Runtime error
Runtime error
add sonnet support
Browse files
@@ -75,13 +75,14 @@ def do( business_id, business_name, address):
75 |
extracted_results = extract_results( crawled_results, classes=classes)
76 |
# logger.error(extracted_results['extracted_results'].columns)
77 |
extracted_results = extracted_results['extracted_results'][ [ 'business_id', 'business_name', 'address', 'category', 'evidence', 'phone_number', 'description', 'store_name'] ]
78 |
79 |
postprocessed_results = postprocess_result( extracted_results, postprocessed_results_path="/tmp/postprocessed_results.joblib", category_hierarchy=category2supercategory)
80 |
81 |
82 |
formatted_results = format_output( postprocessed_results)
83 |
84 |
85 |
formatted_output = format_category( formatted_results)
86 |
87 |
img = plot_wordcloud(formatted_results['formatted_evidence'].values[0])
75 |
extracted_results = extract_results( crawled_results, classes=classes)
76 |
# logger.error(extracted_results['extracted_results'].columns)
77 |
extracted_results = extracted_results['extracted_results'][ [ 'business_id', 'business_name', 'address', 'category', 'evidence', 'phone_number', 'description', 'store_name'] ]
78 |
logger.debug( extracted_results['category'])
79 |
80 |
postprocessed_results = postprocess_result( extracted_results, postprocessed_results_path="/tmp/postprocessed_results.joblib", category_hierarchy=category2supercategory)
81 |
82 |
83 |
formatted_results = format_output( postprocessed_results)
84 |
logger.debug( formatted_results)
85 |
86 |
formatted_output = format_category( formatted_results)
87 |
88 |
img = plot_wordcloud(formatted_results['formatted_evidence'].values[0])
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
1 |
import os
2 |
import json
3 |
import argparse
4 |
5 |
from dotenv import load_dotenv
6 |
import anthropic
7 |
from openai import OpenAI
8 |
9 |
from utils import parse_json_garbage
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
def llm( provider, model, system_prompt, user_content):
14 |
"""Invoke LLM service
15 |
16 |
17 |
provider: str
18 |
openai or anthropic
19 |
model: str
20 |
Model name for the API
21 |
system_prompt: str
22 |
System prompt for the API
23 |
user_content: str
24 |
User prompt for the API
25 |
26 |
27 |
response: str
28 |
29 |
if provider=='openai':
30 |
client = OpenAI( organization = os.getenv('ORGANIZATION_ID'))
31 |
chat_completion =
32 |
33 |
34 |
"role": "system",
35 |
"content": system_prompt
36 |
37 |
38 |
"role": "user",
39 |
"content": user_content,
40 |
41 |
42 |
model = model,
43 |
response_format = {"type": "json_object"},
44 |
temperature = 0,
45 |
# stream = True
46 |
47 |
response = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
48 |
49 |
elif provider=='anthropic':
50 |
client = anthropic.Client(api_key=os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_APIKEY'))
51 |
response = client.messages.create(
52 |
model= model,
53 |
system= system_prompt,
54 |
55 |
{"role": "user", "content": user_content} # <-- user prompt
56 |
57 |
max_tokens = 1024
58 |
59 |
response = response.content[0].text
60 |
61 |
raise Exception("Invalid provider")
62 |
63 |
return response
64 |
65 |
66 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
67 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
68 |
parser.add_argument("--provider", type=str, default='anthropic', help="openai or anthropic")
69 |
parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default='claude-3-sonnet-20240229', help="Model name for the API",
70 |
choices = ["claude-3-sonnet-20240229", "claude-3-haiku-20240307", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", "gpt-4-0125-preview"])
71 |
parser.add_argument("--classes", type=list, default=['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)', '西餐廳(餐酒館、酒吧、飛鏢吧、pub、lounge bar)', '西餐廳(土耳其、漢堡、薯條、法式、歐式、印度)', '早餐'])
72 |
parser.add_argument("--task", type=list, default='extract', choices=['extract', 'classify'])
73 |
args = parser.parse_args()
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
classes = ['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)', ]
78 |
backup_classes = [ '中式', '西式']
79 |
80 |
extraction_prompt = '''
81 |
As a helpful and rigorous retail analyst, given the provided query and a list of search results for the query,
82 |
your task is to first identify relevant information of the identical store based on store name and proxmity of address if known. After that, extract `store_name`, `address`, `description`, `category` and `phone_number` from the found relevant information, where `category` can only be `小吃店`, `日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)`, `火(鍋/爐)`, `東南亞料理(不含日韓)`, `海鮮熱炒`, `特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)`, `傳統餐廳`, `燒烤`, `韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)`, `西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)`, `西餐廳(餐酒館、酒吧、飛鏢吧、pub、lounge bar)`, `西餐廳(土耳其、漢堡、薯條、法式、歐式、印度)` or `早餐`.
