import io import gradio as gr import cv2 import base64 import openai import os import asyncio import concurrent.futures from openai import AsyncOpenAI from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.schema import StrOutputParser from PIL import Image import ast import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from prompts import VISION_SYSTEM_PROMPT, USER_PROMPT_TEMPLATE, FINAL_EVALUATION_SYSTEM_PROMPT, FINAL_EVALUATION_USER_PROMPT, SUMMARY_AND_TABLE_PROMPT, AUDIO_SYSTEM_PROMPT from dotenv import load_dotenv global global_dict global_dict = {} ###### # SETTINGS VIDEO_FRAME_LIMIT = 2000 ###### def validate_api_key(api_key): client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key) try: # Make your OpenAI API request here response = model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": "Hello world"}, ] ) global_dict['api_key'] = api_key except openai.RateLimitError as e: # Handle rate limit error (we recommend using exponential backoff) print(f"OpenAI API request exceeded rate limit: {e}") response = None error = e pass except openai.APIConnectionError as e: # Handle connection error here print(f"Failed to connect to OpenAI API: {e}") response = None error = e pass except openai.APIError as e: # Handle API error here, e.g. retry or log print(f"OpenAI API returned an API Error: {e}") response = None error = e pass if response: return True else: raise gr.Error(f"OpenAI returned an API Error: {error}") def _process_video(video_file): # Read and process the video file video = cv2.VideoCapture( if 'video_file' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('video_file', else: global_dict['video_file'] = base64Frames = [] while video.isOpened(): success, frame = if not success: break _, buffer = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame) base64Frames.append(base64.b64encode(buffer).decode("utf-8")) video.release() if len(base64Frames) > VIDEO_FRAME_LIMIT: raise gr.Warning(f"Video's play time is too long. (>1m)") print(len(base64Frames), "frames read.") if not base64Frames: raise gr.Error(f"Cannot open the video.") return base64Frames def _make_video_batch(video_file): frames = _process_video(video_file) TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT = len(frames) BATCH_SIZE = int(1) TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE = int(TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT * 1 / 300) # 5 = total_batch_percent BATCH_STEP = int(TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT / TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE) base64FramesBatch = [] for idx in range(0, TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT, BATCH_STEP * BATCH_SIZE): #print(f'## {idx}') temp = [] for i in range(BATCH_SIZE): #print(f'# {idx + BATCH_STEP * i}') if (idx + BATCH_STEP * i) < TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT: temp.append(frames[idx + BATCH_STEP * i]) else: continue base64FramesBatch.append(temp) for idx, batch in enumerate(base64FramesBatch): # assert len(batch) <= BATCH_SIZE print(f'##{idx} - batch_size: {len(batch)}') if 'batched_frames' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('batched_frames', base64FramesBatch) else: global_dict['batched_frames'] = base64FramesBatch return base64FramesBatch def show_batches(video_file): batched_frames = _make_video_batch(video_file) images1 = [] for i, l in enumerate(batched_frames): print(f"#### Batch_{i+1}") for j, img in enumerate(l): print(f'## Image_{j+1}') image_bytes = base64.b64decode(img.encode("utf-8")) # Convert the bytes to a stream (file-like object) image_stream = io.BytesIO(image_bytes) # Open the image as a PIL image image = images1.append((image, f"batch {i+1}")) print("-"*100) return images1 def show_audio_transcript(video_file, api_key): previous_video_file = global_dict.get('video_file') if global_dict.get('transcript') and previous_video_file == return global_dict['transcript'] else: audio_file = open(, "rb") client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key) transcript = model="whisper-1", file=audio_file, response_format="text" ) if 'transcript' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('transcript', transcript) else: global_dict['transcript'] = transcript return transcript # 각 버튼에 대한 액션 함수 정의 audio_rubric_subsets = {'1': '1. want to be ~ 라는 표현을 활용하여 장래희망을 말한다.', '2': '(be) good at ~이라는 표현을 활용하여 장래희망과 관련된 자신이 잘 하는 일을 말한다.', '3': '직업을 나타내는 단어를 정확히 사용한다', '4': '망설이지 않고 유창하게 말한다.'} rubric_subsets = {'5':'5. 자신감 있는 태도로 카메라를 보며 말한다.', '6': '6. 적절한 손 동작을 사용하여 말한다.'