import re; import sys; from graph import Graph; TEXT = re.compile(r"^# text = (.+)$"); ID = re.compile(r"^# sent_id = (.+)$"); RANGE = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$"); ANCHOR = re.compile(r".*TokenRange=([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); def read_tuples(stream): id, input = None, None; tuples = []; for line in stream: line = line.rstrip(); if line.startswith("#"): match = TEXT.match(line) if match: input =; continue; match = ID.match(line); if match: id =; continue; elif len(line) == 0: # if there is no `text` comment in the conll, one should reconstruct # the input sentence from the FORM column, since it is required in :construct_graph if input is None: input = reconstruct_input_from_tuples(tuples) if tuples: yield id, input, tuples; id, input = None, None; tuples = [] else: tuples.append(line.split("\t")); def reconstruct_input_from_tuples(tuples): """ Reconstruct input sentence from the CoNLL-U representation. each tuple in tuples correspond to a line in a block. """ if not tuples: return '' # iterate only surface tokens - discard empty nodes and tokens included in ranges surface_indicator = get_is_surface_token_indicator(tuples) surface_tuples = [tuple for is_surface, tuple in zip(surface_indicator, tuples) if is_surface] sent_str = '' for t in surface_tuples: tok = t[1] # FORM column sent_str += tok if "SpaceAfter=No" not in t[-1] and t is not tuples[-1]: # Misc. column (last column) # in last token, don't add space in any case sent_str += ' ' return sent_str def get_ids2range_tuple(tuples): """ Return Dict[int: tuple]. for each node-id k that is part of a multi-word token (denoted by range-id "i-j"), let t be the tuple of the token i-j (the multiword token). the dict will be {k:t} over all these ks. """ ranges2multiword = dict() for tuple in tuples: match = RANGE.match(tuple[0]) if match is not None: for t in range(int(, int( + 1): ranges2multiword[t] = tuple return ranges2multiword def get_is_surface_token_indicator(tuples): """ Return a list of boolean in same length as `tuples`, where output[i] indicate whether tuple[i] correspond to a surface token. surface tokens are those tokens that are required for detokenization of input sentence. see the conditions to be a surface token - 1. be not an empty node (in the form "i.j") 2. be not a (syntactic) word that is contained in a multi-word token. that is, the word's id isn't included in any range-id (in the form "i-j"). """ ids2range_tuple = get_ids2range_tuple(tuples) ids = [t[0] for t in tuples] surface_indicator = ["." not in tid # condition 1. and ("-" in tid or int(tid) not in ids2range_tuple) # condition 2. for tid in ids] return surface_indicator def read_anchors(stream): if stream is None: while True: yield None, None; else: id = None; tokens = list(); for line in stream: line = line.rstrip("\n"); if len(line) == 0: yield id, tokens; id = None; tokens.clear(); elif line.startswith("#"): id = line[1:]; else: fields = line.split("\t"); if len(fields) == 3: tokens.append((int(fields[0]), int(fields[1]))); if len(tokens) > 0: yield id, tokens; def construct_graph_nodes(id, input, tuples, framework, text, anchors): i = 0; def compute(form): nonlocal i; m = None; j = input.find(form, i); if j >= i: i, m = j, len(form); else: base = form; k, l = len(input), 0; for old, new in {("‘", "`"), ("‘", "'"), ("’", "'"), ("`", "'"), ("“", "\""), ("”", "\""), ("–", "--"), ("–", "---"), ("—", "---"), ("…", "..."), ("…", ". . .")}: form = base.replace(old, new); j = input.find(form, i); if j >= i and j < k: k, l = j, len(form); if k < len(input): i, m = k, l; if m: match = {"from": i, "to": i + m}; i += m; return match; else: raise Exception("[{}] failed to anchor |{}| in |{}|{}| ({})" "".format(, form, input[:i], input[i:], i)); graph = Graph(id, flavor = 0, framework = framework); if input is not None: graph.add_input(input); elif text is not None: graph.add_input(text); input = graph.input; anchors_generator = read_anchors(anchors); _, anchors_tokens = next(anchors_generator); id, ids = 0, dict(); ids2range_tuple = get_ids2range_tuple(tuples) for tuple, is_surface_token in zip(tuples, get_is_surface_token_indicator(tuples)): id += 1; ids[tuple[0]] = id; form, lemma, upos, xpos, features, head, misc = \ tuple[1], tuple[2], tuple[3], tuple[4], tuple[5], tuple[6], tuple[9]; properties = {"lemma": lemma, "upos": upos, "xpos": xpos}; if features != "_": for feature in features.split("|"): name, value = feature.split("=", 1); properties[name] = value; # retrieve anchoring - only for surface tokens if not is_surface_token: anchors = [] elif anchors_tokens is not None: start, end = anchors_tokens.pop(0); anchors = [{"from": start, "to": end}]; else: tid = tuple[0] if tid.isnumeric() and int(tid) in ids2range_tuple: range_tuple_misc = ids2range_tuple[int(tid)][9]; if range_tuple_misc != "_": misc = range_tuple_misc match = ANCHOR.match(misc); if match: anchors = [{"from": int(, "to": int(}]; else: anchors = [compute(form)]; graph.add_node(id, label = form, properties = list(properties.keys()), values = list(properties.values()), top = True if head == "0" else False, anchors = anchors); return graph, ids; def construct_graph_edges(tuples, graph, ids): """ Given a graph with nodes (and id-mapping) pre-constructed, read edges from tuples and add them to graph. Modifies `graph` argument. """ for tuple in tuples: id, head, type = tuple[0], tuple[6], tuple[7] if head in ids: graph.add_edge(ids[head], ids[id], type) def construct_enhanced_graph_edges(tuples, graph, ids): """ Given a graph with nodes (and id-mapping) pre-constructed, read edges from tuples and add them to graph. This function is for reading Enhance UD graphs, which is distinguished from reading basic UD only in source of edges information -- DEPS column instead of HEAD, DEPREL columns. See for EUD format specifications which we follow here. Modifies `graph` argument. """ for tuple in tuples: id, deps = tuple[0], tuple[8] if deps == "_": # empty list of relations continue for rel in deps.split("|"): # relations are delimited with bar head, dep_type = rel.split(":", 1) if head in ids: graph.add_edge(ids[head], ids[id], dep_type) def construct_graph(id, input, tuples, framework = None, text = None, anchors = None, enhanced_graph=False): graph, ids = construct_graph_nodes(id, input, tuples, framework, text, anchors) if not enhanced_graph: # basic UD graph (default) construct_graph_edges(tuples, graph, ids) else: # Enhanced UD graphs construct_enhanced_graph_edges(tuples, graph, ids) return graph def read(stream, framework = None, text = None, anchors = None, trace = 0, enhanced_graph=False): tuples_generator = read_tuples(stream) for id, input, tuples in tuples_generator: if trace: print(" processing graph #{} ...".format(id), file = sys.stderr); graph = construct_graph(id, input, tuples, framework, text, anchors, enhanced_graph) yield graph, None;