83 |
It's very important to omit unrelated results. Do not make up any assumption.
84 |
Please think step by step, and output in json format. An example output json is like {"store_name": "...", "address": "...", "description": "... products, service or highlights ...", "category": "...", "phone_number": "..."}
85 |
If no relevant information has been found, simply output json with empty values.
86 |
I'll tip you and guarantee a place in heaven you do a great job completely according to my instruction.
87 |
88 |
classification_prompt = f"""
89 |
As a helpful and rigorous retail analyst, given the provided information about a store,
90 |
your task is two-fold. First, classify provided evidence below into the mostly relevant category from the following: {classes}.
91 |
Second, if no relevant information has been found, classify the evidence into the mostly relevant supercategory from the following: {backup_classes}.
92 |
It's very important to omit unrelated piece of evidence and don't make up any assumption.
93 |
Please think step by step, and must output in json format. An example output json is like {{"category": "..."}}
94 |
If no relevant piece of information can ever be found at all, simply output json with empty string "".
95 |
I'll tip you and guarantee a place in heaven you do a great job completely according to my instruction.
96 |
97 |
98 |
if args.task == 'extract':
99 |
system_prompt = extraction_prompt
100 |
elif args.task == 'classify':
101 |
system_prompt = classification_prompt
102 |
103 |
raise Exception("Invalid task")
104 |
105 |
query = "山の迴饗"
106 |
search_results = str([{"title": "山の迴饗", "snippet": "謝謝大家這麼支持山の迴饗 我們會繼續努力用心做出美味的料理 ————————— ⛰️ 山の迴饗地址:台東縣關山鎮中華路56號訂位專線:0975-957-056 · #山的迴饗 · #夢想起飛"}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館- 店家介紹", "snippet": "營業登記資料 · 統一編號. 92433454 · 公司狀況. 營業中 · 公司名稱. 山的迴饗餐館 · 公司類型. 獨資 · 資本總額. 30000 · 所在地. 臺東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號 · 使用發票."}, {"title": "關山漫遊| 💥山の迴饗x night bar", "snippet": "山の迴饗x night bar 即將在12/1號台東關山開幕! 別再煩惱池上、鹿野找不到宵夜餐酒館 各位敬請期待並關注我們✨ night bar❌山的迴饗 12/1 ..."}, {"title": "山的迴饗| 中西複合式餐廳|焗烤飯|義大利麵 - 台灣美食網", "snippet": "山的迴饗| 中西複合式餐廳|焗烤飯|義大利麵|台式三杯雞|滷肉飯|便當|CP美食營業時間 ; 星期一, 休息 ; 星期二, 10:00–14:00 16:00–21:00 ; 星期三, 10:00–14:00 16:00– ..."}, {"title": "便當|CP美食- 山的迴饗| 中西複合式餐廳|焗烤飯|義大利麵", "snippet": "餐廳山的迴饗| 中西複合式餐廳|焗烤飯|義大利麵|台式三杯雞|滷肉飯|便當|CP美食google map 導航. 臺東縣關山鎮中華路56號 +886 975 957 056 ..."}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館", "snippet": "山的迴饗餐館,統編:92433454,地址:臺東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號,負責人姓名:周偉慈,設立日期:112年11月15日."}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館", "snippet": "山的迴饗餐館. 