[ | |
{ | |
"key": "Aino+Links_Sousaku_Kanojo_no_Ren'ai_Koushiki", | |
"company": "Aino+Links", | |
"name": "創作彼女の恋愛公式", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_CharaBration!_~Otome_wa_Koi_shite_Charabureru~", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "きゃらぶれーしょん! ~乙女は恋してキャラぶれる~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Dekinai_Watashi_ga,_Kurikaesu", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "できない私が、くり返す。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Hakata_DYINGZOMBIES_~Second_Chance_for_BEAUTIFUL_LIVE~", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "墓多DYINGZOMBIES ~Second Chance for BEAUTIFULLIVE~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Hataraku_Otona_no_Ren'ai_Jijou", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "働くオトナの恋愛事情", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Hataraku_Otona_no_Ren'ai_Jijou_2", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "働くオトナの恋愛事情2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Maho_x_Roba_-Witches_Spiritual_Home-", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "まほ×ろば -Witches spiritual home-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "AKABEiSOFT3_Ryuukishi_Bloody_†_Saga", | |
"company": "あかべぇそふとすりぃ", | |
"name": "竜騎士 Bloody†Saga", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Clover_Day's", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "Clover Day's", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Onigokko!", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "鬼ごっこ!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Onigokko!_Fandisc", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "鬼ごっこ! ファンディスク", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Shogun-sama_wa_Otoshigoro", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "将軍様はお年頃", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Shogun-sama_wa_Otoshigoro_Fandisc_-Gosanke_Da_yo!_Zen'in_Shuugou-", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "将軍様はお年頃 ふぁんでぃすく -御三家だヨ!全員集合-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ALcot_Yomegami_My_Sweet_Goddess!", | |
"company": "ALcot", | |
"name": "よめがみ My Sweet Goddess!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Alice_Soft_Choukou_Shinki_Ixseal", | |
"company": "アリスソフト", | |
"name": "超昂神騎エクシール", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Alice_Soft_doHna_doHna_-Issho_ni_Warui_Koto_o_Shiyou-", | |
"company": "アリスソフト", | |
"name": "ドーナドーナ いっしょにわるいことをしよう", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Alice_Soft_Evenicle_2", | |
"company": "アリスソフト", | |
"name": "イブニクル2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Alice_Soft_Rance_03_-_Leazas_Kanraku", | |
"company": "アリスソフト", | |
"name": "ランス03 リーザス陥落", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Futamata_Ren'ai", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "フタマタ恋愛", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Futamata_Ren'ai_-_Rui_&_Miyako_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "フタマタ恋愛 瑠衣&宮子ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Futamata_Ren'ai_-_Yua_&_Kirame_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "フタマタ恋愛 結愛&煌ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Karigurashi_Ren'ai", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "かりぐらし恋愛", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Koibana_Ren'ai", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "コイバナ恋愛", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Koibana_Ren'ai_-_Mini_Fandisk_-_After_Festival", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "コイバナ恋愛 ミニファンディスク アフターフェスティバル", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Puramai_Wars", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "プラマイウォーズ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai,_Karichaimashita", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛、借りちゃいました", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai,_Karichaimashita_-_Emi_&_Hasumi_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛、借りちゃいました 絵未&葉澄ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai,_Karichaimashita_-_Tsubaki_&_Chinatsu_&_Konatsu_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛、借りちゃいました 椿&千夏&小夏ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai_x_Royale", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛×ロワイアル", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai_x_Royale_-_Mari_&_Shione_&_Ao_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛×ロワイアル まり&汐音&蒼ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Ren'ai_x_Royale_-_Nonoka_&_Renna_&_Yuna_Mini_After_Story", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "恋愛×ロワイアル 乃々香&蓮菜&由奈ミニアフターストーリー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ASa_Project_Suki_to_Suki_to_de_Sankaku_Ren'ai", | |
"company": "ASa Project", | |
"name": "スキとスキとでサンカク恋愛", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft+1_Makimura_Hazuki_no_Koigatari", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと+1", | |
"name": "槇村葉月の恋語り", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft+1_Uchi_no_Aruji_wa_Youkai_no_Joushiki_o_Shiranai", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと+1", | |
