function DynamicObject(map, type, x, y, __game) { /* private variables */ var __x = x; var __y = y; var __type = type; var __definition = __game._callUnexposedMethod(function () { return map._getObjectDefinition(type); }); var __inventory = []; var __destroyed = false; var __myTurn = true; var __timer = null; this._map = map; /* wrapper */ function wrapExposedMethod(f, object) { return function () { var args = arguments; return __game._callUnexposedMethod(function () { return f.apply(object, args); }); }; }; /* unexposed methods */ this._computeDestination = function (startX, startY, direction) { if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: object._computeDestination()';} switch (direction) { case 'up': return {'x': startX, 'y': startY - 1}; case 'down': return {'x': startX, 'y': startY + 1}; case 'left': return {'x': startX - 1, 'y': startY}; case 'right': return {'x': startX + 1, 'y': startY}; default: return {'x': startX, 'y': startY}; } }; this._onTurn = function () { if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: object._onTurn()';} var me = this; var player = map.getPlayer(); function executeTurn() { if (map._callbackValidationFailed) { clearInterval(__timer); return; } __myTurn = true; try { //we need to check for a collision with the player *after* //the player has moved but *before* the object itself moves //this prevents a bug where players and objects can 'pass through' //each other if (__x === player.getX() && __y === player.getY()) { if (__definition.pushable) { me.move(player.getLastMoveDirection()); } if (__definition.onCollision) { map._validateCallback(function () { __definition.onCollision(player, me); }); } } if (__myTurn && __definition.behavior) { map._validateCallback(function () { __definition.behavior(me, player); }); } } catch (e) { // throw e; // for debugging map.writeStatus(e.toString()); } } if (__definition.interval) { // start timer if not already set if (!__timer) { __timer = setInterval(executeTurn, __definition.interval); } // don't move on regular turn, but still check for player collision if (map.getPlayer().atLocation(__x, __y) && (__definition.onCollision || __definition.projectile)) { // trigger collision if (__definition.projectile) { // projectiles automatically kill map.getPlayer().killedBy('a ' + __type); } else { var thing = this; map._validateCallback(function () { __definition.onCollision(map.getPlayer(), thing); }); } } } else { executeTurn(); } }; this._afterMove = function () { if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: object._afterMove()';} // try to pick up items var objectName = map._getGrid()[__x][__y].type; var object = map._getObjectDefinition(objectName); if (object.type === 'item' && !__definition.projectile) { __inventory.push(objectName); map._removeItemFromMap(__x, __y, objectName); map._playSound('pickup'); } else if (object.type === 'trap') { // this part is used by janosgyerik's bonus levels if (object.deactivatedBy && object.deactivatedBy.indexOf(__type) > -1) { if (typeof(object.onDeactivate) === 'function') { __game.validateCallback(function(){ object.onDeactivate(); }); } map._removeItemFromMap(__x, __y, objectName); } } }; this._destroy = function (onMapReset) { if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: object._destroy()';} var me = this; __destroyed = true; clearInterval(__timer); // remove this object from map's __dynamicObjects list map._refreshDynamicObjects(); // unless the map is being reset, play an explosion // and call this object's onDestroy method if (__definition.onDestroy && !onMapReset) { if (!__definition.projectile) { map._playSound('explosion'); } map._validateCallback(function () { __definition.onDestroy(me); }); } }; /* exposed methods */ this.getX = function () { return __x; }; this.getY = function () { return __y; }; this.getType = function () { return __type; }; this.isDestroyed = function () { return __destroyed; }; this.giveItemTo = wrapExposedMethod(function (player, itemType) { var pl_at = player.atLocation; if (!(pl_at(__x, __y) || pl_at(__x+1, __y) || pl_at(__x-1, __y) || pl_at(__x, __y+1) || pl_at(__x, __y-1))) { throw (type + ' says: Can\'t give an item unless I\'m touching the player!'); } if (__inventory.indexOf(itemType) < 0) { throw (type + ' says: I don\'t have that item!'); } player._pickUpItem(itemType, map._getObjectDefinition(itemType)); }, this); this.move = wrapExposedMethod(function (direction) { var dest = this._computeDestination(__x, __y, direction); if (!__myTurn) { throw 'Can\'t move when it isn\'t your turn!'; } var nearestObj = map._findNearestToPoint("anyDynamic", dest.x, dest.y); // check for collision with player if (map.getPlayer().atLocation(dest.x, dest.y) && (__definition.onCollision || __definition.projectile)) { // trigger collision if (__definition.projectile) { // projectiles automatically kill map.getPlayer().killedBy('a ' + __type); } else { var thing = this; map._validateCallback(function() { __definition.onCollision(map.getPlayer(), thing); }); } } else if (map._canMoveTo(dest.x, dest.y, __type) && !map._isPointOccupiedByDynamicObject(dest.x, dest.y)) { // move the object __x = dest.x; __y = dest.y; this._afterMove(__x, __y); } else { // cannot move if (__definition.projectile) { // projectiles disappear when they cannot move this._destroy(); // projectiles also destroy any dynamic objects they touch if (map._isPointOccupiedByDynamicObject(dest.x, dest.y)) { map._findDynamicObjectAtPoint(dest.x, dest.y)._destroy(); } } } __myTurn = false; }, this); this.canMove = wrapExposedMethod(function (direction) { var dest = this._computeDestination(__x, __y, direction); // check if the object can move there and will not collide with // another dynamic object return (map._canMoveTo(dest.x, dest.y, __type) && !map._isPointOccupiedByDynamicObject(dest.x, dest.y)); }, this); this.findNearest = wrapExposedMethod(function (type) { return map._findNearestToPoint(type, __x, __y); }, this); // only for teleporters this.setTarget = wrapExposedMethod(function (target) { if (__type != 'teleporter') { throw 'setTarget() can only be called on a teleporter!'; } if (target === this) { throw 'Teleporters cannot target themselves!'; } = target; }, this); // call secureObject to prevent user code from tampering with private attributes __game.secureObject(this, type); // constructor if (!map._dummy && __definition.interval) { this._onTurn(); } }