import numpy as np from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles from import FASTA_VOCAB, fasta_to_label from import atom_features, bond_features def get_mask(arr): a = np.zeros(1, len(arr)) a[1, :arr.shape[0]] = 1 return a def add_index(input_array, ebd_size): batch_size, n_vertex, n_nbs = np.shape(input_array) add_idx = np.array(range(0, ebd_size * batch_size, ebd_size) * (n_nbs * n_vertex)) add_idx = np.transpose(add_idx.reshape(-1, batch_size)) add_idx = add_idx.reshape(-1) new_array = input_array.reshape(-1) + add_idx return new_array # TODO fix padding and masking def drug_featurizer(smiles, max_neighbors=6): mol = MolFromSmiles(smiles) # convert molecule to GNN input n_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() assert mol.GetNumBonds() >= 0 n_bonds = max(mol.GetNumBonds(), 1) feat_atoms = np.zeros((n_atoms,)) # atom feature ID feat_bonds = np.zeros((n_bonds,)) # bond feature ID atom_adj = np.zeros((n_atoms, max_neighbors)) bond_adj = np.zeros((n_atoms, max_neighbors)) n_neighbors = np.zeros((n_atoms,)) neighbor_mask = np.zeros((n_atoms, max_neighbors)) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): idx = atom.GetIdx() feat_atoms[idx] = atom_features(atom) for bond in mol.GetBonds(): a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx() a2 = bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx() idx = bond.GetIdx() feat_bonds[idx] = bond_features(bond) try: atom_adj[a1, n_neighbors[a1]] = a2 atom_adj[a2, n_neighbors[a2]] = a1 except: return [], [], [], [], [] bond_adj[a1, n_neighbors[a1]] = idx bond_adj[a2, n_neighbors[a2]] = idx n_neighbors[a1] += 1 n_neighbors[a2] += 1 for i in range(len(n_neighbors)): neighbor_mask[i, :n_neighbors[i]] = 1 vertex_mask = get_mask(feat_atoms) # vertex = pack_1d(feat_atoms) # edge = pack_1d(feat_bonds) # atom_adj = pack_2d(atom_adj) # bond_adj = pack_2d(bond_adj) # nbs_mask = pack_2d(n_neighbors_mat) atom_adj = add_index(atom_adj, np.shape(atom_adj)[1]) bond_adj = add_index(bond_adj, np.shape(feat_bonds)[1]) return vertex_mask, feat_atoms, feat_bonds, atom_adj, bond_adj, neighbor_mask # TODO WIP the pairwise_label matrix probably should be generated beforehand and stored as an extra label in the dataset def get_pairwise_label(pdbid, interaction_dict, mol): if pdbid in interaction_dict: sdf_element = np.array([atom.GetSymbol().upper() for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]) atom_element = np.array(interaction_dict[pdbid]['atom_element'], dtype=str) atom_name_list = np.array(interaction_dict[pdbid]['atom_name'], dtype=str) atom_interact = np.array(interaction_dict[pdbid]['atom_interact'], dtype=int) nonH_position = np.where(atom_element != 'H')[0] assert sum(atom_element[nonH_position] != sdf_element) == 0 atom_name_list = atom_name_list[nonH_position].tolist() pairwise_mat = np.zeros((len(nonH_position), len(interaction_dict[pdbid]['uniprot_seq'])), dtype=np.int32) for atom_name, bond_type in interaction_dict[pdbid]['atom_bond_type']: atom_idx = atom_name_list.index(str(atom_name)) assert atom_idx < len(nonH_position) seq_idx_list = [] for seq_idx, bond_type_seq in interaction_dict[pdbid]['residue_bond_type']: if bond_type == bond_type_seq: seq_idx_list.append(seq_idx) pairwise_mat[atom_idx, seq_idx] = 1 if len(np.where(pairwise_mat != 0)[0]) != 0: pairwise_mask = True return True, pairwise_mat return False, np.zeros((1, 1)) def protein_featurizer(fasta): sequence = fasta_to_label(fasta) # pad proteins and make masks seq_mask = get_mask(sequence) return seq_mask, sequence