HumanSD / mmpose /codecs /
liyy201912's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from mmpose.registry import KEYPOINT_CODECS
from .base import BaseKeypointCodec
class RegressionLabel(BaseKeypointCodec):
r"""Generate keypoint coordinates.
- instance number: N
- keypoint number: K
- keypoint dimension: D
- image size: [w, h]
- keypoint_labels (np.ndarray): The normalized regression labels in
shape (N, K, D) where D is 2 for 2d coordinates
- keypoint_weights (np.ndarray): The target weights in shape (N, K)
input_size (tuple): Input image size in [w, h]
def __init__(self, input_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
self.input_size = input_size
def encode(self,
keypoints: np.ndarray,
keypoints_visible: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> dict:
"""Encoding keypoints from input image space to normalized space.
keypoints (np.ndarray): Keypoint coordinates in shape (N, K, D)
keypoints_visible (np.ndarray): Keypoint visibilities in shape
(N, K)
- keypoint_labels (np.ndarray): The normalized regression labels in
shape (N, K, D) where D is 2 for 2d coordinates
- keypoint_weights (np.ndarray): The target weights in shape
(N, K)
if keypoints_visible is None:
keypoints_visible = np.ones(keypoints.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)
w, h = self.input_size
valid = ((keypoints >= 0) &
(keypoints <= [w - 1, h - 1])).all(axis=-1) & (
keypoints_visible > 0.5)
keypoint_labels = (keypoints / np.array([w, h])).astype(np.float32)
keypoint_weights = np.where(valid, 1., 0.).astype(np.float32)
encoded = dict(
keypoint_labels=keypoint_labels, keypoint_weights=keypoint_weights)
return encoded
def decode(self, encoded: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Decode keypoint coordinates from normalized space to input image
encoded (np.ndarray): Coordinates in shape (N, K, D)
- keypoints (np.ndarray): Decoded coordinates in shape (N, K, D)
- socres (np.ndarray): The keypoint scores in shape (N, K).
It usually represents the confidence of the keypoint prediction
if encoded.shape[-1] == 2:
N, K, _ = encoded.shape
normalized_coords = encoded.copy()
scores = np.ones((N, K), dtype=np.float32)
elif encoded.shape[-1] == 4:
# split coords and sigma if outputs contain output_sigma
normalized_coords = encoded[..., :2].copy()
output_sigma = encoded[..., 2:4].copy()
scores = (1 - output_sigma).mean(axis=-1)
raise ValueError(
'Keypoint dimension should be 2 or 4 (with sigma), '
f'but got {encoded.shape[-1]}')
w, h = self.input_size
keypoints = normalized_coords * np.array([w, h])
return keypoints, scores