function Game(debugMode, startLevel) { /* private properties */ var __currentCode = ''; var __commands = []; var __playerCodeRunning = false; /* unexposed properties */ this._dimensions = { width: 50, height: 25 }; this._levelFileNames = [ //%LEVELS% ]; this._bonusLevels = [ //%BONUS% ].filter(function (lvl) { return (lvl.indexOf('_') != 0); }); // filter out bonus levels that start with '_' this._mod = '//%MOD%'; this._viewableScripts = [ 'codeEditor.js', 'display.js', 'dynamicObject.js', 'game.js', 'inventory.js', 'map.js', 'objects.js', 'player.js', 'reference.js', 'sound.js', 'ui.js', 'util.js', 'validate.js' ]; this._editableScripts = [ 'map.js', 'objects.js', 'player.js' ]; this._resetTimeout = null; this._currentLevel = 0; this._currentFile = null; this._currentBonusLevel = null; this._levelReached = 1; this._displayedChapters = []; this._playerPrototype = Player; // to allow messing with map.js and player.js later this._nextBonusLevel = null; /* unexposed getters */ this._getHelpCommands = function () { return __commands; }; this._isPlayerCodeRunning = function () { return __playerCodeRunning; }; this._getLocalKey = function (key) { return (this._mod.length == 0 ? '' : this._mod + '.') + key; }; /* unexposed setters */ this._setPlayerCodeRunning = function (pcr) { __playerCodeRunning = pcr; }; /* unexposed methods */ this._initialize = function () { // Get last level reached from localStorage (if any) var levelKey = this._mod.length == 0 ? 'levelReached' : this._mod + '.levelReached'; this._levelReached = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(levelKey)) || 1; // Fix potential corruption // levelReached may be "81111" instead of "8" due to bug if (this._levelReached > this._levelFileNames.length) { for (var l = 1; l <= this._levelFileNames.length; l++) { if (!localStorage[this._getLocalKey("level" + l + ".lastGoodState")]) { this._levelReached = l - 1; break; } } } // Initialize sound this.sound = new Sound('local'); // this.sound = new Sound(debugMode ? 'local' : 'cloudfront'); // Initialize map display this.display = ROT.Display.create(this, { width: this._dimensions.width, height: this._dimensions.height, fontSize: 20 }); this.display.setupEventHandlers(); var display = this.display; $('#screen').append(this.display.getContainer()); $('#drawingCanvas, #dummyDom, #dummyDom *').click(function () { display.focus(); }); // Initialize editor, map, and objects this.editor = new CodeEditor("editor", 600, 500, this); = new Map(this.display, this); this.objects = this.getListOfObjects(); // Enable controls this.enableShortcutKeys(); this.enableButtons(); this.setUpNotepad(); // Load help commands from local storage (if possible) if (localStorage.getItem(this._getLocalKey('helpCommands'))) { __commands = localStorage.getItem(this._getLocalKey('helpCommands')).split(';'); } // Enable debug features if (debugMode) { this._debugMode = true; this._levelReached = 999; // make all levels accessible __commands = Object.keys(this.reference); // display all help this.sound.toggleSound(); // mute sound by default in debug mode } // Lights, camera, action if (startLevel) { this._currentLevel = startLevel - 1; this._getLevel(startLevel, debugMode); } else if (!debugMode && this._levelReached != 1) { // load last level reached (unless it's the credits) this._getLevel(Math.min(this._levelReached, 21)); } else { this._intro(); } }; this._intro = function () { this.display.focus(); this.display.playIntro(; }; this._start = function (lvl) { this._getLevel(lvl ? lvl : 1); }; this._moveToNextLevel = function () { // is the player permitted to exit? if (typeof this.onExit === 'function') { var game = this; var canExit = this.validateCallback(function () { return game.onExit(; }); if (!canExit) { this.sound.playSound('blip'); return; } } this.sound.playSound('complete'); //we disable moving so the player can't move during the fadeout = false; if (this._currentLevel == 'bonus') { if (this._nextBonusLevel) { this._getLevelByPath("levels/bonus/" + this._nextBonusLevel); } else { // open main menu $('#helpPane, #notepadPane').hide(); $('#menuPane').show(); } } else { this._getLevel(this._currentLevel + 1, false, true); } }; this._jumpToNthLevel = function (levelNum) { this._currentFile = null; this._getLevel(levelNum, false, false); this.display.focus(); this.sound.playSound('blip'); }; // makes an ajax request to get the level text file and // then loads it into the game this._getLevel = function (levelNum, isResetting, movingToNextLevel) { var game = this; var editor = this.editor; if (levelNum > this._levelFileNames.length) { return; } this._levelReached = Math.max(levelNum, this._levelReached); if (!debugMode) { localStorage.setItem(this._getLocalKey('levelReached'), this._levelReached); } var fileName = this._levelFileNames[levelNum - 1]; lvlCode = this._levels['levels/' + fileName]; if (movingToNextLevel) { // save level state and create a gist editor.saveGoodState(); editor.createGist(); } game._currentLevel = levelNum; game._currentBonusLevel = null; game._currentFile = null; // load level code in editor editor.loadCode(lvlCode); // restored saved state for this level? if (!isResetting && editor.getGoodState(levelNum)) { // unless the current level is a newer version var newVer = editor.getProperties().version; var savedVer = editor.getGoodState(levelNum).version; if (!