"name": "うちの主は妖怪の常識を知らない", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Aibeya", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アイベヤ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Aibeya_2", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アイベヤ2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Aikagi_2", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アイカギ2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Aikagi_3", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アイカギ3", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amaemi_-longing_for_you-", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマエミ -longing for you-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano+", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ+", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano_-_Perfect_Edition", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ~Perfect Edition~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano_2+", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ2+", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano_2_-_Perfect_Edition", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ2~Perfect Edition~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano_~Second_Season~", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ~Second Season~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amakano_~Second_Season~+", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマカノ~Second Season~+", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Amanatsu_-_Perfect_Edition", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アマナツ~Perfect Edition~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Asuka-san_wa_Nabikanai", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "アスカさんはなびかない", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Maid-san_no_Iru_Kurashi", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "メイドさんのいる暮らし", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Maid-san_no_Iru_Kurashi_S", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "メイドさんのいる暮らしS", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Osananajimi_no_Iru_Kurashi", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "幼馴染のいる暮らし", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Royal_Garden_~Otome_ni_Koi_Suru_Ouji_no_Gikyoku~", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "ロイヤルガーデン~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Tomodachi_Kara_Koibito_e", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "友だちから恋びとへ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azarashi_Soft_Toshishita_Kanojo", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "年下彼女", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azurite_Akumade,_Kore_wa_~_no_Monogatari", | |
"company": "Azurite", | |
"name": "あくまで、これは~の物語", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Azurite_Tamayura_Mirai", | |
"company": "Azurite", | |
"name": "タマユラミライ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Barista_Lab_Anabel_Maidgarden", | |
"company": "Barista Lab", | |
"name": "アナベル・メイドガーデン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Barista_Lab_Lilium_Wedding_Plan", | |
"company": "Barista Lab", | |
"name": "リリウム・ウェディングプラン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Barista_Lab_Sora_no_Ao_to_Shiro_to_Mabataki_no_Natsu", | |
"company": "Barista Lab", | |
"name": "空の青と白と/瞬きの夏", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Momoiro_†_Sengoku_[Miku_Hen]", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "桃色†戦国[美空編]", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Sengoku_†_Koihime_EX+PLUS_~Iyashi_Tokoro,_Kensuke_Hen~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "戦国†恋姫EX+PLUS ~癒し処、剣丞編~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Sengoku_†_Koihime_EX_1_~Oushuu_no_Dokugan_Ryuu_Hen~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "戦国†恋姫EX壱 ~奥州の独眼竜編~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Sengoku_†_Koihime_EX_2_~Oni_no_Kuni,_Echizen_Hen~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "戦国†恋姫EX弐 ~鬼の国、越前編~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Sengoku_†_Koihime_EX_3_~Mouri_Ke_no_Kizuna_Hen~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "戦国†恋姫EX参 ~毛利家の絆編~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Sengoku_†_Koihime_~Otome_Kenran_☆_Sengoku_Emaki~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_-_Gaiden_-_Hakugetsu_no_Tomoshibi", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚外伝 -白月の灯火-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_1_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi_[Shoku]~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚1 ~乙女艶乱☆三国志演義[蜀]~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_2_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi_[Gi]~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚2 ~乙女艶乱☆三国志演義[魏]~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_3_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi_[Go]~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚3 ~乙女艶乱☆三国志演義[呉]~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_4_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi_[Go]~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚4 ~乙女耀乱☆三国志演義[呉]~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_5_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi_[Gi]~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚5 ~乙女耀乱☆三国志演義[魏]~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Eiyuutan_PLUS_~Otome_Enran_☆_Sangokushi_Engi~", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†英雄譚123+PLUS ~乙女艶乱☆三国志演義~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Musou_-Kakumei-_Ryuuki_no_Taimou", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†夢想-革命- 劉旗の大望", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Musou_-Kakumei-_Son_Go_no_Ketsumyaku", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†夢想-革命- 孫呉の血脈", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BaseSon_Shin_Koihime_†_Musou_-Kakumei-_Souten_no_Haou", | |