資本總額(元), 30,000. 負責人, 周偉慈. 登記地址, 看地圖 臺東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號 郵遞區號查詢. 設立日期, 2023-11-15. 資料管理 ..."}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館, 公司統一編號92433454 - 食品業者登錄資料集", "snippet": "公司或商業登記名稱山的迴饗餐館的公司統一編號是92433454, 登錄項目是餐飲場所, 業者地址是台東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號, 食品業者登錄字號是V-202257990-00001-5."}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館, 公司統一編號92433454 - 食品業者登錄資料集", "snippet": "公司或商業登記名稱山的迴饗餐館的公司統一編號是92433454, 登錄項目是公司/商業登記, 業者地址是台東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號, 食品業者登錄字號是V-202257990-00000-4 ..."}, {"title": "山的迴饗餐館", "snippet": "負責人, 周偉慈 ; 登記地址, 台東縣關山鎮中福里中華路56號 ; 公司狀態, 核准設立 「查詢最新營業狀況請至財政部稅務入口網 」 ; 資本額, 30,000元 ; 所在縣市 ..."}, {"title": "山的迴饗 | 關山美食|焗烤飯|酒吧|義大利麵|台式三杯雞|滷肉飯|便當|CP美食", "顧客評價": "324晚餐餐點豬排簡餐加白醬焗烤等等餐點。\t店家也提供免費的紅茶 綠茶 白開水 多種的調味料自取 總而言之 CP值真的很讚\t空間舒適涼爽,店員服務周到"}, {"title": "類似的店", "snippet": "['中國菜']\t['客家料理']\t['餐廳']\t['熟食店']\t['餐廳']"}, {"telephone_number": "0975 957 056"}])
107 |
108 |
# query = "大吃一斤泰國蝦麻辣牛肉爐"
109 |
# search_results = str([{"title": "大吃一斤泰國蝦麻辣牛肉爐", "snippet": "... 一支、本店特賣價600元免費代料理、 保證、活的!歡迎來電預定0975-147-848大吃一斤活蝦料理店新北市三重區自強路一段222號泰國蝦活蝦現場料理不漲價一斤維持一斤480元."}, {"title": "大吃一斤泰國蝦麻辣牛肉爐", "snippet": "... 一支、本店特賣價600元免費代料理、 保證、活的!歡迎來電預定0975-147-848大吃一斤活蝦料理店新北市三重區自強路一段222號泰國蝦活蝦現場料理不漲價一斤維持一斤480元."}, {"title": "大吃一斤", "snippet": "大吃一斤在foodpanda點的到,更多New Taipei City 推薦美食,線上訂立即送,下載foodpanda APP,20分鐘外送上門!瀏覽菜單和獨家優惠折扣."}, {"title": "大吃一斤(新北板橋店)菜單", "snippet": "大吃一斤(新北板橋店) 在foodpanda點的到,更多New Taipei City 推薦美食,線上訂立即送,下載foodpanda APP,20分鐘外送上門!"}, {"title": "大吃一斤活蝦餐廳- 店家介紹", "snippet": "大吃一斤活蝦餐廳. 資本總額. 200000. 代表人. 李錦鴻. 所在區域. 新北市. 所在地. 新北市三重區自強路1段222號(1樓). 商業類型. 獨資. 異動紀錄. 1111108. 營業狀態為: ..."}, {"title": "新北市| 三重區大吃一斤(泰國蝦牛肉料理店)", "snippet": "大吃一斤(泰國蝦牛肉料理店) 餐廳介紹 ; phone icon 電話, 0975 147 848 ; 營業時間, 星期一17:00–04:00 星期二17:00–04:00 星期三17:00–04:00 星期四17:00– ..."}, {"title": "大吃一斤活蝦餐廳", "snippet": "大吃一斤活蝦餐廳. 負責人姓名, 李錦鴻. 地址, 新北市三重區自強路1段222號(1樓). 現況, 核准設立. 資本額(元), 200,000. 組織類型, 獨資. 登記機關, 新北市政府經濟發展局."}, {"title": "【大吃一斤(泰國蝦牛肉料理店)】網友評價- 新北三重區合菜餐廳", "snippet": "大吃一斤(泰國蝦牛肉料理店) - 網友評論、最新食記(132則) 評分: 4.4分。大吃一斤(泰國蝦牛肉料理店)是位於新北三重區的餐廳,地址: 新北市 ... 生猛活海鮮."}, {"title": "大吃一斤生猛海鮮/活魚料理超值優惠方案", "snippet": "大吃一斤生猛海鮮/活魚料理. 電話:0975-147-848. 地址:新北市三重區自強路一段222號. 營業時間:週一至週日17: ..."}, {"title": "大吃一斤三重店 (泰國蝦料理.平價快炒熱炒.各式海鮮)", "顧客評價": "塔香蛤蜊、胡椒蝦、檸檬蝦、胡椒鳳螺 口味不錯食材新鮮 拍照時蛤蜊已經快被小孩吃光\t蝦子不大,店面不大,魚腥味很重,廁所很多蚊子,連菜裡面也有蚊子🦟,根本吃不下去\t新鮮好吃😋老闆人很Nice 推薦鹽烤蝦以及蒜味奶油蝦👍👍👍"}, {"title": "類似的店", "snippet": "['海鮮']\t['海鮮']\t['海鮮']\t['海鮮']"}, {"telephone_number": "0975 147 848"}])
110 |
111 |
if args.provider == "openai":
112 |
