import os | |
import unittest | |
from pm4py.algo.conformance.alignments.petri_net import algorithm as align_alg | |
from pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay import algorithm as token_replay | |
from pm4py.objects import petri_net | |
from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer as xes_importer | |
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.exporter import exporter as petri_exporter | |
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.importer import importer as petri_importer | |
from pm4py.algo.discovery.inductive import algorithm as inductive_miner | |
from tests.constants import INPUT_DATA_DIR, OUTPUT_DATA_DIR | |
from pm4py.objects.conversion.process_tree import converter as process_tree_converter | |
class PetriImportExportTest(unittest.TestCase): | |
def test_importingExportingPetri(self): | |
# to avoid static method warnings in tests, | |
# that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way | |
self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value" | |
imported_petri1, marking1, fmarking1 = petri_importer.apply( | |
os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
petri_exporter.apply(imported_petri1, marking1, os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
imported_petri2, marking2, fmarking2 = petri_importer.apply( | |
os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
self.assertEqual(sorted([ for x in imported_petri1.places]), | |
sorted([ for x in imported_petri2.places])) | |
self.assertEqual(sorted([ for x in imported_petri1.transitions]), | |
sorted([ for x in imported_petri2.transitions])) | |
self.assertEqual(sorted([ + for x in imported_petri1.arcs]), | |
sorted([ + for x in imported_petri2.arcs])) | |
self.assertEqual([ for x in marking1], [ for x in marking2]) | |
os.remove(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
def test_importingPetriLogTokenReplay(self): | |
# to avoid static method warnings in tests, | |
# that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way | |
self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value" | |
imported_petri1, marking1, fmarking1 = petri_importer.apply( | |
os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
log = xes_importer.apply(os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.xes")) | |
aligned_traces = token_replay.apply(log, imported_petri1, marking1, fmarking1) | |
del aligned_traces | |
def test_importingPetriLogAlignment(self): | |
# to avoid static method warnings in tests, | |
# that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way | |
self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value" | |
imported_petri1, marking1, fmarking1 = petri_importer.apply( | |
os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.pnml")) | |
log = xes_importer.apply(os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.xes")) | |
final_marking = petri_net.obj.Marking() | |
for p in imported_petri1.places: | |
if not p.out_arcs: | |
final_marking[p] = 1 | |
for trace in log: | |
cf_result = align_alg.apply(trace, imported_petri1, marking1, final_marking, | |
variant=align_alg.VERSION_DIJKSTRA_NO_HEURISTICS)['alignment'] | |
is_fit = True | |
for couple in cf_result: | |
if not (couple[0] == couple[1] or couple[0] == ">>" and couple[1] is None): | |
is_fit = False | |
if not is_fit: | |
raise Exception("should be fit") | |
def test_s_components(self): | |
# to avoid static method warnings in tests, | |
# that by construction of the unittest package have to be expressed in such way | |
self.dummy_variable = "dummy_value" | |
log = xes_importer.apply(os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_DIR, "running-example.xes")) | |
process_tree = inductive_miner.apply(log) | |
net, im, fm = process_tree_converter.apply(process_tree) | |
s_comps = petri_net.utils.petri_utils.get_s_components_from_petri(net, im, fm) | |
del s_comps | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
unittest.main() | |