} rubrics_keyword = '"핵심표현(want to be) 활용", "핵심표현(be good at) 활용", "직업을 나타내는 단어 활용", "유창성", "상대방 응시", "손 동작"' global_dict['audio_rubric_subsets'] = audio_rubric_subsets global_dict['rubric_subsets'] = rubric_subsets global_dict['rubrics_keyword'] = rubrics_keyword async def async_call_gpt_vision(client, batch, rubric_subset): # Format the messages for the vision prompt, including the rubric subset and images in the batch vision_prompt_messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": VISION_SYSTEM_PROMPT}, # Ensure VISION_SYSTEM_PROMPT is defined { "role": "user", "content": [ PromptTemplate.from_template(USER_PROMPT_TEMPLATE).format(rubrics=rubric_subset), # Ensure USER_PROMPT_TEMPLATE is defined *map(lambda x: {"image": x, "resize": 300}, batch), ], }, ] # Parameters for the API call params = { "model": "gpt-4-vision-preview", "messages": vision_prompt_messages, "max_tokens": 1024, } # Asynchronous API call try: result_raw = await**params) result = result_raw.choices[0].message.content print(result) return result except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing batch with rubric subset {rubric_subset}: {e}") return None async def process_rubrics_in_batches(client, frames, rubric_subsets): results = {} for key, rubric_subset in rubric_subsets.items(): # Process each image batch with the current rubric subset tasks = [async_call_gpt_vision(client, batch, rubric_subset) for batch in frames] subset_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) results[key] = [result for result in subset_results if result is not None] # Filter out None results in case of errors return results def wrapper_call_gpt_vision(): api_key = global_dict.get('api_key') frames = global_dict.get('batched_frames') rubric_subsets = global_dict.get('rubric_subsets') client = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=api_key) async def call_gpt_vision(): async_full_result_vision = await process_rubrics_in_batches(client, frames, rubric_subsets) if 'full_result_vision' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('full_result_vision', async_full_result_vision) else: global_dict['full_result_vision'] = async_full_result_vision return async_full_result_vision # 새 이벤트 루프 생성 및 설정 loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(call_gpt_vision()) async def async_get_evaluation_text(client, result_subset): result_subset_text = ' \n'.join(result_subset) print(result_subset_text) evaluation_text = PromptTemplate.from_template(FINAL_EVALUATION_USER_PROMPT).format(evals = result_subset_text) evaluation_text_message = [ {"role": "system", "content": FINAL_EVALUATION_SYSTEM_PROMPT}, # Ensure VISION_SYSTEM_PROMPT is defined { "role": "user", "content": evaluation_text, }, ] params = { "model": "gpt-4-vision-preview", "messages": evaluation_text_message, "max_tokens": 1024, } # Asynchronous API call try: result_raw_2 = await**params) result_2 = result_raw_2.choices[0].message.content return result_2 except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting evaluation text {result_subset}: {e}") return None # return evaluation_text async def async_get_full_result(client, full_result_vision): #tasks = [] results_2 = {} # Create a task for each entry in full_result_vision and add to tasks list for key, result_subset in full_result_vision.items(): tasks_2 = [async_get_evaluation_text(client, result_subset)] text_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks_2) results_2[key] = [result_2 for result_2 in text_results if result_2 is not None] results_2_val_list = list(results_2.values()) results_2_val = "" for i in range(len(results_2_val_list)): results_2_val += results_2_val_list[i][0] results_2_val += "\n" return results_2_val # Combine all results into a single string def wrapper_get_full_result(): api_key = global_dict.get('api_key') full_result_vision = global_dict.get('full_result_vision') client = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=api_key) #{key: choice.choices[0].message.content for key, choice in full_result_vision.items()} async def get_full_result(): full_text = await async_get_full_result(client,full_result_vision) # global_dict에 결과를 올바르게 저장 if 'full_text' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('full_text', full_text) else: global_dict['full_text'] = full_text # 새 값으로 초기화 print("full_text: ") print(full_text) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(get_full_result()) def call_gpt_audio(api_key) -> str: audio_rubric_subsets = global_dict.get('audio_rubric_subsets') #!!!!! 