"company": "BaseSon", | |
"name": "真・恋姫†夢想-革命- 蒼天の覇王", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "BasiL_Sore_wa_Maichiru_Sakura_no_You_ni", | |
"company": "BasiL", | |
"name": "それは舞い散る桜のように", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Bug_System_Haze_Man_-The_Local_Hero-", | |
"company": "バグシステム", | |
"name": "ヘイズマン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Bug_System_Manakashi_no_Yuri_wa_Akaku_Somaru", | |
"company": "バグシステム", | |
"name": "真愛の百合は赤く染まる", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Bug_System_Shiniyuku_Kimi,_Yakata_ni_Mebuku_Zouo", | |
"company": "バグシステム", | |
"name": "死に逝く君、館に芽吹く憎悪", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Bug_System_Shiniyuku_Kishi,_Isekai_ni_Hibiku_Danmatsuma", | |
"company": "バグシステム", | |
"name": "死に逝く騎士、異世界に響く断末魔", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Cabbage_Soft_Hoshi_Koi_Twinkle", | |
"company": "きゃべつそふと", | |
"name": "星恋*ティンクル", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "catwalkNero_Anastasia_to_7-nin_no_Himegami_~Inmon_no_Rakuin~", | |
"company": "catwalkNero", | |
"name": "アナスタシアと7人の姫神 ~淫紋の烙印~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CIRCUS_D.C.4_~Da_Capo_4~_Fortunate_Departures", | |
"company": "CIRCUS", | |
"name": "D.C.4 ~ダ・カーポ4~ フォーチュネイトデパーチャーズ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CIRCUS_D.C.4_~Da_Capo_4~_Sweet_Harmony", | |
"company": "CIRCUS", | |
"name": "D.C.4 ~ダ・カーポ4~ スイートハーモニー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CIRCUS_D.C.5_~Da_Capo_5~", | |
"company": "CIRCUS", | |
"name": "D.C.5 ~ダ・カーポ5~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CIRCUS_D.C.5_~Da_Capo_5~_Future_Link", | |
"company": "CIRCUS", | |
"name": "D.C.5 ~ダ・カーポ5~ フューチャーリンク", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CIRCUS_Royal_Garden_~Otome_ni_Koi_Suru_Ouji_no_Gikyoku~", | |
"company": "あざらしそふと", | |
"name": "ロイヤルガーデン~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "COSMIC_CUTE_Gleam_Garden_no_Shoujo_-witch_in_gleamgarden-", | |
"company": "COSMIC CUTE", | |
"name": "グリムガーデンの少女 -witch in gleamgarden-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "COSMIC_CUTE_Lovesick_Puppies_-Bokura_wa_Koi_Suru_Tame_ni_Umaretekita-", | |
"company": "COSMIC CUTE", | |
"name": "LOVESICK PUPPIES -僕らは恋するために生まれてきた-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Akatsuki_Yureru_Koi_Akari", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "紅月ゆれる恋あかり", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Asahi_to_One_Room_~Toaru_Natsu_no_Ichinichi~", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "旭とワンルーム ~とある夏の一日~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Kizuna_Kirameku_Koi_Iroha", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "絆きらめく恋いろは", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Kizuna_Kirameku_Koi_Iroha_-Tsubaki_Renka-", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "絆きらめく恋いろは 椿恋歌", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Momiji_to_One_Room_~Toaru_Natsu_no_Ichinichi~", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "紅葉とワンルーム ~とある夏の一日~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_RED_Cherish!", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "RE:D Cherish!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_RED_Cherish!_-Eternity_Blood-", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "RE:D Cherish! -Eternity Blood-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_RED_Cherish!_SS_Des_no_One_Operation", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "RE:D Cherish! SS デスのワンオペレーション", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_RED_Cherish!_SS_Rouge_no_One_Operation", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "RE:D Cherish! SS ルージュのワンオペレーション", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Setsuna_ni_Kakeru_Koi_Hanabi", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "刹那にかける恋はなび", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Shion_to_One_Room_-Kizuna_Kirameku_Koi_Iroha_SS-", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "詩音とワンルーム -絆きらめく恋いろは SS-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Shiraha_Kirameku_Koi_Shirabe", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "白刃きらめく恋しらべ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CRYSTALiA_Tsubaki_to_One_Room_-Kizuna_Kirameku_Koi_Iroha_SS-", | |
"company": "CRYSTALiA", | |
"name": "椿とワンルーム -絆きらめく恋いろは SS-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Kami-sama_no_You_na_Kimi_e_Extended_Edition", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "神様のような君へ Extended Edition", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Koishi_Irodoru_Seigiranman", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "恋し彩る正義爛漫", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Koi_Suru_Kanojo_no_Bukiyou_na_Butai", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "恋する彼女の不器用な舞台", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Kurano-kunchi_no_Futago_Jijou", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "倉野くんちのふたご事情", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Mamiya-kunchi_no_Itsutsugo_Jijou", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "間宮くんちの五つ子事情", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Natsu_no_Owari", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "夏ノ終熄", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Neko_to_Wakai_Seyo!", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "ネコと女子寮せよ!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Same_to_Ikiru_Nanokakan", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "サメと生きる七日間", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Umi_to_Yuki_no_Cyan_Blue", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "海と雪のシアンブルー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Your_Diary_+_H", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "your diary+H", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "CUBE_Yurameku_Kokoro_ni_Michita_Sekai_de,_Kimi_no_Yume_to_Yokubou_wa_Kanau_ka", | |