client = OpenAI( organization = os.getenv('ORGANIZATION_ID'))
113 |
# categories = ", ".join([ "`"+x+"`" for x in args.classes if x!='早餐' ])+ " or " + "`早餐`"
114 |
user_content = f'''
115 |
`query`: `{query}`,
116 |
`search_results`: {search_results}
117 |
118 |
resp = llm( args.provider, args.model, system_prompt, user_content)
119 |
print(f"resp -> {resp}")
120 |
121 |
122 |
elif args.provider == "anthropic":
123 |
client = anthropic.Client(api_key=os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_APIKEY'))
124 |
user_content = f'''
125 |
`query`: `{query}`,
126 |
`search_results`: {search_results}
127 |
128 |
print(f"user_content -> {user_content}")
129 |
resp = llm( args.provider, args.model, system_prompt, user_content)
130 |
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import tiktoken
14 |
from openai import OpenAI
15 |
from tqdm import tqdm
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
@@ -69,69 +72,45 @@ def get_condensed_result(result):
69 |
# print( condensed_results )
70 |
return condensed_result
71 |
72 |
73 |
def compose_analysis( client, query, search_results, classes: list, model: str = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125'):
74 |
75 |
76 |
query: str
77 |
search_results: str
78 |
model: "gpt-4-0125-preview" or 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125'
79 |
80 |
response: str
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
"role": "system",
97 |
"content": system_prompt
98 |
99 |
100 |
"role": "user",
101 |
"content": f'''
102 |
`query`: `{query}`,
103 |
`search_results`: {search_results}
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
model = model,
108 |
109 |
110 |
# stream = True
111 |
112 |
# response = []
113 |
# for chunk in chat_completion:
114 |
# text = chunk.choices[0].delta.content or ""
115 |
# response.append(text)
116 |
# print( text, end="")
117 |
# return "".join(response)
118 |
response = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
119 |
return response
120 |
121 |
122 |
def compose_classication(
123 |
124 |
125 |
classes: list = ['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)', ],
126 |
backup_classes: list = [ '中式', '西式'],
127 |
model: str = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125'
128 |
) -> str:
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
evidence: str
133 |
classes: list
134 |
135 |
136 |
response: str
137 |
@@ -141,44 +120,34 @@ def compose_classication(
141 |
142 |
143 |
raise Exception(f"Incorrect classes type: {type(classes)}")
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
I'll tip you and guarantee a place in heaven you do a great job completely according to my instruction.