추가 transcript = global_dict.get('transcript') openai.api_key = api_key full_text_audio = "" print(f"RUBRIC_AUDIO: {audio_rubric_subsets}") PROMPT_MESSAGES = [ { "role": "system", "content": AUDIO_SYSTEM_PROMPT, }, { "role": "user", "content": PromptTemplate.from_template(USER_PROMPT_TEMPLATE).format(rubrics=audio_rubric_subsets) + "\n\n\n" + transcript }, ] params = { "model": "gpt-4", "messages": PROMPT_MESSAGES, "max_tokens": 1024, } try: result =**params) full_text_audio = result.choices[0].message.content print(full_text_audio) except openai.OpenAIError as e: print(f"Failed to connect to OpenAI: {e}") pass if 'full_text_audio' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('full_text_audio', full_text_audio) else: global_dict['full_text_audio'] = full_text_audio return full_text_audio def get_final_anser(api_key): rubrics_keyword = global_dict.get('rubrics_keyword') full_text_audio = global_dict.get('full_text_audio') full_text = global_dict.get('full_text') full = full_text_audio + full_text global_dict['full'] = full chain = ChatOpenAI( api_key=api_key, model="gpt-4", max_tokens=1024, temperature=0, ) prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(SUMMARY_AND_TABLE_PROMPT) runnable = prompt | chain | StrOutputParser() final_eval = runnable.invoke({"full": full, "rubrics_keyword":rubrics_keyword}) print(final_eval) if 'final_eval' not in global_dict: global_dict.setdefault('final_eval', final_eval) else: global_dict['final_eval'] = final_eval return final_eval def tablize_final_anser(): final_eval = global_dict.get('final_eval') pos3 = int(final_eval.find("[[")) pos4 = int(final_eval.find("]]")) tablize_final_eval = ast.literal_eval(final_eval[(pos3):(pos4+2)]) cat_final_eval, val_final_eval = tablize_final_eval[0], tablize_final_eval[1] val_final_eval = [int(score) for score in val_final_eval] fig, ax = plt.subplots(), val_final_eval) ax.set_ylabel('Scores') ax.set_title('Scores by category') #plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=3) ax.set_xticks(range(len(cat_final_eval))) ax.set_yticks([0,2,4,6,8,10]) ax.set_xticklabels(cat_final_eval) # PIL.Image 객체로 변환 buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') plt.close(fig) # PIL.Image 객체로 변환 image = return image def breif_final_anser(): final_eval = global_dict.get('final_eval') pos1 = int(final_eval.find("**종합 점수**")) pos2 = int(final_eval.find("----요약 끝----")) breif_final_eval = final_eval[pos1:pos2] return breif_final_eval def fin_final_anser(): fin_final_eval = global_dict.get('full') return fin_final_eval def mainpage(): with gr.Blocks() as start_page: gr.Markdown("Title") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): api_key_input = gr.Textbox( label="Enter your OpenAI API Key", info="Your API Key must be allowed to use GPT-4 Vision", placeholder="sk-*********...", lines=1 ) gr.Markdown("비디오 업로드 페이지") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): video_upload = gr.File( label="Upload your video (video under 1 minute is the best..!)", file_types=["video"], ) #나중에 발음 감도 조절로 바꾸기!!! """with gr.Column(scale=1): weight_shift_button = gr.Button("Weight Shift") balance_button = gr.Button("Balance") form_button = gr.Button("Form") overall_button = gr.Button("Overall") """ with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): process_button = gr.Button("Process") gr.Markdown("결과 페이지") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): output_box_fin_table = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Score Chart") with gr.Column(scale=1): output_box_fin_brief = gr.Textbox( label="Brief Evaluation", lines=10, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): output_box_fin_fin = gr.Textbox( label="Detailed Evaluation", lines=10, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True, ) with gr.Column(scale=1): gallery = gr.Gallery( label="Batched Snapshots of Video", columns=[3], rows=[10], object_fit="contain", height="auto", ) = video_rubric, inputs=[], outputs= []) = action_weight_shift, inputs=[], outputs=[]) = action_balance, inputs=[], outputs=[]) = action_form, inputs=[], outputs=[]) = action_all, inputs=[], outputs=[]), inputs=api_key_input, outputs=None).success(fn=show_batches, inputs=[video_upload], outputs=[gallery])\ .success(fn=show_audio_transcript, inputs=[video_upload, api_key_input], outputs=[])\ .success(fn=call_gpt_audio, inputs=[api_key_input], outputs=[])\ .success(fn=lambda:wrapper_call_gpt_vision(), inputs=[], outputs=[]) \ .success(fn=lambda:wrapper_get_full_result(), inputs=[], outputs=[])\ .success(fn=get_final_anser, inputs=[api_key_input], outputs=[])\ .success(fn=tablize_final_anser, inputs=[], outputs=[output_box_fin_table])\ .success(fn=breif_final_anser, inputs=[], outputs=[output_box_fin_brief])\ .success(fn=fin_final_anser, inputs=[], outputs=[output_box_fin_fin]) start_page.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": mainpage()