import os import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from huggingface_hub import ( HfApi, upload_folder, create_repo, login, hf_hub_download, list_repo_files, ) import logging import time import json import keyring # Secure token storage import socket # Offline detection import hashlib # Data integrity from pathlib import Path from threading import Thread from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler import schedule import datetime from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu # Set page configuration st.set_page_config(page_title="InfiniteStorageFace", layout="wide") # Initialize logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()] ) # Initialize session state variables session_defaults = { 'logs': [], 'uploading': False, 'cancel': False, 'observer': None, 'selected_files': [], 'sync_paused': False, 'token': "", 'settings_loaded': False, 'remote_files': {}, 'queued_files': [], 'scheduled_sync': False, 'repo_id': "", 'repo_exists': False, 'folder_path': "", 'private': True, # Default to private repositories 'ignore_patterns_selected': [], 'process_individually': False, 'subfolder': "", 'total_files_synced': 0, 'total_files': 0, 'sync_option': 'Sync', # Default option is Sync } for key, default_value in session_defaults.items(): if key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[key] = default_value # Centralized ignore patterns mapping IGNORE_PATTERNS_MAP = { "Ignore __pycache__": "**/__pycache__/**", "Ignore .git": ".git/**", "Ignore .venv": "venv/**", "Ignore *.pyc": "*.pyc", "Ignore *.log": "*.log", "Ignore *.tmp": "*.tmp", "Ignore *.DS_Store": "*.DS_Store" } # Default values DEFAULT_REPO = "your_username/your_private_vault" DEFAULT_LOCAL_PATH = str(Path.home()) # Helper Functions def is_connected(): """Check for internet connectivity.""" try: socket.create_connection(("", 53), timeout=3) return True except OSError: return False def log(message, level="INFO"): """Log messages with timestamp.""" timestamp = time.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]") full_message = f"{timestamp} {message}" st.session_state.logs.append(full_message) if level == "INFO": elif level == "WARNING": logging.warning(message) elif level == "ERROR": logging.error(message) elif level == "DEBUG": logging.debug(message) def authenticate(token): """Authenticate user with Hugging Face token.""" if not token: log("❌ Hugging Face Token is required.", level="ERROR") return False try: login(token) keyring.set_password("huggingface", "token", token) log("✅ Authenticated successfully!") return True except Exception as e: log(f"❌ Authentication failed: {e}", level="ERROR") return False def create_repo_if_not_exists(repo_id, token, private): """Create a repository if it doesn't exist.""" api = HfApi() try: api.list_repo_files(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type="dataset", token=token) log(f"✅ Repository '{repo_id}' exists.") st.session_state.repo_exists = True return True except Exception: log(f"⚠️ Repository '{repo_id}' does not exist. Creating it...", level="WARNING") try: create_repo( repo_id=repo_id, token=token, private=private, repo_type="dataset", exist_ok=True, ) log(f"✅ Created new repository: '{repo_id}'.") st.session_state.repo_exists = True return True except Exception as create_err: log(f"❌ Failed to create repository '{repo_id}': {create_err}", level="ERROR") return False def compute_checksum(file_path): """Compute the checksum of a file for data integrity.""" sha256 = hashlib.sha256() try: with open(file_path, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): sha256.update(chunk) return sha256.hexdigest() except Exception as e: log(f"❌ Failed to compute checksum for '{file_path}': {e}") return None def upload_folder_structure(folder_path, repo_id, token, target_path, ignore_patterns, retry=3): """Upload a folder structure with error handling and retries.""" upload_params = { "folder_path": folder_path, "repo_id": repo_id, "repo_type": "dataset", "token": token, "path_in_repo": target_path, "ignore_patterns": ignore_patterns, } log(f"🚀 Uploading folder '{folder_path}' to '{target_path}' in repository '{repo_id}'...") for attempt in range(1, retry + 1): try: upload_folder(**upload_params) log(f"✅ Upload completed for '{folder_path}'!") return True except Exception as upload_err: log(f"❌ Upload failed for '{folder_path}' on attempt {attempt}: {upload_err}", level="ERROR") if attempt < retry: log(f"🔄 Retrying upload ({attempt}/{retry})...", level="WARNING") time.sleep(2 ** attempt) # Exponential backoff else: log(f"❌ All retry attempts failed for '{folder_path}'.", level="ERROR") return False # Function to handle uploads def upload_files(): st.session_state.uploading = True token = st.session_state.token repo_id = st.session_state.repo_id private = st.session_state.private folder_path = st.session_state.folder_path subfolder = st.session_state.subfolder process_individually = st.session_state.process_individually ignore_patterns_selected = st.session_state.ignore_patterns_selected