# Copyright The Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Union from torch import Tensor from torchmetrics.utilities.compute import _safe_divide, _adjust_weights_safe_divide from typing_extensions import Literal from torchmetrics.classification.base import _ClassificationTaskWrapper from torchmetrics.classification.stat_scores import BinaryStatScores, MulticlassStatScores, MultilabelStatScores from torchmetrics.metric import Metric from torchmetrics.utilities.enums import ClassificationTask from torchmetrics.utilities.imports import _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE from torchmetrics.utilities.plot import _AX_TYPE, _PLOT_OUT_TYPE if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: __doctest_skip__ = ["BinarySensitivity.plot", "MulticlassSensitivity.plot", "MultilabelSensitivity.plot"] class BinarySensitivity(BinaryStatScores): r"""Compute `Sensitivity`_ for binary tasks. .. math:: \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\text{TN}}{\text{TN} + \text{FP}} Where :math:`\text{TN}` and :math:`\text{FP}` represent the number of true negatives and false positives respectively. The metric is only proper defined when :math:`\text{TN} + \text{FP} \neq 0`. If this case is encountered a score of 0 is returned. As input to ``forward`` and ``update`` the metric accepts the following input: - ``preds`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int or float tensor of shape ``(N, ...)``. If preds is a floating point tensor with values outside [0,1] range we consider the input to be logits and will auto apply sigmoid per element. Addtionally, we convert to int tensor with thresholding using the value in ``threshold``. - ``target`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int tensor of shape ``(N, ...)`` As output to ``forward`` and ``compute`` the metric returns the following output: - ``bs`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``global``, the metric returns a scalar value. If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``samplewise``, the metric returns ``(N,)`` vector consisting of a scalar value per sample. Args: threshold: Threshold for transforming probability to binary {0,1} predictions multidim_average: Defines how additionally dimensions ``...`` should be handled. Should be one of the following: - ``global``: Additional dimensions are flatted along the batch dimension - ``samplewise``: Statistic will be calculated independently for each sample on the ``N`` axis. The statistics in this case are calculated over the additional dimensions. ignore_index: Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the metric calculation validate_args: bool indicating if input arguments and tensors should be validated for correctness. Set to ``False`` for faster computations. """ plot_lower_bound: float = 0.0 plot_upper_bound: float = 1.0 def compute(self) -> Tensor: """Compute metric.""" tp, fp, tn, fn = self._final_state() return _sensitivity_reduce(tp, fp, tn, fn, average="binary", multidim_average=self.multidim_average) def plot( self, val: Optional[Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]] = None, ax: Optional[_AX_TYPE] = None ) -> _PLOT_OUT_TYPE: """Plot a single or multiple values from the metric. Args: val: Either a single result from calling `metric.forward` or `metric.compute` or a list of these results. If no value is provided, will automatically call `metric.compute` and plot that result. ax: An matplotlib axis object. If provided will add plot to that axis Returns: Figure object and Axes object Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If `matplotlib` is not installed """ return self._plot(val, ax) class MulticlassSensitivity(MulticlassStatScores): r"""Compute `Sensitivity`_ for multiclass tasks. .. math:: \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\text{TN}}{\text{TN} + \text{FP}} Where :math:`\text{TN}` and :math:`\text{FP}` represent the number of true negatives and false positives respectively. The metric is only proper defined when :math:`\text{TN} + \text{FP} \neq 0`. If this case is encountered for any class, the metric for that class will be set to 0 and the overall metric may therefore be affected in turn. As input to ``forward`` and ``update`` the metric accepts the following input: - ``preds`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int tensor of shape ``(N, ...)`` or float tensor of shape ``(N, C, ..)``. If preds is a floating point we apply ``torch.argmax`` along the ``C`` dimension to automatically convert probabilities/logits into an int tensor. - ``target`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int tensor of shape ``(N, ...)