import runpy from os.path import dirname, join from pathlib import Path from setuptools import setup, find_packages # Import only the metadata of the pm4py to use in the setup. We cannot import it directly because # then we need to import packages that are about to be installed by the setup itself. meta_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "pm4py" / "" meta = runpy.run_path(str(meta_path)) def read_file(filename): with open(join(dirname(__file__), filename)) as f: return setup( name=meta['__name__'], version=meta['__version__'], description=meta['__doc__'].strip(), long_description=read_file(''), author=meta['__author__'], author_email=meta['__author_email__'], py_modules=['pm4py'], include_package_data=True, packages=[x for x in find_packages() if x.startswith("pm4py")], url='', license='GPL 3.0', install_requires=read_file("requirements.txt").split("\n"), project_urls={ 'Documentation': '', 'Source': '', 'Tracker': '', } )