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
"role": "user",
160 |
"content": f'''
161 |
`evidence`: `{evidence}`
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
model = model,
166 |
167 |
168 |
# stream = True
169 |
170 |
response = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
171 |
return response
172 |
173 |
174 |
def classify_results(
175 |
analysis_results: pd.DataFrame,
176 |
input_column: str = 'evidence',
177 |
output_column: str = 'classified_category',
178 |
classes: list = ['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)'],
179 |
backup_classes: list = [ '中式', '西式']
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
analysis_results: dataframe
184 |
input_column: str
@@ -187,13 +156,13 @@ def classify_results(
187 |
188 |
analysis_results: dataframe
189 |
190 |
client = OpenAI( organization = ORGANIZATION_ID)
191 |
classified_results = analysis_results.copy()
192 |
empty_indices = []
193 |
labels = []
194 |
for idx, evidence in zip( analysis_results['index'], analysis_results[input_column]):
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
except Exception as e:
199 |
print(f"# CLASSIFICATION error -> evidence: {e}")
@@ -206,13 +175,15 @@ def classify_results(
206 |
"empty_indices": empty_indices
207 |
208 |
209 |
def classify_results_mp( extracted_results: pd.DataFrame, classified_file_path, classes, backup_classes, n_processes: int = 4):
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
classes: ['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)']
215 |
backup_classes: [ '中式', '西式']
216 |
n_processes: int
217 |
218 |
classified_results: dataframe
@@ -228,10 +199,9 @@ def classify_results_mp( extracted_results: pd.DataFrame, classified_file_path,
228 |
229 |
[ (
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
) for d in split_data]
236 |
237 |
classified_results = merge_results( classified_results, dataframe_columns=['classified_results'], list_columns=['empty_indices'])
@@ -329,16 +299,14 @@ def crawl_results_mp( data: pd.DataFrame, crawl_file_path: str, n_processes: int
329 |
print( f"total time: {time.time() - st}")
330 |
return crawled_results
331 |
332 |
def extract_results( data: pd.DataFrame, classes: list ):
333 |
334 |
335 |
data: `evidence`, `result`
336 |
337 |
extracted_results: dataframe of `extracted_evidence`
338 |
339 |
340 |
extracted_results = []
341 |
empty_indices = []
342 |
for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(data.itertuples())):
343 |
idx = d[1]
344 |
evidence = d.evidence
@@ -348,10 +316,10 @@ def extract_results( data: pd.DataFrame, classes: list ):
348 |
ana_res = None
349 |
query = compose_query( address, business_name)
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
except Exception as e:
354 |
print(f"# ANALYSIS error {e}
355 |
356 |
357 |
@@ -360,7 +328,7 @@ def extract_results( data: pd.DataFrame, classes: list ):
360 |
"business_id": business_id,
361 |
"business_name": business_name,
362 |
"evidence": evidence,
363 |
364 |
} )
365 |
extracted_results = pd.DataFrame(extracted_results)
366 |
@@ -369,9 +337,12 @@ def extract_results( data: pd.DataFrame, classes: list ):
369 |
"empty_indices": empty_indices
370 |
371 |
372 |
def extract_results_mp( crawled_results, extracted_file_path, classes: list):
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
200 records, 4 processes, 502.26914715766907
@@ -380,8 +351,8 @@ def extract_results_mp( crawled_results, extracted_file_path, classes: list):
380 |
# args.extracted_file_path = "data/extracted_results.joblib"
381 |
if not os.path.exists(extracted_file_path):
382 |
split_data = split_dataframe( crawled_results)
383 |
with mp.Pool(
384 |
extracted_results = pool.starmap( extract_results, [ (x, classes) for x in split_data])
385 |
extracted_results = merge_results( extracted_results, dataframe_columns=['extracted_results'], list_columns=['empty_indices'])
386 |
with open( extracted_file_path, "wb") as f:
387 |
joblib.dump( extracted_results, f)
@@ -522,57 +493,59 @@ def main(args):
522 |
523 |
args: argparse
524 |
525 |
526 |
## 讀取資料名單 ##
527 |
data = get_leads(args.data_path).tail(
528 |
529 |
## 進行爬蟲與分析 ##
530 |
531 |
crawled_results =
532 |
533 |
## 方法 1: 擷取關鍵資訊與分類 ##
534 |
# extracted_results = extract_results(
535 |
# crawled_results['crawled_results']
536 |
# )
537 |
extracted_results = extract_results_mp(
538 |
crawled_results = crawled_results['crawled_results'],
539 |
extracted_file_path =
540 |
541 |
542 |
## 方法2: 直接對爬蟲結果分類 ##
543 |
# classified_results = classify_results(
544 |
# extracted_results['extracted_results'],
545 |
# input_column = 'evidence',
546 |
# output_column = 'classified_category',
547 |
# classes = ['中式', '西式'],
548 |
# backup_classes = [ '中式', '西式']
549 |
# )
550 |
classified_results = classify_results_mp(
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
