import pm4py from examples import examples_conf import importlib.util import os def execute_script(): # reads a XES log log = pm4py.read_xes(os.path.join("..", "tests", "input_data", "receipt.xes")) if importlib.util.find_spec("graphviz"): # generates the default dotted chart (timestamp on X-axis, case ID on Y-axis, activity as color) pm4py.view_dotted_chart(log, format=examples_conf.TARGET_IMG_FORMAT) # generates the dotted chart with the activity on the X-axis, the resource on the Y-axis, and the group # as color pm4py.view_dotted_chart(log, format=examples_conf.TARGET_IMG_FORMAT, attributes=["concept:name", "org:resource", "org:group"]) if __name__ == "__main__": execute_script()