which-workout-new / output_chess_details.txt
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Update output_chess_details.txt
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Topic: Arms
Description: Try pushups! To do a push-up, start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground, then push yourself back up to the starting position while keeping your body in a straight line.
Topic: Biceps
Description: You should do some chin-ups! To do a chin-up, grasp an overhead bar with your palms facing you and your hands shoulder-width apart, then pull your body upward until your chin clears the bar, and lower yourself back down with control.
Topic: Triceps
Description: How about tricep dips? To do a tricep dip, position yourself on parallel bars or the edge of a bench with your arms straight and feet extended, then lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground, and push yourself back up to the starting position.
Topic: Core
Description: Try a plank! To do a plank, hold your body in a straight line from head to heels, balancing on your forearms and toes with your elbows directly under your shoulders, and engage your core muscles to maintain the position.
Topic: Abs
Description: How about sit-ups? To do a sit-up, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head, then lift your torso up towards your knees and slowly lower back down to the starting position.
Topic: Obliques
Description: You should do some Russian twists! To do Russian twists, sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet lifted slightly, lean back to engage your core, then twist your torso to move your hands or a weight from side to side, touching the ground beside your hips each time.
Topic: Legs
Description: Try some lateral lunges! To do a lateral lunge, stand with your feet hip-width apart, step out to the side with one leg, bend the knee of the stepping leg while keeping the other leg straight, and lower your hips until the bent knee is at a 90-degree angle, then push back up to the starting position.
Topic: Calves
Description: You should do some calf raises. To do calf raises, stand up straight. Then, slowly switch between standing on your tip-toes and then returning to flat feet.
Topic: Quads
Description: How about some squats? To do a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back as if sitting into a chair, keeping your chest up and back straight, until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then push through your heels to return to the starting position.
Topic: Whole Body
Description: Why not do some burpees? To do a burpee, start standing, then drop into a squat, place your hands on the ground and kick your feet back into a push-up position, perform a push-up, jump your feet back to your hands, and explosively jump up with your arms overhead.
Topic: Everything
Description: Let's do mountain climbers! To do mountain climbers, start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders, then quickly alternate bringing your knees towards your chest in a running motion while keeping your core engaged and body straight.
Topic: Cardio
Description: Go for a walk! If it isn't nice out you can walk inside your house instead!
Topic: Surprise me
Description: Jump rope! Start with 30 second increments and then work your way up.
Topic: Anything
Description: Go for a swim! Swimming is a great way to exercise your whole body.
Topic: Not sure
Description: Try a wall sit! Pretend that you are sitting in a chair with your back flush against a wall. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground and hold it for as long as you can.