import collections import sys def make_clique(graph, nodes): for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v1 != v2: graph[v1].add(v2) def count_fillin(graph, nodes): """How many edges would be needed to make v a clique.""" count = 0 for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v1 != v2 and v2 not in graph[v1]: count += 1 return count/2 def is_clique(graph, vs): for v1 in vs: for v2 in vs: if v1 != v2 and v2 not in graph[v1]: return False return True def simplicial(graph, v): return is_clique(graph, graph[v]) def almost_simplicial(graph, v): for u in graph[v]: if is_clique(graph, graph[v] - {u}): return True return False def eliminate_node(graph, v): make_clique(graph, graph[v]) delete_node(graph, v) def delete_node(graph, v): for u in graph[v]: graph[u].remove(v) del graph[v] def contract_edge(graph, u, v): """Contract edge (u,v) by removing u""" graph[v] = (graph[v] | graph[u]) - {u, v} del graph[u] for w in graph: if u in graph[w]: graph[w] = (graph[w] | {v}) - {u, w} def copy_graph(graph): return {u:set(graph[u]) for u in graph} def upper_bound(graph): """Min-fill.""" graph = copy_graph(graph) dmax = 0 order = [] while len(graph) > 0: #d, u = min((len(graph[u]), u) for u in graph) # min-width d, u = min((count_fillin(graph, graph[u]), u) for u in graph) dmax = max(dmax, len(graph[u])) eliminate_node(graph, u) order.append(u) return dmax, order def lower_bound(graph): """Minor-min-width""" graph = copy_graph(graph) dmax = 0 while len(graph) > 0: # pick node of minimum degree d, u = min((len(graph[u]), u) for u in graph) dmax = max(dmax, d) # Gogate and Dechter: minor-min-width nb = graph[u] - {u} if len(nb) > 0: _, v = min((len(graph[v] & nb), v) for v in nb) contract_edge(graph, u, v) else: delete_node(graph, u) return dmax class Solution(object): pass def quickbb(graph): """Gogate and Dechter, A complete anytime algorithm for treewidth. UAI 2004.""" """Given a permutation of the nodes (called an elimination ordering), for each node, remove the node and make its neighbors into a clique. The maximum degree of the nodes at the time of their elimination is the width of the tree decomposition corresponding to that ordering. The treewidth of the graph is the minimum over all possible permutations. """ best = Solution() # this gets around the lack of nonlocal in Python 2 best.count = 0 def bb(graph, order, f, g): best.count += 1 if len(graph) < 2: if f < best.ub: assert f == g best.ub = f best.order = list(order) + list(graph) else: vs = [] for v in graph: # very important pruning rule if simplicial(graph, v) or almost_simplicial(graph, v) and len(graph[v]) <= lb: vs = [v] break else: vs.append(v) for v in vs: graph1 = copy_graph(graph) eliminate_node(graph1, v) order1 = order + [v] # treewidth for current order so far g1 = max(g, len(graph[v])) # lower bound given where we are f1 = max(g, lower_bound(graph1)) if f1 < best.ub: bb(graph1, order1, f1, g1) graph = { u : set(graph[u]) for u in graph } order = [] best.ub, best.order = upper_bound(graph) lb = lower_bound(graph) if lb < best.ub: bb(graph, order, lb, 0) # Build the tree decomposition tree = collections.defaultdict(set) def build(order): if len(order) < 2: bag = frozenset(order) tree[bag] = set() return v = order[0] clique = graph[v] eliminate_node(graph, v) build(order[1:]) for tv in tree: if clique.issubset(tv): break bag = frozenset(clique | {v}) tree[bag].add(tv) tree[tv].add(bag) build(best.order) return tree if True and __name__ == "__main__": import fileinput, sys import graph s = [] for line in fileinput.input(): if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue s.append(line) s = ''.join(s) i = 0 while i < len(s): try: g, i1 = graph.scan_graph(s, start=i, return_end=True) except: sys.stderr.write("couldn't read: %s\n" % s[i:i1]) if g is None: break i = i1 g = g.undirected_graph() tree = quickbb(g) print(max(len(tv)-1 for tv in tree)) #print tree if False and __name__ == "__main__": import fileinput, sys g = collections.defaultdict(set) for line in fileinput.input(): if line.rstrip() == "END": break u, v = line.split() g[u].add(v) g[v].add(u) tree = quickbb(g) root = list(tree)[0] def visit(tu, indent, memo): if tu in memo: return memo.add(tu) print(" "*indent, " ".join(tu)) for tv in tree[tu]: visit(tv, indent+2, memo) visit(root, 0, set()) print("bags:", len(tree)) print("width:", max(len(tv)-1 for tv in tree))