import json from pathlib import Path import subprocess import streamlit as st import ingest from utils import kick_dl def download_convert_persist(): service ="Streaming service", ["Twitch", "Kick"]) if service == "Twitch": twitch_id = st.text_input("Enter Twitch ID") st.write(f"You Selected {twitch_id}") if st.button("Download"): with st.spinner(): st.write("Downloading...") ingest.download_twitch_stream(twitch_id) st.write("Converting...") ingest.vid_to_frames(twitch_id, use_cuda=False) st.success("Downloaded!") elif service == "Kick": kick_id = st.text_input("Enter Kick ID") name = st.text_input("Nickname of video") kick_id = Path(kick_id).name API_PATH = "" st.write(f"Open [this]({API_PATH}{kick_id}) and copy text into the box below.") json_data = st.text_input("Copy and paste here.") if len(json_data): json_data = json.loads(json_data)["source"] if st.button("Download"): with st.spinner(): st.write("Downloading...") if not Path(f"converted/{name}").exists(): subprocess.Popen( [ "ffmpeg", "-i", json_data, "-vcodec", "copy", "-acodec", "copy", f"downloaded/{name}.mp4", ] ) st.write("Converting...") ingest.vid_to_frames(name, use_cuda=False) Path(f"downloaded/{name}.mp4").unlink() st.success("Downloaded!")