#BEGIN_PROPERTIES# { "version": "1.2", "commandsIntroduced": ["map.getObjectTypeAt", "player.getX", "player.getY", "map.refresh"], "mapProperties": { "allowOverwrite": true }, "music": "Night Owl" } #END_PROPERTIES# /******************* * intoTheWoods.js * ******************* * * Ah, you're out of the woods now. Or into the woods, as the * case may be. * * So take a deep breath, relax, and remember what you're here * for in the first place. * * I've traced its signal and the Algorithm is nearby. You'll * need to go through the forest and across the river, and * you'll reach the fortress where it's kept. Their defences * are light, and we should be able to catch them off-guard. */ function startLevel(map) { #START_OF_START_LEVEL# // NOTE: In this level alone, map.placeObject is allowed to //overwrite existing objects. map.displayChapter('Chapter 2\nRaiders of the Lost Algorithm'); map.placePlayer(2, map.getHeight() - 1); var functionList = {}; functionList['fortresses'] = function () { function genRandomValue(direction) { if (direction === "height") { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (map.getHeight()-3)); } else if (direction === "width") { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (map.getWidth()+1)); } } var x = genRandomValue("width"); var y = genRandomValue("height"); for (var i = x-2; i < x+2; i++) { map.placeObject(i,y-2, 'block'); } for (var i = x-2; i < x+2; i++) { map.placeObject(i,y+2, 'block'); } for (var j = y-2; j < y+2; j++) { map.placeObject(x-2,j, 'block'); } for (var j = y-2; j < y+2; j++) { map.placeObject(x+2,j, 'block'); } }; functionList['generateForest'] = function () { for (var i = 0; i < map.getWidth(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < map.getHeight(); j++) { // initialize to empty if the square contains a forest already if (map.getObjectTypeAt(i, j) === 'tree') { // remove existing forest map.placeObject(i,j, 'empty'); } if (map.getPlayer().atLocation(i,j) || map.getObjectTypeAt(i, j) === 'block' || map.getObjectTypeAt(i, j) === 'exit') { continue; } var rv = Math.random(); if (rv < 0.45) { map.placeObject(i, j, 'tree'); } } } map.refresh(); }; functionList['movePlayerToExit'] = function () { map.writeStatus("Permission denied."); } functionList['pleaseMovePlayerToExit'] = function () { map.writeStatus("I don't think so."); } functionList['movePlayerToExitDamnit'] = function () { map.writeStatus("So, how 'bout them ?"); } // generate forest functionList['generateForest'](); // generate fortresses functionList['fortresses'](); functionList['fortresses'](); functionList['fortresses'](); functionList['fortresses'](); map.getPlayer().setPhoneCallback(functionList[#{#"movePlayerToExit"#}#]); map.placeObject(map.getWidth()-1, map.getHeight()-1, 'exit'); #END_OF_START_LEVEL# } function validateLevel(map) { map.validateAtLeastXObjects(100, 'tree'); map.validateExactlyXManyObjects(1, 'exit'); }