`` As output to ``forward`` and ``compute`` the metric returns the following output: - ``mcs`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): The returned shape depends on the ``average`` and ``multidim_average`` arguments: - If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``global``: - If ``average='micro'/'macro'/'weighted'``, the output will be a scalar tensor - If ``average=None/'none'``, the shape will be ``(C,)`` - If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``samplewise``: - If ``average='micro'/'macro'/'weighted'``, the shape will be ``(N,)`` - If ``average=None/'none'``, the shape will be ``(N, C)`` Args: num_classes: Integer specifing the number of classes average: Defines the reduction that is applied over labels. Should be one of the following: - ``micro``: Sum statistics over all labels - ``macro``: Calculate statistics for each label and average them - ``weighted``: calculates statistics for each label and computes weighted average using their support - ``"none"`` or ``None``: calculates statistic for each label and applies no reduction top_k: Number of highest probability or logit score predictions considered to find the correct label. Only works when ``preds`` contain probabilities/logits. multidim_average: Defines how additionally dimensions ``...`` should be handled. Should be one of the following: - ``global``: Additional dimensions are flatted along the batch dimension - ``samplewise``: Statistic will be calculated independently for each sample on the ``N`` axis. The statistics in this case are calculated over the additional dimensions. ignore_index: Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the metric calculation validate_args: bool indicating if input arguments and tensors should be validated for correctness. Set to ``False`` for faster computations. """ plot_lower_bound: float = 0.0 plot_upper_bound: float = 1.0 plot_legend_name: str = "Class" def compute(self) -> Tensor: """Compute metric.""" tp, fp, tn, fn = self._final_state() return _sensitivity_reduce(tp, fp, tn, fn, average=self.average, multidim_average=self.multidim_average) def plot( self, val: Optional[Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]] = None, ax: Optional[_AX_TYPE] = None ) -> _PLOT_OUT_TYPE: """Plot a single or multiple values from the metric. Args: val: Either a single result from calling `metric.forward` or `metric.compute` or a list of these results. If no value is provided, will automatically call `metric.compute` and plot that result. ax: An matplotlib axis object. If provided will add plot to that axis Returns: Figure object and Axes object Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If `matplotlib` is not installed """ return self._plot(val, ax) class MultilabelSensitivity(MultilabelStatScores): r"""Compute `Sensitivity`_ for multilabel tasks. .. math:: \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\text{TN}}{\text{TN} + \text{FP}} Where :math:`\text{TN}` and :math:`\text{FP}` represent the number of true negatives and false positives respectively. The metric is only proper defined when :math:`\text{TN} + \text{FP} \neq 0`. If this case is encountered for any label, the metric for that label will be set to 0 and the overall metric may therefore be affected in turn. As input to ``forward`` and ``update`` the metric accepts the following input: - ``preds`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int or float tensor of shape ``(N, C, ...)``. If preds is a floating point tensor with values outside [0,1] range we consider the input to be logits and will auto apply sigmoid per element. Addtionally, we convert to int tensor with thresholding using the value in ``threshold``. - ``target`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): An int tensor of shape ``(N, C, ...)`` As output to ``forward`` and ``compute`` the metric returns the following output: - ``mls`` (:class:`~torch.Tensor`): The returned shape depends on the ``average`` and ``multidim_average`` arguments: - If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``global`` - If ``average='micro'/'macro'/'weighted'``, the output will be a scalar tensor - If ``average=None/'none'``, the shape will be ``(C,)`` - If ``multidim_average`` is set to ``samplewise`` - If ``average='micro'/'macro'/'weighted'``, the shape will be ``(N,)`` - If ``average=None/'none'``, the shape will be ``(N, C)`` Args: num_labels: Integer specifing the number of labels threshold: Threshold for transforming probability to binary (0,1) predictions average: Defines the reduction that is applied over labels. Should be one of the following: - ``micro``: Sum statistics over all labels - ``macro``: Calculate statistics for each label and average them - ``weighted``: calculates statistics for each label and computes weighted average using their support - ``"none"`` or ``None``: calculates statistic for each label and applies no reduction multidim_average: Defines how additionally dimensions ``...