Update test_dataset.csv
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What is a discovered check in chess?,"A discovered check happens when a piece moves, revealing an attack on the opponent's king by another piece."
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How does a rook move in chess?,"A rook moves any number of squares along a row or column."
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What is a gambit in chess?,"A gambit is a chess opening in which a player sacrifices material, usually a pawn, with the hope of achieving a subsequent advantageous position."
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What is the fifty-move rule in chess?,"The fifty-move rule allows a player to claim a draw if no pawn has been moved and no capture has been made in the last fifty moves by each player."
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What is the difference between check and checkmate?,"Check is when the king is in danger but can still escape, whereas checkmate is when the king is in danger and cannot escape."
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How does a queen move in chess?,"The queen can move any number of squares along a row, column, or diagonal."
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What is a perpetual check in chess?,"Perpetual check is a situation in which one player can check the opponent's king continuously, resulting in a draw if it occurs three times."
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What are the three phases of a chess game?,"The three phases of a chess game are the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame."
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How can I exercise my legs?,"You should do Bulgarian split squats. Position a chair behind you, take a long step backward with your right leg, and carefully place the front of your foot on an object. Keeping your torso upright, bend your right knee and lower your body towards the ground. Then, push your front foot and straighten your legs to return to a standing position. Repeat on both sides."
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What should I do to strengthen my quads?,"Try some squat jump tucks. Keep your feet sholder-width apart, chest up. With your weight in your heels, sit back into a squat position. When your quads are parallel to the ground, drive through your eet to spring up out of the squat. As you jump, lift your knees upwards to your chest while keeping your core tight."
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How can I tone my calves?,"Jumping rope can be a great way to tone your calves!"
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What can I do to strengthen my core?,"Do some flutter kicks! Lay on your back with your legs raised slightly off the ground and lightly kick them up and down while keeping your core tight."
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What exercise should I do for my abs?,"How about some crunches? Lay on your back with your knees bent. Raise your head, shoulders, and chest off the ground to meet your knees. Return to the starting posisiton and then begin again."
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How can I tone my obliques?,"Do a side plank! To do a side plank, lie on your side with legs straight or bent, prop yourself up on one forearm with elbow directly under shoulder, and lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from head to heels, holding the position with core engaged."
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What can I do to tone my arms?,"Do some arm circles. Stand with your arms straight out from your sides and then move them in a circle first forwards, then backwards."
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What can I do for my biceps?,"Try an inverted row. To do an inverted row, set up a bar at waist height, lie underneath it, grab the bar with an overhand grip, keep your body straight, and pull your chest towards the bar by bending your elbows, then lower yourself back down with control."
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How can I exercise my triceps?,"Do some pike push-ups. To do a pike pushup, start in a downward dog position with your hips raised high, then lower your head towards the ground by bending your elbows while keeping your legs straight, and push back up to the starting position using your shoulder and arm strength."
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What can I do for cardio?,"Go for a run! Or, a walk works too!"
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I'm not sure what to do, can you surprise me?,"Find a friend and play some pickleball!"
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Can you suggest a full-body workout?,"How about a bear crawl? To do a bear crawl, start in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, then lift your knees slightly off the ground and crawl forward by moving opposite hand and foot simultaneously while keeping your back flat and core engaged."