ignore_patterns = [IGNORE_PATTERNS_MAP[pattern] for pattern in ignore_patterns_selected] target_path = subfolder.replace("\\", "/") if subfolder else "" if not is_connected(): log("❌ No internet connection. Sync will resume when connection is restored.", level="ERROR") st.session_state.uploading = False return if not authenticate(token): st.session_state.uploading = False return if not create_repo_if_not_exists(repo_id, token, private): st.session_state.uploading = False return if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): log(f"❌ The folder path '{folder_path}' does not exist.", level="ERROR") st.session_state.uploading = False return # Count the total files in folders st.session_state.total_files = sum(len(files) for _, _, files in os.walk(folder_path)) st.session_state.total_files_synced = 0 # Upload only folders (no individual files except in root) for item in os.listdir(folder_path): item_path = os.path.join(folder_path, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): # Upload each folder success = upload_folder_structure(item_path, repo_id, token, f"{target_path}/{item}", ignore_patterns) if success: for root, _, files in os.walk(item_path): for file in files: local_file = os.path.join(root, file) relative_path = os.path.relpath(local_file, folder_path).replace("\\", "/") remote_file = f"{target_path}/{relative_path}" st.session_state.total_files_synced += 1 local_checksum = compute_checksum(local_file) remote_checksum = get_remote_file_checksum(repo_id, token, remote_file) if local_checksum and remote_checksum and local_checksum == remote_checksum: log(f"✅ Data integrity verified for '{relative_path}'.") else: log(f"❌ Data integrity verification failed for '{relative_path}'.", level="ERROR") elif os.path.isfile(item_path): # Upload files only if they are in the root directory relative_path = os.path.relpath(item_path, folder_path).replace("\\", "/") if "/" not in relative_path: # Check if the file is in the root success = upload_folder_structure(item_path, repo_id, token, f"{target_path}/{item}", ignore_patterns) if success: st.session_state.total_files_synced += 1 local_checksum = compute_checksum(item_path) remote_checksum = get_remote_file_checksum(repo_id, token, f"{target_path}/{item}") if local_checksum and remote_checksum and local_checksum == remote_checksum: log(f"✅ Data integrity verified for '{relative_path}'.") else: log(f"❌ Data integrity verification failed for '{relative_path}'.", level="ERROR") st.session_state.uploading = False log("🚀 Upload process completed.") def get_remote_file_checksum(repo_id, token, file_path): # Placeholder: Hugging Face Hub does not provide file checksums directly return None # Function to monitor folder changes with real-time sync and offline queueing class ChangeHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_modified(self, event): if not st.session_state.uploading and not st.session_state.sync_paused: if is_connected(): log("🔄 Changes detected. Starting upload...") upload_thread = Thread(target=upload_files) upload_thread.start() else: log("❌ No internet connection. Queuing changes for later upload.", level="WARNING") queue_changes(event.src_path) # Queue changes when offline def queue_changes(file_path): queued_files = st.session_state.get("queued_files", []) queued_files.append(file_path) st.session_state["queued_files"] = queued_files log(f"🕒 Queued file for upload: {file_path}") # Check and upload queued changes when back online def check_queued_uploads(): if is_connected() and st.session_state.get("queued_files"): log("🔄 Uploading queued files...") for file in st.session_state["queued_files"]: upload_files_specific(file) st.session_state["queued_files"] = [] # Upload a specific file (for queued uploads) def upload_files_specific(file_path): token = st.session_state.token repo_id = st.session_state.repo_id private = st.session_state.private folder_path = st.session_state.folder_path subfolder = st.session_state.subfolder ignore_patterns_selected = st.session_state.ignore_patterns_selected ignore_patterns = [IGNORE_PATTERNS_MAP[pattern] for pattern in ignore_patterns_selected] target_path = subfolder.replace("\\", "/") if subfolder else "" if not authenticate(token): return if not create_repo_if_not_exists(repo_id, token, private): return if not os.path.isfile(file_path): log(f"❌ The file path '{file_path}' does not exist.", level="ERROR") return relative_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, folder_path).replace("\\", "/") remote_path = f"{target_path}/{relative_path}" success = upload_folder_structure(file_path, repo_id, token, remote_path, ignore_patterns) if success: log(f"✅ Uploaded queued file '{relative_path}'.") else: log(f"❌ Failed to upload queued file '{relative_path}'.", level="ERROR") # Function to get version history def get_version_history(): api = HfApi() token = st.session_state.token repo_id = st.session_state.repo_id try: commits = api.list_repo_commits(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type="dataset", token=token) history = [] for commit in commits: date_str = commit.