstk)) ############################################################ # C. 新文档排版 def raw_string(fcur: str, cstk: str): # 编码字符串 if fcur == 'noto': return "".join(["%04x" % self.noto.has_glyph(ord(c)) for c in cstk]) elif isinstance(self.fontmap[fcur], PDFCIDFont): # 判断编码长度 return "".join(["%04x" % ord(c) for c in cstk]) else: return "".join(["%02x" % ord(c) for c in cstk]) _x, _y = 0, 0 for id, new in enumerate(news): x: float = pstk[id].x # 段落初始横坐标 y: float = pstk[id].y # 段落上边界 x0: float = pstk[id].x0 # 段落左边界 x1: float = pstk[id].x1 # 段落右边界 size: float = pstk[id].size # 段落字体大小 font: PDFFont = pstk[id].font # 段落字体 brk: bool = pstk[id].brk # 段落属性 cstk: str = "" # 当前文字栈 fcur: str = None # 当前字体ID tx = x fcur_ = fcur ptr = 0 log.debug(f"< {y} {x} {x0} {x1} {size} {font.fontname} {brk} > {sstk[id]} | {new}") while ptr < len(new): vy_regex = re.match( r"\$?\s*v([\d\s]+)\$", new[ptr:], re.IGNORECASE ) # 匹配 $vn$ 公式标记,前面的 $ 有的时候会被丢掉 mod = 0 # 文字修饰符 if vy_regex: # 加载公式 ptr += len( try: vid = int(" ", "")) adv = vlen[vid] except Exception: continue # 翻译器可能会自动补个越界的公式标记 if var[vid][-1].get_text() and unicodedata.category(var[vid][-1].get_text()[0]) in ["Lm", "Mn", "Sk"]: # 文字修饰符 mod = var[vid][-1].width else: # 加载文字 ch = new[ptr] fcur_ = None # 原字体编码容易出问题,这里直接放弃掉 # try: # if font.widths.get(ord(ch)) and font.to_unichr(ord(ch))==ch: # fcur_=self.fontid[font] # 原字体 # except: # pass try: if fcur_ is None and self.fontmap["tiro"].to_unichr(ord(ch)) == ch: fcur_ = "tiro" # 默认拉丁字体 except Exception: pass if fcur_ is None: fcur_ = self.resfont # 默认非拉丁字体 # print(self.fontid[font],fcur_,ch,font.char_width(ord(ch))) if fcur_ == 'noto': adv = self.noto.char_lengths(ch, size)[0] else: adv = self.fontmap[fcur_].char_width(ord(ch)) * size ptr += 1 if ( # 输出文字缓冲区 fcur_ != fcur # 1. 字体更新 or vy_regex # 2. 插入公式 or x + adv > x1 + 0.1 * size # 3. 到达右边界(可能一整行都被符号化,这里需要考虑浮点误差) ): if cstk: ops += f"/{fcur} {size:f} Tf 1 0 0 1 {tx:f} {y:f} Tm [<{raw_string(fcur, cstk)}>] TJ " cstk = "" if brk and x + adv > x1 + 0.1 * size: # 到达右边界且原文段落存在换行 x = x0 lang_space = {"zh-CN": 1.4, "zh-TW": 1.4, "ja": 1.1, "ko": 1.2, "en": 1.2, "ar": 1.0, "ru": 0.8, "uk": 0.8, "ta": 0.8} y -= size * lang_space.get(self.translator.lang_out, 1.1) # 小语种大多适配 1.1 if vy_regex: # 插入公式 fix = 0 if fcur is not None: # 段落内公式修正纵向偏移 fix = varf[vid] for vch in var[vid]: # 排版公式字符 vc = chr(vch.cid) ops += f"/{self.fontid[vch.font]} {vch.size:f} Tf 1 0 0 1 {x + vch.x0 - var[vid][0].x0:f} {fix + y + vch.y0 - var[vid][0].y0:f} Tm [<{raw_string(self.fontid[vch.font], vc)}>] TJ " if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): lstk.append(LTLine(0.1, (_x, _y), (x + vch.x0 - var[vid][0].x0, fix + y + vch.y0 - var[vid][0].y0))) _x, _y = x + vch.x0 - var[vid][0].x0, fix + y + vch.y0 - var[vid][0].y0 for l in varl[vid]: # 排版公式线条 if l.linewidth < 5: # hack 有的文档会用粗线条当图片背景 ops += f"ET q 1 0 0 1 {l.pts[0][0] + x - var[vid][0].x0:f} {l.pts[0][1] + fix + y - var[vid][0].y0:f} cm [] 0 d 0 J {l.linewidth:f} w 0 0 m {l.pts[1][0] - l.pts[0][0]:f} {l.pts[1][1] - l.pts[0][1]:f} l S Q BT " else: # 插入文字缓冲区 if not cstk: # 单行开头 tx = x if x == x0 and ch == " ": # 消除段落换行空格 adv = 0 else: cstk += ch else: cstk += ch adv -= mod # 文字修饰符 fcur = fcur_ x += adv if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): lstk.append(LTLine(0.1, (_x, _y), (x, y))) _x, _y = x, y # 处理结尾 if cstk: ops += f"/{fcur} {size:f} Tf 1 0 0 1 {tx:f} {y:f} Tm [<{raw_string(fcur, cstk)}>] TJ " for l in lstk: # 排版全局线条 if l.linewidth < 5: # hack 有的文档会用粗线条当图片背景 ops += f"ET q 1 0 0 1 {l.pts[0][0]:f} {l.pts[0][1]:f} cm [] 0 d 0 J {l.linewidth:f} w 0 0 m {l.pts[1][0] - l.pts[0][0]:f} {l.pts[1][1] - l.pts[0][1]:f} l S Q BT " ops = f"BT {ops}ET " return ops