"company": "CUBE", | |
"name": "ゆらめく心に満ちた世界で、君の夢と欲望は叶うか", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "DiGination_FLIP_FLOP_~INNOCENCE_OVERCLOCK~", | |
"company": "DiGination", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "DiGination_FLIP_FLOP_~RAMBLING_OVERRUN~", | |
"company": "DiGination", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Damatte_Watashi_no_Muko_ni_Nare!", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "黙って私のムコになれ!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Golden_Marriage", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "ゴールデンマリッジ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Golden_Marriage_-Jewel_Days-", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "ゴールデンマリッジ -ジュエルデイズ-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Hana_to_Otome_ni_Shukufuku_o_-Royal_Bouquet-", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "花と乙女に祝福を ロイヤルブーケ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Hana_wa_Mijikashi,_Odoreyo_Otome", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "花は短し、踊れよ乙女", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Hoshi_no_Otome_to_Rikka_no_Shimai", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "星の乙女と六華の姉妹", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Koi_Suru_Kimochi_no_Kasanekata", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "恋する気持ちのかさねかた", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Koi_wa_Sotto_Saku_Hana_no_You_ni_~Futari_wa_Eien_ni_Yorisotte_Iku~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "恋はそっと咲く花のように ~二人は永遠に寄り添っていく~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Ojou-sama_wa_Gokigen_Naname", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Ojou-sama_wa_Sunao_ni_Narenai", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "お嬢様は素直になれない", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Ojou-sama_wa_Sunao_ni_Narenai_~Daisuki_o_Kimi_dake_ni~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "お嬢様は素直になれない ~大好きを君だけに~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Omoi_o_Sasageru_Otome_no_Melody", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "想いを捧げる乙女のメロディー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Omoi_o_Sasageru_Otome_no_Melody_~Afureru_Omoi_o_Shirabe_ni_Nosete~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "想いを捧げる乙女のメロディー ~溢れる想いを調べに乗せて~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_Domain_Collab_Mini_ADV", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "オトメ*ドメイン コラボミニADV", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Irodoru_Koi_no_Essence", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Irodoru_Koi_no_Essence_~Egao_de_Orinasu_Mirai~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス ~笑顔で織りなす未来~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Kanaderu_Koi_no_Aria", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が奏でる恋のアリア", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Kanaderu_Koi_no_Aria_~Kimi_ni_Sasageru_Encore~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が奏でる恋のアリア ~君に捧げるアンコール~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Musubu_Tsukiyo_no_Kirameki", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_ga_Musubu_Tsukiyo_no_Kirameki_Fullmoon_Days", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女が結ぶ月夜の煌めき Fullmoon Days", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Otome_no_Ken_to_Himegoto_Concerto", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "乙女の剣と秘め事コンチェルト", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Sakura_Mau_Otome_no_Rondo", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "桜舞う乙女のロンド", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Sakura_Mau_Otome_no_Rondo_~Anata_to_Miru_Fuyuzakura~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "桜舞う乙女のロンド ~あなたと見る冬桜~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Secret_Agent_Kagebana_~Shadow_Flower~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "Secret Agent 影華 ~shadow flower~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Secret_Agent_~Kishi_Gakuen_no_Shinobi_Naru_Mono~", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "Secret Agent ~騎士学園の忍びなるもの~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ensemble_Shiny_Sisters", | |
"company": "ensemble", | |
"name": "シャイニー・シスターズ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_AstralAir_no_Shiroki_Towa", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "アストラエアの白き永遠", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_AstralAir_no_Shiroki_Towa_Finale_-Shiroki_Hoshi_no_Yume-", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "アストラエアの白き永遠 Finale -白き星の夢-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_Hoshizora_no_Memoria_-Eternal_Heart-_HD", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "星空のメモリア -Eternal Heart- HD", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_Hoshizora_no_Memoria_-Wish_Upon_a_Shooting_Star-_HD", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "星空のメモリア -Wish upon a shooting star- HD", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_Irotoridori_no_Sekai_HD", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "いろとりどりのセカイ HD", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "FAVORITE_Sakura,_Moyu._-as_the_Night's,_Reincarnation-", | |