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') history.append(f"Commit {commit.commit_id[:7]} by {commit.author_name} on {date_str}: {commit.title}") return "\n".join(history) except Exception as e: log(f"❌ Error fetching version history: {e}", level="ERROR") return "Error fetching version history." # Function to download from remote def download_from_remote(): token = st.session_state.token repo_id = st.session_state.repo_id folder_path = st.session_state.folder_path subfolder = st.session_state.subfolder target_path = subfolder.replace("\\", "/") if subfolder else "" api = HfApi() try: remote_files = api.list_repo_files(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type="dataset", token=token) for file in remote_files: local_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), exist_ok=True) hf_hub_download(repo_id, file, repo_type="dataset", token=token, local_dir=os.path.dirname(local_file_path), local_dir_use_symlinks=False) log(f"✅ Downloaded '{file}' to '{local_file_path}'") except Exception as e: log(f"❌ Error downloading from remote: {e}", level="ERROR") def pause_sync(): st.session_state.sync_paused = True log("⏸️ Sync paused.", level="WARNING") def resume_sync(): st.session_state.sync_paused = False log("▶️ Sync resumed.", level="INFO") upload_thread = Thread(target=upload_files) upload_thread.start() def save_settings(): settings = { "repo_id": st.session_state.repo_id, "private": st.session_state.private, "folder_path": st.session_state.folder_path, "subfolder": st.session_state.subfolder, "process_individually": st.session_state.process_individually, "ignore_patterns_selected": st.session_state.ignore_patterns_selected, "selected_files": st.session_state.selected_files } with open("settings.json", "w") as f: json.dump(settings, f) log("💾 Settings saved.", level="INFO") def load_settings(): if os.path.exists("settings.json"): with open("settings.json", "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) st.session_state.repo_id = settings.get("repo_id", DEFAULT_REPO) st.session_state.private = settings.get("private", True) st.session_state.folder_path = settings.get("folder_path", DEFAULT_LOCAL_PATH) st.session_state.subfolder = settings.get("subfolder", "") st.session_state.process_individually = settings.get("process_individually", False) st.session_state.ignore_patterns_selected = settings.get("ignore_patterns_selected", []) st.session_state.selected_files = settings.get("selected_files", []) log("🔄 Settings loaded.", level="INFO") else: log("❌ No saved settings found.", level="ERROR") def get_local_files(folder_path): files = [] for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(folder_path): for filename in filenames: relative_path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), folder_path) files.append(relative_path.replace("\\", "/")) return files def schedule_sync(): def scheduled_upload(): if is_connected() and not st.session_state.uploading and not st.session_state.sync_paused: log("⏰ Scheduled sync triggered.", level="INFO") upload_files() schedule.every()"02:00").do(scheduled_upload) st.session_state.scheduled_sync = True log("⏰ Scheduled daily sync at 02:00.", level="INFO") def run_scheduler(): while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) # --------------------------- Main Interface --------------------------- st.title("🚀 InfiniteStorageFace") st.write("Effortlessly sync your local folders to your private Hugging Face repository!") # Create tabs for navigation tabs = st.tabs(["Home", "Vault", "Settings", "Logs", "Help"]) with tabs[0]: st.header("Welcome to InfiniteStorageFace") st.write("Use the tabs to navigate through the application.") st.subheader("Vault Overview") st.write(f"**Repository ID:** {st.session_state.repo_id or 'Not Set'}") st.write(f"**Private Repository:** {'Yes' if st.session_state.private else 'No'}") st.write(f"**Total Files Synced:** {st.session_state.total_files_synced}") st.write(f"**Total Files in Folder:** {st.session_state.total_files}") # Display repository contents st.subheader("Repository Contents") if st.session_state.repo_exists: repo_files = list_repo_files(repo_id=st.session_state.repo_id, token=st.session_state.token) if repo_files: for file in repo_files: st.write(f"📄 {file}") else: st.write("Repository is empty.") else: st.write("Repository not found or not authenticated.") with tabs[1]: st.header("Vault Sync and Upload") # Select Sync or Upload st.session_state.sync_option ="Choose an option:", ["Sync", "Upload"], index=0) # Folder selection using file browser st.subheader("Select Folder to Sync/Upload") st.session_state.folder_path = st.text_input("Folder Path", value=st.session_state.folder_path or DEFAULT_LOCAL_PATH) # Alternatively, use a file browser component # st.session_state.folder_path = file_browser() if os.path.isdir(st.session_state.folder_path): # Display folders only folders = [f for f in os.listdir(st.session_state.folder_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(st.session_state.folder_path, f))] st.session_state.selected_files = st.multiselect( "Select Folders to Sync/Upload (leave empty to include all):", folders, default=st.session_state.get('selected_files', []), help="Select specific folders to include." ) else: st.error("❌ Invalid folder path.") # Sync Controls col_start, col_stop = st.columns(2) with col_start: if st.session_state.sync_option == 'Sync': start_sync = st.button("Start Sync", key="start_sync") else: start_upload = st.button("Start Upload", key="start_upload") with col_stop: stop_sync = st.button("Stop", key="stop_sync") # Handle buttons if st.session_state.sync_option == 'Sync': if start_sync: st.session_state.cancel = False if not event_handler = ChangeHandler() = Observer(), st.session_state.folder_path, recursive=True) log("👀 Started monitoring for changes.", level="INFO") log("🔄 Sync started.", level="INFO") upload_thread = Thread(target=upload_files) upload_thread.start() if stop_sync: st.session_state.cancel = True if = None log("🛑 Sync stopped.", level="INFO") else: if start_upload: st.session_state.cancel = False log("🔄 Upload started.", level="INFO") upload_thread = Thread(target=upload_files) upload_thread.start() if stop_sync: st.session_state.cancel = True log("🛑 Upload stopped.", level="INFO") # Display sync status and statistics st.subheader("Status") if st.session_state.uploading:"🚀 Uploading...") elif st.session_state.sync_paused: st.warning("⏸️ Sync Paused.") else: st.success("✅ Idle.") st.write(f"**Total Files Synced:** {st.session_state.total_files_synced}") st.write(f"**Total Files in Folder:** {st.session_state.total_files}") with tabs[2]: st.header("Settings") # Securely retrieve token if not st.session_state.token: stored_token = keyring.get_password("huggingface", "token") if stored_token: st.session_state.token = stored_token st.session_state.token = st.text_input( "Hugging Face Token", type="password", value=st.session_state.token, help="Enter your Hugging Face API token. It will be securely stored." ) st.session_state.repo_id = st.text_input( "Vault ID (Repository ID)", value=st.session_state.get('repo_id', DEFAULT_REPO), help="Format: username/repo-name" ) st.session_state.private = st.checkbox( "Make Vault Private", value=st.session_state.get('private', True), help="Private vaults are not publicly accessible." ) st.session_state.subfolder = st.text_input( "Subfolder in Vault (Optional)", value=st.session_state.get('subfolder', ""), help="Specify a subdirectory within the vault." ) st.session_state.process_individually = st.checkbox( "Process First-Level Folders Individually", value=st.session_state.get('process_individually', False), help="Upload each first-level folder individually." ) st.session_state.ignore_patterns_selected = st.multiselect( "Select Patterns to Ignore", options=list(IGNORE_PATTERNS_MAP.keys()), default=st.session_state.get('ignore_patterns_selected', ["Ignore __pycache__", "Ignore .git", "Ignore *.pyc"]), help="Select file patterns to exclude." ) save_settings_button = st.button("Save Settings", key="save_settings") load_settings_button = st.button("Load Settings", key="load_settings") if save_settings_button: save_settings() if load_settings_button: load_settings() with tabs[3]: st.header("Logs") # Integrated terminal-like logs (using hypothetical package) # st_terminal(st.session_state.logs) logs_text = "\n".join(st.session_state.logs[-100:]) st.text_area("Logs", value=logs_text, height=300) with tabs[4]: st.header("Help and Documentation") st.markdown(""" ### InfiniteStorageFace Documentation **Getting Started:** - **Vault ID**: This is your repository ID in the format `username/repo-name`. Treat this as your personal storage vault. - **Hugging Face Token**: Obtain your API token from your [Hugging Face account settings]( - **Folder Selection**: Use the file browser or enter the path to the folder you want to sync or upload. **Sync vs Upload:** - **Sync**: Continuously monitors the selected folder for changes and syncs them to your vault. - **Upload**: Performs a one-time upload of the selected folder or files to your vault. **Settings:** - **Private Vault**: By default, your vault is private. Only you can access it. - **Ignore Patterns**: Select file patterns that you want to exclude from syncing or uploading. **Logs and Status:** - View real-time logs in the **Logs** tab. - Check the sync status and statistics in the **Vault** tab. **Support:** - For any issues or questions, please refer to the official documentation or contact support. """) # Check queued uploads check_queued_uploads() # Cleanup on exit def cleanup(): """Cleanup observers and threads on exit.""" if is not None: # Run scheduled sync if enabled if st.session_state.scheduled_sync: schedule_sync() if 'scheduler_thread' not in st.session_state: scheduler_thread = Thread(target=run_scheduler, daemon=True) scheduler_thread.start() st.session_state['scheduler_thread'] = scheduler_thread log("🕒 Scheduler started.", level="INFO") # Handle session end # st.on_session_end(cleanup)