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import warnings
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
from monai.losses.dice import DiceLoss
from monai.losses.focal_loss import FocalLoss
from monai.networks import one_hot
from monai.utils import DiceCEReduction, LossReduction, Weight, deprecated_arg, look_up_option, pytorch_after
##### Adapted from Monai DiceFocalLoss
class WeaklyDiceFocalLoss(_Loss):
Compute Dice loss, Focal Loss, and weakly supervised loss from clinical predictor, and return the weighted sum of these three losses.
``gamma`` and ``lambda_focal`` are only used for the focal loss.
``include_background``, ``weight`` and ``reduction`` are used for both losses
and other parameters are only used for dice loss.
def __init__(
include_background: bool = True,
to_onehot_y: bool = False,
sigmoid: bool = False,
softmax: bool = False,
other_act: Callable | None = None,
squared_pred: bool = False,
jaccard: bool = False,
reduction: str = "mean",
smooth_nr: float = 1e-5,
smooth_dr: float = 1e-5,
batch: bool = False,
gamma: float = 2.0,
focal_weight: Sequence[float] | float | int | torch.Tensor | None = None,
weight: Sequence[float] | float | int | torch.Tensor | None = None,
lambda_dice: float = 1.0,
lambda_focal: float = 1.0,
lambda_weak: float = 1.0,
) -> None:
include_background: if False channel index 0 (background category) is excluded from the calculation.
to_onehot_y: whether to convert the ``target`` into the one-hot format,
using the number of classes inferred from `input` (``input.shape[1]``). Defaults to False.
sigmoid: if True, apply a sigmoid function to the prediction, only used by the `DiceLoss`,
don't need to specify activation function for `FocalLoss`.
softmax: if True, apply a softmax function to the prediction, only used by the `DiceLoss`,
don't need to specify activation function for `FocalLoss`.
other_act: callable function to execute other activation layers, Defaults to ``None``.
for example: `other_act = torch.tanh`. only used by the `DiceLoss`, not for `FocalLoss`.
squared_pred: use squared versions of targets and predictions in the denominator or not.
jaccard: compute Jaccard Index (soft IoU) instead of dice or not.
reduction: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``}
Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Defaults to ``"mean"``.
- ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied.
- ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output.
- ``"sum"``: the output will be summed.
smooth_nr: a small constant added to the numerator to avoid zero.
smooth_dr: a small constant added to the denominator to avoid nan.
batch: whether to sum the intersection and union areas over the batch dimension before the dividing.
Defaults to False, a Dice loss value is computed independently from each item in the batch
before any `reduction`.
gamma: value of the exponent gamma in the definition of the Focal loss.
weight: weights to apply to the voxels of each class. If None no weights are applied.
The input can be a single value (same weight for all classes), a sequence of values (the length
of the sequence should be the same as the number of classes).
lambda_dice: the trade-off weight value for dice loss. The value should be no less than 0.0.
Defaults to 1.0.
lambda_focal: the trade-off weight value for focal loss. The value should be no less than 0.0.
Defaults to 1.0.
lambda_weak: the trade-off weight value for weakly supervised loss. The value should be no less than 0.0
Defaults to 0.2.
weight = focal_weight if focal_weight is not None else weight
self.dice = DiceLoss(
self.focal = FocalLoss(
include_background=include_background, to_onehot_y=False, gamma=gamma, weight=weight, reduction=reduction
if lambda_dice < 0.0:
raise ValueError("lambda_dice should be no less than 0.0.")
if lambda_focal < 0.0:
raise ValueError("lambda_focal should be no less than 0.0.")
if lambda_weak < 0.0:
raise ValueError("lambda_weak should be no less than 0.0.")
self.lambda_dice = lambda_dice
self.lambda_focal = lambda_focal
self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y
self.lambda_weak = lambda_weak
def compute_weakly_supervised_loss(self, input: torch.Tensor, weaktarget: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# compute ratio of tumor/liver in the predicted mask
tumor_pixels = torch.sum(input[:, -1, ...], dim=(1, 2, 3))
liver_pixels = torch.sum(input[:, -2, ...], dim=(1, 2, 3)) + tumor_pixels
predicted_ratio = tumor_pixels / liver_pixels
loss = torch.mean((predicted_ratio - weaktarget) ** 2)
return loss
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weaktarget: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
input: the shape should be BNH[WD]. The input should be the original logits
due to the restriction of ``monai.losses.FocalLoss``.
target: the shape should be BNH[WD] or B1H[WD].
ValueError: When number of dimensions for input and target are different.
ValueError: When number of channels for target is neither 1 nor the same as input.
if len(input.shape) != len(target.shape):
raise ValueError(
"the number of dimensions for input and target should be the same, "
f"got shape {input.shape} and {target.shape}."
if self.to_onehot_y:
n_pred_ch = input.shape[1]
if n_pred_ch == 1:
warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `to_onehot_y=True` ignored.")
target = one_hot(target, num_classes=n_pred_ch)
dice_loss = self.dice(input, target)
focal_loss = self.focal(input, target)
weak_loss = self.compute_weakly_supervised_loss(input, weaktarget)
total_loss: torch.Tensor = self.lambda_dice * dice_loss + self.lambda_focal * focal_loss + self.lambda_weak * weak_loss
return total_loss |