ROT.Display.create = function(game, opts) { opts.fontFamily = '"droid sans mono", Courier, "Courier New", monospace'; var display = new ROT.Display(opts); = game; return display; }; ROT.Display.prototype.errors = []; ROT.Display.prototype.setupEventHandlers = function() { var display = this; var game =; // directions for moving entities var keys = { 37: 'left', // left arrow 38: 'up', // up arrow 39: 'right', // right arrow 40: 'down', // down arrow 65: 'left', // A 68: 'right', // D 72: 'left', // H 74: 'down', // J 75: 'up', // K 76: 'right', // L 81: 'funcPhone', // Q 82: 'rest', // R 83: 'down', // S 87: 'up', // W 98: 'down', // 2 100: 'left', // 4 101: 'rest', // 5 102: 'right', // 6 104: 'up' // 8 }; // contentEditable is required for canvas elements to detect keyboard events $(this.getContainer()).attr("contentEditable", "true"); this.getContainer().addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { if (display._intro == true) { game._start(); display._intro = false; } else if (keys[e.keyCode] && {[e.keyCode], true); } e.preventDefault(); }); this.getContainer().addEventListener("click", function(e) { $(this).addClass('focus'); $('.CodeMirror').removeClass('focus'); $('#helpPane').hide(); $('#menuPane').hide(); }); }; // drawObject takes care of looking up an object's symbol and color // according to name (NOT according to the actual object literal!) ROT.Display.prototype.drawObject = function (map, x, y, object) { var type = object.type; var definition = map._getObjectDefinition(type) || this.savedDefinitions[type]; var symbol = definition.symbol; var color = object.color || definition.color || "#fff"; var bgColor = object.bgColor || "#000"; this.draw(x, y, symbol, color, bgColor); }; ROT.Display.prototype.drawAll = function(map) { if (!this.offset) {this.offset = 0;} var game =; // _initialize grid var grid = new Array(game._dimensions.width); for (var x = 0; x < game._dimensions.width; x++) { grid[x] = new Array(game._dimensions.height); for (var y = 0; y < game._dimensions.height; y++) { grid[x][y] = { type: 'empty', bgColor: 'black' }; } } // place static objects for (var x = 0; x < game._dimensions.width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < game._dimensions.height; y++) { grid[x][y] = { type: map._getGrid()[x][y].type, bgColor: map._getGrid()[x][y].bgColor }; } } // place dynamic objects var dynamicObjects = map.getDynamicObjects(); for (var i = 0; i < dynamicObjects.length; i++) { var obj = dynamicObjects[i]; grid[obj.getX()][obj.getY()] = { type: obj.getType(), bgColor: map._getGrid()[obj.getX()][obj.getY()].bgColor }; } // place player if (map.getPlayer()) { var player = map.getPlayer(); grid[player.getX()][player.getY()] = { type: 'player', color: player.getColor(), bgColor: map._getGrid()[player.getX()][player.getY()].bgColor } } // draw grid for (var x = 0; x < game._dimensions.width; x++) { for (var y = Math.max(0, this.offset - map.getHeight()); y < game._dimensions.height; y++) { this.drawObject(map, x, y + this.offset, grid[x][y]); } } // write error messages, if any if (this.errors && this.errors.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.errors.length; i++) { var y = - this.errors.length + i; this.drawText(0, y, this.errors[i]); } } // store for potential later use this.grid = grid; }; ROT.Display.prototype.drawPreviousLevel = function(map, offset) { if (!offset) {offset = 0;} var game =; var grid = this.savedGrid; if (grid) { for (var x = 0; x < game._dimensions.width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < game._dimensions.height; y++) { this.drawObject(map, x, y + offset, grid[x][y]); } } } }; ROT.Display.prototype.saveGrid = function (map) { this.savedGrid = this.grid; this.savedDefinitions = map._getObjectDefinitions(); } ROT.Display.prototype.playIntro = function (map, i) { display = this; playIntro(display, map, i) }; ROT.Display.prototype.fadeIn = function (map, speed, callback, i) { var display = this; var game =; if (game._currentLevel == "bonus") { var levelName = game._currentBonusLevel; } else { var levelName = game._levelFileNames[game._currentLevel - 1]; } var command = "%c{#0f0}> run " + levelName; if (i < -3) { if (callback) { callback(); } } else { if (typeof i === 'undefined') { i = map.getHeight(); } this.clear(); this.errors = []; this.drawPreviousLevel(map, i - map.getHeight()); this.offset = i + 3; this.drawAll(map); this.drawText(0, i + 1, command); setTimeout(function () { display.fadeIn(map, speed, callback, i - 1); }, speed); } }; ROT.Display.prototype.writeStatus = function(text) { var map =; var strings = [text]; if (text.length > map.getWidth()) { // split into two lines var minCutoff = map.getWidth() - 10; var cutoff = minCutoff + text.slice(minCutoff).indexOf(" "); strings = [text.slice(0, cutoff), text.slice(cutoff + 1)]; } for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { var str = strings[i]; var x = Math.floor((map.getWidth() - str.length) / 2); var y = map.getHeight() + i - strings.length - 1; this.drawText(x, y, str); } }; ROT.Display.prototype.appendError = function(errorText, command) { var game =; if (game._currentLevel == "bonus") { var levelName = game._currentBonusLevel; } else { var levelName = game._levelFileNames[game._currentLevel - 1]; } if (!command) { command = "%c{#0f0}> run " + levelName; } this.offset -= 3; this.errors = this.errors.concat([command, errorText, ""]); this.clear(); this.drawAll(; }; ROT.Display.prototype.focus = function() { $('#screen').show(); $(this.getContainer()).attr('tabindex', '0').click().focus(); }; ROT.Display.prototype.renderDom = function(html, css) { // using ideas from /*var canvas = $('#drawingCanvas')[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = canvas.width; //resets background of canvas var data = "data:image/svg+xml," + "" + "" + "" + "
" + html + "
" + "
" + "
"; //console.log(data); var img = new Image(); img.src = data; //console.log(img); img.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }*/ // drawing DOM to canvas doesn't work in many browsers, so // we fall back to basic DOM rendering $(dummyDom).html(html); // DOM CSS now resides in game.css with everything else }