`` should be handled. Should be one of the following: - ``global``: Additional dimensions are flatted along the batch dimension - ``samplewise``: Statistic will be calculated independently for each sample on the ``N`` axis. The statistics in this case are calculated over the additional dimensions. ignore_index: Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the metric calculation validate_args: bool indicating if input arguments and tensors should be validated for correctness. Set to ``False`` for faster computations. """ plot_lower_bound: float = 0.0 plot_upper_bound: float = 1.0 plot_legend_name: str = "Label" def compute(self) -> Tensor: """Compute metric.""" tp, fp, tn, fn = self._final_state() return _sensitivity_reduce( tp, fp, tn, fn, average=self.average, multidim_average=self.multidim_average, multilabel=True ) def plot( self, val: Optional[Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]] = None, ax: Optional[_AX_TYPE] = None ) -> _PLOT_OUT_TYPE: """Plot a single or multiple values from the metric. Args: val: Either a single result from calling `metric.forward` or `metric.compute` or a list of these results. If no value is provided, will automatically call `metric.compute` and plot that result. ax: An matplotlib axis object. If provided will add plot to that axis Returns: Figure object and Axes object Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If `matplotlib` is not installed """ return self._plot(val, ax) class Sensitivity(_ClassificationTaskWrapper): r"""Compute `Sensitivity`_. .. math:: \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\text{TN}}{\text{TN} + \text{FP}} Where :math:`\text{TN}` and :math:`\text{FP}` represent the number of true negatives and false positives respectively. The metric is only proper defined when :math:`\text{TP} + \text{FP} \neq 0`. If this case is encountered for any class/label, the metric for that class/label will be set to 0 and the overall metric may therefore be affected in turn. This function is a simple wrapper to get the task specific versions of this metric, which is done by setting the ``task`` argument to either ``'binary'``, ``'multiclass'`` or ``multilabel``. See the documentation of :class:`~torchmetrics.classification.BinarySensitivity`, :class:`~torchmetrics.classification.MulticlassSensitivity` and :class:`~torchmetrics.classification.MultilabelSensitivity` for the specific details of each argument influence and examples. Legacy Example: """ def __new__( # type: ignore[misc] cls, task: Literal["binary", "multiclass", "multilabel"], threshold: float = 0.5, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, num_labels: Optional[int] = None, average: Optional[Literal["micro", "macro", "weighted", "none"]] = "micro", multidim_average: Optional[Literal["global", "samplewise"]] = "global", top_k: Optional[int] = 1, ignore_index: Optional[int] = None, validate_args: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Metric: """Initialize task metric.""" task = ClassificationTask.from_str(task) assert multidim_average is not None # noqa: S101 # needed for mypy kwargs.update( {"multidim_average": multidim_average, "ignore_index": ignore_index, "validate_args": validate_args} ) if task == ClassificationTask.BINARY: return BinarySensitivity(threshold, **kwargs) if task == ClassificationTask.MULTICLASS: if not isinstance(num_classes, int): raise ValueError(f"`num_classes` is expected to be `int` but `{type(num_classes)} was passed.`") if not isinstance(top_k, int): raise ValueError(f"`top_k` is expected to be `int` but `{type(top_k)} was passed.`") return MulticlassSensitivity(num_classes, top_k, average, **kwargs) if task == ClassificationTask.MULTILABEL: if not isinstance(num_labels, int): raise ValueError(f"`num_labels` is expected to be `int` but `{type(num_labels)} was passed.`") return MultilabelSensitivity(num_labels, threshold, average, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Task {task} not supported!") def _sensitivity_reduce( tp: Tensor, fp: Tensor, tn: Tensor, fn: Tensor, average: Optional[Literal["binary", "micro", "macro", "weighted", "none"]], multidim_average: Literal["global", "samplewise"] = "global", multilabel: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: if average == "binary": return _safe_divide(tp, tp + fn) if average == "micro": tp = tp.sum(dim=0 if multidim_average == "global" else 1) fn = fn.sum(dim=0 if multidim_average == "global" else 1) return _safe_divide(tp, tp + fn) sensitivity_score = _safe_divide(tp, tp + fn) return _adjust_weights_safe_divide(sensitivity_score, average, multilabel, tp, fp, fn)