from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer as xes_importer from pm4py.algo.discovery.inductive import algorithm as inductive_miner from pm4py.algo.conformance.alignments.decomposed import algorithm as dec_align from pm4py.algo.evaluation.replay_fitness import algorithm as rep_fit from pm4py.objects.conversion.process_tree import converter as process_tree_converter import os import time def execute_script(): # import the a32f0n00 log log = xes_importer.apply(os.path.join("..", "tests", "compressed_input_data", "09_a32f0n00.xes.gz")) # discover a model using the inductive miner process_tree = inductive_miner.apply(log) net, im, fm = process_tree_converter.apply(process_tree) # apply the alignments decomposition with a maximal number of border disagreements set to 5 aa = time.time() aligned_traces = dec_align.apply(log, net, im, fm, parameters={ dec_align.Variants.RECOMPOS_MAXIMAL.value.Parameters.PARAM_THRESHOLD_BORDER_AGREEMENT: 5}) bb = time.time() print(bb-aa) # print(aligned_traces) # calculate the fitness over the recomposed alignment (use the classical evaluation) fitness = rep_fit.evaluate(aligned_traces, variant=rep_fit.Variants.ALIGNMENT_BASED) print(fitness) if __name__ == "__main__": execute_script()