## 合併分析結果 ##
559 |
combined_results = combine_results(
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
## 後處理分析結果 ##
568 |
postprossed_results = postprocess_result(
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
formatted_results = format_output( postprossed_results, input_column = 'evidence', output_column = 'formatted_evidence', format_func = format_evidence)
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
category2supercategory = {
@@ -623,15 +596,18 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
623 |
624 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
625 |
parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default="data/餐廳類型分類.xlsx - 測試清單.csv")
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
parser.add_argument("--classes", type=list, default=['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特��餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)', '西餐廳(餐酒館、酒吧、飛鏢吧、pub、lounge bar)', '西餐廳(土耳其、漢堡、薯條、法式、歐式、印度)', '早餐'])
633 |
parser.add_argument("--backup_classes", type=list, default=['中式', '西式'])
634 |
parser.add_argument("--strategy", type=str, default='
635 |
parser.add_argument("--n_processes", type=int, default=4)
636 |
args = parser.parse_args()
637 |
14 |
from openai import OpenAI
15 |
from tqdm import tqdm
16 |
17 |
from model import llm
18 |
from utils import parse_json_garbage
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
72 |
# print( condensed_results )
73 |
return condensed_result
74 |
75 |
def compose_extraction( query, search_results, classes: list, provider: str, model: str):
76 |
77 |
78 |
query: str
79 |
search_results: str
80 |
system_prompt: str
81 |
classes: list, `小吃店`, `日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)`, `火(鍋/爐)`, `東南亞料理(不含日韓)`, `海鮮熱炒`, `特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)`, `傳統餐廳`, `燒烤`, `韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)`, `西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)`, `西餐廳(餐酒館、酒吧、飛鏢吧、pub、lounge bar)`, `西餐廳(土耳其、漢堡、薯條、法式、歐式、印度)` or `早餐`
82 |
provider: "openai"
83 |
model: "gpt-4-0125-preview" or 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125'
84 |
85 |
response: str
86 |
87 |
classes = ", ".join([ "`"+x+"`" for x in classes if x!='早餐' ])+ " or " + "`早餐`"
88 |
system_prompt = f'''
89 |
As a helpful and rigorous retail analyst, given the provided query and a list of search results for the query,
90 |
your task is to first identify relevant information of the identical store based on store name and proxmity of address if known. After that, extract `store_name`, `address`, `description`, `category` and `phone_number` from the found relevant information, where `category` can only be {classes}.
91 |
It's very important to omit unrelated results. Do not make up any assumption.
92 |
Please think step by step, and output in json format. An example output json is like {{"store_name": "...", "address": "...", "description": "... products, service or highlights ...", "category": "...", "phone_number": "..."}}
93 |
If no relevant information has been found, simply output json with empty values.
94 |
I'll tip you and guarantee a place in heaven you do a great job completely according to my instruction.
95 |
96 |
user_content = f"`query`: `{query}`\n`search_results`: {search_results}"
97 |
response = llm(
98 |
provider = provider,
99 |
model = model,
100 |
system_prompt = system_prompt,
101 |
user_content = user_content
102 |
103 |
return response
104 |
105 |
106 |
def compose_classication( user_content, classes: list, backup_classes: list, provider: str, model: str) -> str:
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
evidence: str
111 |
classes: list
112 |
provider: e.g. 'openai'
113 |
model: e.g. 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125', 'gpt-4-0125-preview'
114 |
115 |
response: str
116 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
raise Exception(f"Incorrect classes type: {type(classes)}")
123 |
system_prompt = f"""
124 |
As a helpful and rigorous retail analyst, given the provided information about a store,
125 |
your task is two-fold. First, classify provided evidence below into the mostly relevant category from the following: {classes}.
126 |
Second, if no relevant information has been found, classify the evidence into the mostly relevant supercategory from the following: {backup_classes}.
127 |
It's very important to omit unrelated piece of evidence and don't make up any assumption.
128 |
Please think step by step, and must output in json format. An example output json is like {{"category": "..."}}
129 |
If no relevant piece of information can ever be found at all, simply output json with empty string "".
130 |
I'll tip you and guarantee a place in heaven you do a great job completely according to my instruction.