(newVer && (!savedVer || isNewerVersion(newVer, savedVer)))) { // restore saved line/section/endOfStartLevel state if possible if (editor.getGoodState(levelNum).endOfStartLevel) { editor.setEndOfStartLevel(editor.getGoodState(levelNum).endOfStartLevel); } if (editor.getGoodState(levelNum).editableLines) { editor.setEditableLines(editor.getGoodState(levelNum).editableLines); } if (editor.getGoodState(levelNum).editableSections) { editor.setEditableSections(editor.getGoodState(levelNum).editableSections); } // restore saved code editor.setCode(editor.getGoodState(levelNum).code); } } // start the level and fade in game._evalLevelCode(null, null, true); game.display.focus(); // store the commands introduced in this level (for api reference) __commands = __commands.concat(editor.getProperties().commandsIntroduced).unique(); localStorage.setItem(this._getLocalKey('helpCommands'), __commands.join(';')); }; this._getLevelByPath = function (filePath) { var game = this; var editor = this.editor; $.get(filePath, function (lvlCode) { game._currentLevel = 'bonus'; game._currentBonusLevel = filePath.split("levels/")[1]; game._currentFile = null; // load level code in editor editor.loadCode(lvlCode); // save next bonus level game._nextBonusLevel = editor.getProperties()["nextBonusLevel"]; // start the level and fade in game._evalLevelCode(null, null, true); game.display.focus(); // store the commands introduced in this level (for api reference) __commands = __commands.concat(editor.getProperties().commandsIntroduced).unique(); localStorage.setItem(this._getLocalKey('helpCommands'), __commands.join(';')); }, 'text'); }; // how meta can we go? this._editFile = function (filePath) { var game = this; var fileName = filePath.split('/')[filePath.split('/').length - 1]; game._currentFile = filePath; $.get(filePath, function (code) { // load level code in editor if (game._editableScripts.indexOf(fileName) > -1) { game.editor.loadCode('#BEGIN_EDITABLE#\n' + code + '\n#END_EDITABLE#'); } else { game.editor.loadCode(code); } }, 'text'); }; this._resetLevel = function( level ) { var game = this; var resetTimeout_msec = 2500; var reset_game_msg = "To reset this level press ^4 again."; if ( this._resetTimeout != null ) { $('body, #buttons').css('background-color', '#000'); window.clearTimeout( this._resetTimeout ); this._resetTimeout = null; if (game._currentBonusLevel) { game._getLevelByPath('levels/' + game._currentBonusLevel); } else { this._getLevel(level, true); } if( == reset_game_msg) {""); } } else {; $('body, #buttons').css('background-color', '#900'); this._resetTimeout = setTimeout(function () { game._resetTimeout = null; if( == reset_game_msg) {""); } $('body, #buttons').css('background-color', '#000'); }, resetTimeout_msec ); } }; // restart level with currently loaded code this._restartLevel = function () { this.editor.setCode(__currentCode); this._evalLevelCode(); }; this._evalLevelCode = function (allCode, playerCode, isNewLevel, restartingLevelFromScript) {; var game = this; // by default, get code from the editor var loadedFromEditor = false; if (!allCode) { allCode = this.editor.getCode(); playerCode = this.editor.getPlayerCode(); loadedFromEditor = true; } // if we're editing a script file, do something completely different if (this._currentFile !== null && !restartingLevelFromScript) { __currentCode = allCode; this.validateAndRunScript(allCode); return; } // save current display state (for scrolling up later) this.display.saveGrid(; // validate the code // if it passes validation, returns the startLevel function if it pass // if it fails validation, returns false var validatedStartLevel = this.validate(allCode, playerCode, restartingLevelFromScript); if (validatedStartLevel) { // code is valid // reset the map; // for cleanup = new Map(this.display, this);;['mapProperties']); // save editor state if (!restartingLevelFromScript) { __currentCode = allCode; } if (loadedFromEditor && !restartingLevelFromScript) { this.editor.saveGoodState(); } // clear drawing canvas and hide it until level loads var screenCanvas = $('#screen canvas')[0]; $('#drawingCanvas')[0].width = screenCanvas.width; $('#drawingCanvas')[0].height = screenCanvas.height; $('#drawingCanvas').hide(); $('#dummyDom').hide(); // set correct inventory state this.setInventoryStateByLevel(this._currentLevel); // start the level validatedStartLevel(; // Add the computer to bonus levels that lack it if (this._currentLevel == "bonus" &&"computer") == 0) { this.addToInventory("computer") $('#editorPane, #savedLevelMsg').show(); this.editor.refresh(); } // draw the map this.display.fadeIn(, isNewLevel ? 100 : 10, function () {; // refresh inventory display // show map overlays if necessary if ( { $('#drawingCanvas').show(); } else if ( { $('#dummyDom').show(); } // workaround because we can't use writeStatus() in startLevel() // (due to the text getting overwritten by the fade-in) if (game.editor.getProperties().startingMessage) {; } });; // start bg music for this level if (this.editor.getProperties().music) { this.sound.playTrackByName(this.editor.getProperties().music); } // activate super menu if 21_endOfTheLine has been reached if (this._levelReached >= 21) { this.activateSuperMenu(); } // finally, allow player movement if ( { = true; game.display.focus(); } } else { // code is invalid // play error sound this.sound.playSound('static'); // disable player movement = false; } }; this._callUnexposedMethod = function(f) { if (__playerCodeRunning) { __playerCodeRunning = false; try { res = f(); } finally { __playerCodeRunning = true; } return res; } else { return f(); } }; this._checkObjective = function() { if (typeof(this.objective) === 'function') { var game = this; var objectiveIsMet = this.validateCallback(function() { return game.objective(; }); if (objectiveIsMet) { this._moveToNextLevel(); } } } }