"company": "FAVORITE", | |
"name": "さくら、もゆ。 -as the Night's, Reincarnation-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "feng_Yume_to_Iro_de_Dekiteiru", | |
"company": "feng", | |
"name": "夢と色でできている", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Fluorite_Missing-X-Link_~Ten_no_Yurikago,_Togi_no_Hana~", | |
"company": "Fluorite", | |
"name": "Missing-X-Link ~天のゆりかご、伽の花~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Fluorite_Sorceress__Alive!_~the_World's_End_Fallen_Star~", | |
"company": "Fluorite", | |
"name": "ソーサレス*アライヴ! ~the World's End Fallen Star~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Corona_Blossom_Vol.1", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "コロナ・ブロッサム Vol.1", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Corona_Blossom_Vol.2", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "コロナ・ブロッサム Vol.2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Corona_Blossom_Vol.3", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "コロナ・ブロッサム Vol.3", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_GINKA", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "GINKA", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Chronos_Rebellion", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア クロノスリベリオン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.1", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.1", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.2", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.3", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.3", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.4", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.4", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.5", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.5", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.5.5", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.5.5", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.6", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.6", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.7", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.7", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Frontwing_Grisaia_Phantom_Trigger_Vol.8", | |
"company": "Frontwing", | |
"name": "グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol.8", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hearts_Koi_Saku_Miyako_ni_Ai_no_Yakusoku_o_~Annaffiare~", | |
"company": "Hearts", | |
"name": "恋咲く都に愛の約束を ~Annaffiare~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hearts_Koi_Suru_Kokoro_to_Mahou_no_Kotoba", | |
"company": "Hearts", | |
"name": "恋するココロと魔法のコトバ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hearts_Natsuiro_Kokoro_Log", | |
"company": "Hearts", | |
"name": "ナツイロココロログ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hearts_Natsuiro_Kokoro_Log_~Happy_Summer~", | |
"company": "Hearts", | |
"name": "ナツイロココロログ ~Happy Summer~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Heliodor_Ryuusei_World_Actor", | |
"company": "Heliodor", | |
"name": "流星ワールドアクター", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "hibiki_works_PRETTY×CATION", | |
"company": "hibiki works", | |
"name": "PRETTY×CATION", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "hibiki_works_PRETTY×CATION2", | |
"company": "hibiki works", | |
"name": "PRETTY×CATION2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Deatte_5-fun_wa_Ore_no_Mono!_Jikan_Teishi_to_Atropos", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "出会って5分は俺のもの! 時間停止と不可避な運命", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Imouto_no_Okage_de_Motesugite_Yabai", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "妹のおかげでモテすぎてヤバい。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Kamidanomi_Shisugite_Ore_no_Mirai_ga_Yabai", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "神頼みしすぎて俺の未来がヤバい。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Ore_no_Cupid_ga_Ponkotsu_Sugite_Kowa~i", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "俺の恋天使がポンコツすぎてコワ~い。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Ore_no_Hitomi_de_Maruhadaka!_Fukachi_na_Mirai_to_Misukasu_Vision", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "俺の瞳で丸裸! 不可知な未来と視透かす運命", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Ore_no_Sugata_ga,_Toumei_ni!_Invisible_to_Suuki_na_Unmei", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "俺の姿が、透明に!? 不可視の薬と数奇な運命", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_With_Ribbon", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "With Ribbon", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Hulotte_Yome_Sagashi_ga_Hakadorisugite_Yabai", | |
"company": "Hulotte", | |
"name": "嫁探しが捗りすぎてヤバい。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "KAI_Aoi_Sora_no_Camus", | |
"company": "KAI", | |