131 |
132 |
response = llm(
133 |
provider = provider,
134 |
model = model,
135 |
system_prompt = system_prompt,
136 |
user_content = user_content,
137 |
138 |
return response
139 |
140 |
141 |
def classify_results(
142 |
analysis_results: pd.DataFrame,
143 |
classes: list,
144 |
backup_classes: list,
145 |
provider: str,
146 |
model: str,
147 |
input_column: str = 'evidence',
148 |
output_column: str = 'classified_category',
149 |
150 |
"""Classify the results
151 |
152 |
analysis_results: dataframe
153 |
input_column: str
156 |
157 |
analysis_results: dataframe
158 |
159 |
classified_results = analysis_results.copy()
160 |
labels, empty_indices = [], []
161 |
for idx, evidence in zip( analysis_results['index'], analysis_results[input_column]):
162 |
163 |
user_content = f'''`evidence`: `{evidence}`'''
164 |
pred_cls = compose_classication( user_content, classes=classes, backup_classes=backup_classes, provider=provider, model=model)
165 |
label = parse_json_garbage(pred_cls)['category']
166 |
167 |
except Exception as e:
168 |
print(f"# CLASSIFICATION error -> evidence: {e}")
175 |
"empty_indices": empty_indices
176 |
177 |
178 |
def classify_results_mp( extracted_results: pd.DataFrame, classified_file_path: str, classes: list, backup_classes: list, provider: str, model: str, n_processes: int = 4):
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
classes: e.g. ['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特色餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)']
184 |
backup_classes: e.g. [ '中式', '西式']
185 |
186 |
187 |
n_processes: int
188 |
189 |
classified_results: dataframe
199 |
200 |
[ (
201 |
202 |
classes, backup_classes,
203 |
provider, model,
204 |
'evidence', 'classified_category',
205 |
) for d in split_data]
206 |
207 |
classified_results = merge_results( classified_results, dataframe_columns=['classified_results'], list_columns=['empty_indices'])
299 |
print( f"total time: {time.time() - st}")
300 |
return crawled_results
301 |
302 |
def extract_results( data: pd.DataFrame, classes: list, provider: str, model: str):
303 |
304 |
305 |
data: `evidence`, `result`
306 |
307 |
extracted_results: dataframe of `extracted_evidence`
308 |
309 |
extracted_results, empty_indices, ext_res = [], [], []
310 |
for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(data.itertuples())):
311 |
idx = d[1]
312 |
evidence = d.evidence
316 |
ana_res = None
317 |
query = compose_query( address, business_name)
318 |
319 |
ext_res = compose_extraction( query = query, search_results = evidence, classes = classes, provider = provider, model = model)
320 |
ext_res = parse_json_garbage(ext_res)
321 |
except Exception as e:
322 |
print(f"# ANALYSIS error: e = {e}, i = {i}, q = {query}, ext_res = {ext_res}")
323 |
324 |
325 |
328 |
"business_id": business_id,
329 |
"business_name": business_name,
330 |
"evidence": evidence,
331 |
** ext_res
332 |
} )
333 |
extracted_results = pd.DataFrame(extracted_results)
334 |
337 |
"empty_indices": empty_indices
338 |
339 |
340 |
def extract_results_mp( crawled_results, extracted_file_path, classes: list, provider: str, model: str, n_processes: int = 4):
341 |
342 |
343 |
crawled_results: dataframe
344 |
345 |
classes: list
346 |
347 |
348 |
200 records, 4 processes, 502.26914715766907
351 |
# args.extracted_file_path = "data/extracted_results.joblib"
352 |
if not os.path.exists(extracted_file_path):
353 |
split_data = split_dataframe( crawled_results)
354 |
with mp.Pool(n_processes) as pool:
355 |
extracted_results = pool.starmap( extract_results, [ (x, classes, provider, model) for x in split_data])
356 |
extracted_results = merge_results( extracted_results, dataframe_columns=['extracted_results'], list_columns=['empty_indices'])
357 |
with open( extracted_file_path, "wb") as f:
358 |
joblib.dump( extracted_results, f)
493 |
494 |
args: argparse
495 |
496 |
crawled_file_path = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.crawled_file_path)
