function Sound(source) { this.tracks = { 'Adversity': { path: "music/Adversity.mp3", artist: "Seropard", title: "Adversity", url: "" }, 'Beach Wedding Dance': { path: "music/Rolemusic_-_07_-_Beach_Wedding_Dance.mp3", artist: "Rolemusic", title: "Beach Wedding Dance", url: "" }, 'BossLoop': { path: "music/Boss Loop 1.mp3", artist: "Essa", title: "Boss Loop 1", url: "" }, 'Brazil': { path: "music/Vernon_Lenoir_-_Brazilicon_alley.mp3", artist: "Vernon Lenoir", title: "Brazilicon Alley", url: "" }, 'Chip': { path: "music/ThatAndyGuy-Chip-loop.mp3", artist: "That Andy Guy", title: "Da Funk Do You Know 'bout Chip?", url: "" }, 'cloudy_sin': { path: "music/intricate_cloudy_sin.mp3", artist: "iNTRICATE", title: "cloudy sin", url: "" }, 'Come and Find Me': { path: "music/Eric_Skiff_-_09_-_Come_and_Find_Me_-_B_mix.mp3", artist: "Eric Skiff", title: "Come and Find Me", url: "" }, 'coming soon': { path: "music/Fex_coming_soon.mp3", artist: "Fex", title: "coming soon", url: "" }, 'Comme Des Orages': { path: "music/Obsibilo_-_02_-_Comme_Des_Orages.mp3", artist: "Obsibilo", title: "Comme Des Orages", url: "" }, 'conspiracy': { path: "music/conspiracy_bitcrusher_final.mp3", artist: "Mike and Alan", title: "Conspiracy", url: "" }, 'Death Destroyer': { path: "music/BLEO_-_02_-_Death_Destroyer_Radio_Edit_feat_Rhinostrich.mp3", artist: "BLEO feat Rhinostrich", title: "Death Destroyer (Radio Edit)", url: "" }, 'GameScratch': { path: "music/DmitryMazin-GameScratch.mp3", artist: "Dmitry Mazin", title: "Dynamic Punctuality", url: "" }, 'gurh': { path: "music/gurh.mp3", artist: "Dmitry Mazin", title: "Dmitry's Thing #2", url: "" }, 'Messeah': { path: "music/RoccoW_-_Messeah.mp3", artist: "RoccoW", title: "Messeah", url: "" }, 'Night Owl': { path: "music/Broke_For_Free_-_01_-_Night_Owl.mp3", artist: "Broke for Free", title: "Night Owl", url: "" }, 'Obscure Terrain': { path: "music/Revolution_Void_-_08_-_Obscure_Terrain.mp3", artist: "Revolution Void", title: "Obscure Terrain", url: "" }, 'Searching': { path: "music/Eric_Skiff_-_06_-_Searching.mp3", artist: "Eric Skiff", title: "Searching", url: "" }, 'Slimeball Vomit': { path: "music/Various_Artists_-_15_-_Slimeball_vomit.mp3", artist: "Radio Scotvoid", title: "Slimeball Vomit", url: "" }, 'Soixante-8': { path: "music/Obsibilo_-_Soixante-8.mp3", artist: "Obsibilo", title: "Soixante-8", url: "" }, 'Tart': { path: "music/BLEO_-_02_-_Tart_Pts_1__2_feat_KeFF.mp3", artist: "BLEO feat KeFF", title: "Tart (Pts 1-2)", url: "" }, 'The Green': { path: "music/Yonnie_The_Green.mp3", artist: "Jonathan Holliday", title: "The Green", url: "" }, 'The_Waves_Call_Her_Name': { path: "music/Sycamore_Drive_-_03_-_The_Waves_Call_Her_Name.mp3", artist: "Sycamore Drive", title: "The Waves Call Her Name", url: "" }, 'Y': { path: "music/Tortue_Super_Sonic_-_11_-_Y.mp3", artist: "Tortue Super Sonic", title: "Y", url: "" } }; this.defaultTracks = [ // (not currently used, as all levels now have explicit tracks) 'GameScratch', 'Y', 'Searching', 'Soixante-8', 'Come and Find Me' ]; this.sources = { 'local': '', 'cloudfront': '' }; this.bgPlayerElt = $("#jquery_bgPlayer"); this.soundPlayerElt = $("#jquery_soundPlayer"); this.muted = false; this.currentLevelNum = -1; this.init = function() { var sound = this; this.source = this.sources[source]; this.bgPlayerElt.jPlayer({ wmode: "window", loop: true, swfPath: "lib/Jplayer.swf", volume: 0.6 }); this.soundPlayerElt.jPlayer({ wmode: "window", loop: false, supplied: 'wav', swfPath: "lib/Jplayer.swf" }); $(window).focus(function () { $(sound.bgPlayerElt).jPlayer('play'); }).blur(function () { $(sound.bgPlayerElt).jPlayer('pause'); }); }; this.playTrackByName = function (name) { this.trackForLevel = name; var track = this.tracks[name]; if (track.url) { var nowPlayingMsg = 'Now playing: "' + track.title + '" - ' + track.artist + ''; } else { var nowPlayingMsg = 'Now playing: "' + track.title + '" - ' + track.artist; } $('#nowPlayingMsg').html(nowPlayingMsg); if (!this.muted && this.currentlyPlayingTrack !== name) { var path = this.source + track.path; $(this.bgPlayerElt).jPlayer('stop'); $(this.bgPlayerElt).jPlayer("setMedia", { 'mp3': path }); $(this.bgPlayerElt).jPlayer('play'); this.currentlyPlayingTrack = name; } }; this.playTrackByNum = function (num) { this.playTrackByName(this.defaultTracks[(num - 1) % this.defaultTracks.length]); }; this.playSound = function (name) { $(this.soundPlayerElt).jPlayer('stop'); $(this.soundPlayerElt).jPlayer("setMedia", { 'wav': 'sound/' + name + '.wav' }); $(this.soundPlayerElt).jPlayer('play'); }; this.toggleSound = function() { if (this.muted) { this.bgPlayerElt.jPlayer('unmute'); this.soundPlayerElt.jPlayer('unmute'); $("#muteButton img").attr('src', 'images/mute-off.png'); this.muted = false; this.playTrackByName(this.trackForLevel); } else { this.bgPlayerElt.jPlayer('mute'); this.soundPlayerElt.jPlayer('mute'); $("#muteButton img").attr('src', 'images/mute-on.png'); this.muted = true; } }; // constructor this.init(); }