"name": "青い空のカミュ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Angel_Beats!_-1st_beat-", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "Angel Beats! -1st beat-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_LUNARiA_-Virtualized_Moonchild-", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "LUNARiA -Virtualized Moonchild-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Prima_Doll_Fuyuzora_Hanabi_Sekka_Mon'you", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "プリマドール 冬空花火/雪華文様", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Rewrite+", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "Rewrite+", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Rewrite_Harvest_festa!", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "Rewrite Harvest festa!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Summer_Pockets", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "Summer Pockets", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "key_Tsui_no_Stella", | |
"company": "Key", | |
"name": "終のステラ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Lass_Mayoeru_Futari_to_Sekai_no_Subete", | |
"company": "Lass", | |
"name": "迷える2人とセカイのすべて", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Liaison_Amase-Jima_wa_Irokoi_Zakari", | |
"company": "Liaison", | |
"name": "天瀬島は色恋ざかり", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Lose_Maitetsu", | |
"company": "Lose", | |
"name": "まいてつ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Lump_of_Sugar_Animal☆Panic", | |
"company": "Lump of Sugar", | |
"name": "あにまる☆ぱにっく", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Madosoft_Hamidashi_Creative", | |
"company": "まどそふと", | |
"name": "はみだしクリエイティブ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Madosoft_Hamidashi_Creative_Totsu", | |
"company": "まどそふと", | |
"name": "はみだしクリエイティブ凸", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Madosoft_Raspberry_Cube", | |
"company": "まどそふと", | |
"name": "ラズベリーキューブ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Madosoft_Wagamama_High_Spec_OC", | |
"company": "まどそふと", | |
"name": "ワガママハイスペックOC", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Makura_Sakura_no_Toki_-Sakura_no_Mori_no_Shita_o_Ayumu-", | |
"company": "枕", | |
"name": "サクラノ刻 -櫻の森の下を歩む-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_12_no_Tsuki_no_Eve", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "12の月のイヴ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Eden_They_Were_Only_Two,_On_The_Planet", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "eden* They were only two, on the planet.", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Natsuzora_no_Perseus", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "夏空のペルセウス", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Sono_Hi_no_Kemono_ni_wa,", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "その日の獣には、", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Soreyori_no_Prologue", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "ソレヨリノ前奏詩", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Supipara_Story_#01_-_Spring_Has_Come!", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Trinoline", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "トリノライン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Trinoline_Genesis", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "トリノライン:ジェネシス", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Tsumi_no_Hikari_Rendezvous", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "罪ノ光ランデヴー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "minori_Tsumi_no_Hikari_Rendezvous_Mikan_Blossom", | |
"company": "minori", | |
"name": "罪ノ光ランデヴー みかんブロッサム", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Kimi_to_Mezameru_Ikutsuka_no_Houhou", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "君と目覚める幾つかの方法", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Otome_Riron_to_Sono_go_no_Shuuhen_-Belle_Epoque-", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "乙女理論とその後の周辺 -Belle Époque-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Otome_Riron_to_Sono_Shuuhen_-Ecole_de_Paris-", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "乙女理論とその周辺 -École de Paris-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Princess_x_Princess", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "Princess×Princess", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_SHUFFLE!_Episode_2_~Kami_ni_mo_Akuma_ni_mo_Nerawareteiru_Otoko~", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "SHUFFLE! エピソード2 ~神にも悪魔にも狙われている男~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_SPIRAL!!", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "SPIRAL!!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Tsuki_ni_Yorisou_Otome_no_Sahou_-Full_Voice_Edition-", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "月に寄りそう乙女の作法 -Full Voice Edition-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Navel_Tsuki_ni_Yorisou_Otome_no_Sahou_2", | |
"company": "Navel", | |
"name": "月に寄りそう乙女の作法2", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Orthros_Zwei_Trigger", | |
"company": "Orthros", | |
"name": "ツヴァイトリガー", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Palette_9-nine-_Deluxe_Edition", | |
"company": "ぱれっと", | |
"name": "9-nine- Deluxe Edition", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Palette_Mashiro_Iro_Symphony_-Love_is_pure_white-_Remake_for_FHD", | |
"company": "ぱれっと", | |
"name": "ましろ色シンフォニー -Love is pure white- Remake for FHD", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Palette_Qualia_Otome_Domain", | |
"company": "ぱれっとクオリア", | |