497 |
extracted_file_path = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.extracted_file_path)
498 |
classified_file_path = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.classified_file_path)
499 |
combined_file_path = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.combined_file_path)
500 |
postprocessed_results = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.postprocessed_results)
501 |
formatted_results_path = os.path.join( args.output_dir, args.formatted_results_path)
502 |
503 |
## 讀取資料名單 ##
504 |
data = get_leads(args.data_path).tail(5)
505 |
506 |
## 進行爬蟲與分析 ##
507 |
crawled_results = crawl_results_mp( data, crawled_file_path, n_processes=args.n_processes)
508 |
crawled_results = { k:v[-5:] for k,v in crawled_results.items()}
509 |
510 |
## 方法 1: 擷取關鍵資訊與分類 ##
511 |
extracted_results = extract_results_mp(
512 |
crawled_results = crawled_results['crawled_results'],
513 |
extracted_file_path = extracted_file_path,
514 |
classes = args.classes,
515 |
provider = args.provider,
516 |
model = args.model,
517 |
n_processes = args.n_processes
518 |
519 |
520 |
## 方法2: 直接對爬蟲結果分類 ##
521 |
classified_results = classify_results_mp(
522 |
523 |
524 |
classes = args.classes,
525 |
backup_classes = args.backup_classes,
526 |
provider = args.provider,
527 |
model = args.model,
528 |
n_processes = args.n_processes
529 |
530 |
531 |
## 合併分析結果 ##
532 |
combined_results = combine_results(
533 |
534 |
535 |
src_column = 'classified_category',
536 |
tgt_column = 'category',
537 |
strategy = args.strategy
538 |
539 |
540 |
## 後處理分析結果 ##
541 |
postprossed_results = postprocess_result(
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
formatted_results = format_output( postprossed_results, input_column = 'evidence', output_column = 'formatted_evidence', format_func = format_evidence)
548 |
formatted_results.to_csv( formatted_results_path, index=False)
549 |
550 |
551 |
category2supercategory = {
596 |
597 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
598 |
parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default="data/餐廳類型分類.xlsx - 測試清單.csv")
599 |
parser.add_argument("--output_dir", type=str, help='output directory')
600 |
parser.add_argument("--classified_file_path", type=str, default="classified_results.joblib")
601 |
parser.add_argument("--extracted_file_path", type=str, default="extracted_results.joblib")
602 |
parser.add_argument("--crawled_file_path", type=str, default="crawled_results.joblib")
603 |
parser.add_argument("--combined_file_path", type=str, default="combined_results.joblib")
604 |
parser.add_argument("--postprocessed_results", type=str, default="postprocessed_results.joblib")
605 |
parser.add_argument("--formatted_results_path", type=str, default="formatted_results.csv")
606 |
parser.add_argument("--classes", type=list, default=['小吃店', '日式料理(含居酒屋,串燒)', '火(鍋/爐)', '東南亞料理(不含日韓)', '海鮮熱炒', '特��餐廳(含雞、鵝、牛、羊肉)', '傳統餐廳', '燒烤', '韓式料理(含火鍋,烤肉)', '西餐廳(含美式,義式,墨式)', '西餐廳(餐酒館、酒吧、飛鏢吧、pub、lounge bar)', '西餐廳(土耳其、漢堡、薯條、法式、歐式、印度)', '早餐'])
607 |
parser.add_argument("--backup_classes", type=list, default=['中式', '西式'])
608 |
parser.add_argument("--strategy", type=str, default='patch', choices=['replace', 'patch'])
609 |
parser.add_argument("--provider", type=str, default='anthropic', choices=['openai', 'anthropic'])
610 |
parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default='claude-3-sonnet-20240229', choices=['claude-3-sonnet-20240229', 'claude-3-haiku-20240307', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125', 'gpt-4-0125-preview'])
611 |
parser.add_argument("--n_processes", type=int, default=4)
612 |
args = parser.parse_args()
613 |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
import json
2 |
3 |
def parse_json_garbage(s):
4 |
s = s[next(idx for idx, c in enumerate(s) if c in "{["):]
5 |
6 |
return json.loads(s)
7 |
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
8 |
return json.loads(s[:e.pos])
9 |