CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
# | |
# Monitor a metric and stop training when it stops improving. | |
# Look at the above link for more detailed information. | |
early_stopping: | |
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping | |
monitor: ${,"val/loss"} # quantity to be monitored, must be specified!!! | |
min_delta: 0. # minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement | |
patience: 50 # number of checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped | |
verbose: False # verbosity mode | |
mode: ${callbacks.model_checkpoint.mode} # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min" | |
strict: True # whether to crash the training if monitor is not found in the validation metrics | |
check_finite: True # when set True, stops training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite | |
stopping_threshold: null # stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold | |
divergence_threshold: null # stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold | |
check_on_train_epoch_end: False # whether to run early stopping at the end of the training epoch | |
log_rank_zero_only: False # logs the status of the early stopping callback only for rank 0 process | |