"name": "オトメ*ドメイン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Kono_Oozora_ni,_Tsubasa_o_Hirogete", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "この大空に、翼をひろげて", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Kono_Oozora_ni,_Tsubasa_o_Hirogete_Flight_Diary", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "この大空に、翼をひろげて FLIGHT DIARY", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Miagete_Goran,_Yozora_no_Hoshi_o", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "見上げてごらん、夜空の星を", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Miagete_Goran,_Yozora_no_Hoshi_o_Fine_Days", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "見上げてごらん、夜空の星を FINE DAYS", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Miagete_Goran,_Yozora_no_Hoshi_o_Interstellar_Focus", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "見上げてごらん、夜空の星を Interstellar Focus", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "PULLTOP_Pure_Song_Garden!", | |
"company": "PULLTOP", | |
"name": "ピュアソングガーデン!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Amatsutsumi", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "アマツツミ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Aoi_Tori", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "アオイトリ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Chrono_Clock", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "クロノクロック", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Criminal_Border_1st_offence", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "クリミナルボーダー 1st offence", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Criminal_Border_2nd_offence", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "クリミナルボーダー 2nd offence", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Purple_software_Criminal_Border_3rd_offence", | |
"company": "Purple software", | |
"name": "クリミナルボーダー 3rd offence", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Qoobrand_Majo_Koi_Nikki", | |
"company": "Qoobrand", | |
"name": "魔女こいにっき", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Qruppo_Hentai_Prison", | |
"company": "Qruppo", | |
"name": "ヘンタイ・プリズン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Qruppo_Nukige_Mitai_na_Shima_ni_Sunderu_Watashi_wa_Dou_Surya_Ii_Desu_ka", | |
"company": "Qruppo", | |
"name": "抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる私はどうすりゃいいですか?", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Recette_Shugaten!_-sugarfull_tempering-", | |
"company": "Recette", | |
"name": "しゅがてん!-sugarfull tempering-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "AMBITIOUS MISSION", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_AMBITIOUS_MISSION_After_Episode_1_Kaguya_&_Atena", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "AMBITIOUS MISSION アフターエピソード1 かぐや&アテナ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_AMBITIOUS_MISSION_After_Episode_2_Yae_&_Nijimu_&_Charl", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "AMBITIOUS MISSION アフターエピソード2 八重&にじむ&シャル", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Floral_Flowlove", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "フローラル・フローラブ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Hanasaki_Work_Spring!", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "花咲ワークスプリング!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Hatsuyuki_Sakura", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "はつゆきさくら", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Kakenuke★Seishun_Sparking!", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "かけぬけ★青春スパーキング!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Karumaruka_Circle", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "カルマルカ*サークル", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Kin'iro_Loveriche", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "金色ラブリッチェ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "SAGA_PLANETS_Kin'iro_Loveriche_-Golden_Time-", | |
"company": "SAGA PLANETS", | |
"name": "金色ラブリッチェ -Golden Time-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sonora_Boku_no_Mirai_wa,_Koi_to_Kakin_to._~Charge_To_The_Future~", | |
"company": "Sonora", | |
"name": "僕の未来は、恋と課金と。~Charge To The Future~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sonora_Hibikino-san-chi_wa_Eroge-ya-san!", | |
"company": "Sonora", | |
"name": "響野さん家はエロゲ屋さん!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sonora_Onaji_Class_no_Idol-san._Around_me_is_full_by_a_celebrity", | |
"company": "Sonora", | |
"name": "同じクラスのアイドルさん。Around me is full by a celebrity", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sonora_Uchi_wa_Mou,_Enki_Dekinai", | |
"company": "Sonora", | |
"name": "ウチはもう、延期できない。", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sphere_Berry's", | |
"company": "Sphere", | |
"name": "Berry's", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sphere_Haruka_na_Sora", | |
"company": "Sphere", | |
"name": "ハルカナソラ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sphere_Imouto_no_Katachi", | |
"company": "Sphere", | |
"name": "妹のカタチ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sphere_Yosuga_no_Sora", | |
"company": "Sphere", | |
"name": "ヨスガノソラ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sumikko_Soft_Akiyume_Kukuru", | |
"company": "すみっこソフト", | |
"name": "あきゆめくくる", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Sweet_&_Tea_Karenai_Sekai_to_Owaru_Hana", | |
"company": "SWEET&TEA", | |
"name": "枯れない世界と終わる花", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "tone_work's_Gin'iro,_Haruka", | |
"company": "tone work's", | |
"name": "銀色、遥か", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "tone_work's_Hatsukoi_11", | |
"company": "tone work's", | |
"name": "初恋1/1", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "tone_work's_Hoshi_Ori_Yume_Mirai_-_Perfect_Edition", | |
"company": "tone work's", | |
