from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer | |
from pm4py.algo.filtering.log.variants import variants_filter | |
from pm4py.algo.discovery.inductive import algorithm as inductive_miner | |
from pm4py.objects.conversion.process_tree import converter | |
from pm4py.algo.discovery.footprints import algorithm as footprints_discovery | |
from pm4py.algo.conformance.footprints import algorithm as footprints_conformance | |
import os | |
from examples import examples_conf | |
import importlib.util | |
def execute_script(): | |
# import a log | |
log = importer.apply(os.path.join("..", "tests", "input_data", "receipt.xes")) | |
# found a filtered version of the log that is used to discover a process model | |
filtered_log = variants_filter.filter_log_variants_percentage(log, 0.2) | |
# discover a process tree using inductive miner | |
tree = inductive_miner.apply(filtered_log) | |
print(tree) | |
# apply the conversion of a process tree into a Petri net | |
net, im, fm = converter.apply(tree) | |
# Footprints discovery: discover a list of footprints | |
# for all the cases of the log | |
fp_log = footprints_discovery.apply(log) | |
# discover the footpritns from the process tree | |
fp_tree = footprints_discovery.apply(tree) | |
# discover the footpritns from the Petri net | |
fp_net = footprints_discovery.apply(net, im) | |
print(len(fp_tree["sequence"]), len(fp_tree["parallel"]), len(fp_net["sequence"]), len(fp_net["parallel"])) | |
print(fp_tree["sequence"] == fp_net["sequence"] and fp_tree["parallel"] == fp_net["parallel"]) | |
# apply the footprints conformance checking | |
conf = footprints_conformance.apply(fp_log, fp_net) | |
for trace_an in conf: | |
if trace_an: | |
# print the first anomalous trace (containing deviations | |
# that are contained in the trace but not allowed by the model) | |
print(trace_an) | |
break | |
# finds the footprints for the entire log (not case-by-case, but taking | |
# the relations that appear inside the entire log) | |
fp_log_entire = footprints_discovery.apply(log, variant=footprints_discovery.Variants.ENTIRE_EVENT_LOG) | |
if importlib.util.find_spec("graphviz"): | |
# visualize the footprint table | |
from pm4py.visualization.footprints import visualizer as fp_visualizer | |
gviz = fp_visualizer.apply(fp_log_entire, fp_net, parameters={"format": examples_conf.TARGET_IMG_FORMAT}) | |
fp_visualizer.view(gviz) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
execute_script() | |