"name": "星織ユメミライ -Perfect Edition-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "tone_work's_Tsuki_no_Kanata_de_Aimashou", | |
"company": "tone work's", | |
"name": "月の彼方で逢いましょう", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "tone_work's_Tsuki_no_Kanata_de_Aimashou_SweetSummerRainbow", | |
"company": "tone work's", | |
"name": "月の彼方で逢いましょう SweetSummerRainbow", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Unison_Shift_Anata_ni_Koi_Suru_Ren'ai_Recette", | |
"company": "ユニゾンシフト", | |
"name": "あなたに恋する恋愛ルセット", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Unison_Shift_Blossom_Tokeijikake_no_Ley_Line_-Asagiri_ni_Chiru_Hana-", | |
"company": "ユニゾンシフト:ブロッサム", | |
"name": "時計仕掛けのレイライン -朝霧に散る花-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Unison_Shift_Blossom_Tokeijikake_no_Ley_Line_-Tasogaredoki_no_Kyoukaisen-", | |
"company": "ユニゾンシフト:ブロッサム", | |
"name": "時計仕掛けのレイライン -黄昏時の境界線-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Unison_Shift_Blossom_Tokeijikake_no_Ley_Line_-Zan'ei_no_Yoru_ga_Akeru_Toki-", | |
"company": "ユニゾンシフト:ブロッサム", | |
"name": "時計仕掛けのレイライン -残影の夜が明ける時-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Us_track_Koi_x_Shin_Ai_Kanojo", | |
"company": "Us:track", | |
"name": "恋×シンアイ彼女", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "WhitePowder_LAMUNATION!", | |
"company": "WhitePowder", | |
"name": "LAMUNATION!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Hatsukoi_Sankaime", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "初恋サンカイメ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_HHG_Megami_no_Shuuen", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "HHG 女神の終焉", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Hyper→Highspeed→Genius", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "Hyper→Highspeed→Genius", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Kamigakari_Cross_Heart!", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "神がかりクロスハート!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Happiness!_2_ReLucks", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "はぴねす!2 りらっくす", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Happiness!_2_Sakura_Celebration", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "はぴねす!2 Sakura Celebration", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Harukaze_Sensation!", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "春風センセーション!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Shukufuku_no_Campanella_-_Plus_Stories", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "祝福のカンパネラ Plus Stories", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Shukusai_no_Campanella!", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "祝祭のカンパネラ!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Witch's_Garden", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "ウィッチズガーデン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Oasis_Wizards_Complex", | |
"company": "ウィンドミルOasis", | |
"name": "ウィザーズコンプレックス", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Unlucky_Re_Birth_Reverse", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "アンラッキーリバース", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Windmill_Yakusoku_no_Natsu,_Mahoroba_no_Yume", | |
"company": "ウィンドミル", | |
"name": "約束の夏、まほろばの夢", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Wonder_Fool_Kanata_no_Ningyo_Hime", | |
"company": "Wonder Fool", | |
"name": "彼方の人魚姫", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Wonder_Fool_Maokatsu!_~Maou_to_Yuusha_no_Idol_Seikatsu~", | |
"company": "Wonder Fool", | |
"name": "まおかつ!~魔王と勇者のアイドル生活~", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Wonder_Fool_Yukiiro_Sign", | |
"company": "Wonder Fool", | |
"name": "ユキイロサイン", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_Amairo_Islenauts", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "天色*アイルノーツ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_Cafe_Stella_to_Shinigami_no_Chou", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "喫茶ステラと死神の蝶", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_DRACU-RIOT!", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "DRACU-RIOT!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_RIDDLE_JOKER", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "RIDDLE JOKER", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_Sanoba_Witch", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "サノバウィッチ", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "Yuzusoft_Tenshi☆Souzou_RE-BOOT!", | |
"company": "ゆずソフト", | |
"name": "天使☆騒々 RE-BOOT!", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_-Kami_ga_Tsukuritamouta_Shoujo-tachi-", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡 -神が造りたもうた少女たち-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_-Kotowari_to_Meikyuu_no_Shoujo-", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡 -理と迷宮の少女-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_-Norowareshi_Densetsu_no_Shoujo-", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡 -呪われし伝説の少女-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_-Tsumi_to_Batsu_no_Shoujo-", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡 -罪と罰の少女-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_-Wasurenagusa_to_Eien_no_Shoujo-", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡 -忘れな草と永遠の少女-", | |
"url": "" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"key": "ωstar_Bishoujo_Mangekyou_Ibun_-_Yuki_Onna", | |
"company": "ωstar", | |
"name": "美少女万華鏡異聞 雪おんな", | |
"url": "" | |
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] | |