import time import sys import asyncio import numpy as np import bittensor as bt import traceback from typing import List, Dict, Awaitable from prompting.agent import HumanAgent from prompting.dendrite import DendriteResponseEvent from prompting.conversation import create_task from prompting.protocol import StreamPromptingSynapse from prompting.rewards import RewardResult from prompting.utils.uids import get_random_uids from prompting.utils.logging import log_event from prompting.utils.misc import async_log, serialize_exception_to_string from dataclasses import dataclass @async_log async def generate_reference(agent): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor( None, agent.task.generate_reference, agent.llm_pipeline ) return result @async_log async def execute_dendrite_call(dendrite_call): responses = await dendrite_call return responses @dataclass class StreamResult: synapse: StreamPromptingSynapse = None exception: BaseException = None uid: int = None async def process_response(uid: int, async_generator: Awaitable): """Process a single response asynchronously.""" try: chunk = None # Initialize chunk with a default value async for chunk in async_generator: # most important loop, as this is where we acquire the final synapse. bt.logging.debug(f"\nchunk for uid {uid}: {chunk}") if chunk is not None: synapse = chunk # last object yielded is the synapse itself with completion filled # Assuming chunk holds the last value yielded which should be a synapse if isinstance(synapse, StreamPromptingSynapse): return synapse bt.logging.debug( f"Synapse is not StreamPromptingSynapse. Miner uid {uid} completion set to '' " ) except Exception as e: # bt.logging.error(f"Error in generating reference or handling responses: {e}", exc_info=True) traceback_details = traceback.format_exc() bt.logging.error( f"Error in generating reference or handling responses for uid {uid}: {e}\n{traceback_details}" ) failed_synapse = StreamPromptingSynapse( roles=["user"], messages=["failure"], completion="" ) return failed_synapse @async_log async def handle_response(responses: Dict[int, Awaitable]) -> List[StreamResult]: """The handle_response function is responsible for creating asyncio tasks around acquiring streamed miner chunks and processing them asynchronously. It then pairs the results with their original UIDs and returns a list of StreamResults. Args: responses (Dict[int, Awaitable]): Responses contains awaitables that are used to acquire streamed miner chunks. Raises: ValueError Returns: List[StreamResult]: DataClass containing the synapse, exception, and uid """ tasks_with_uid = [ (uid, responses[uid]) for uid, _ in responses.items() ] # Pair UIDs with their tasks # Start tasks, preserving order and their associated UIDs tasks = [process_response(uid, resp) for uid, resp in tasks_with_uid] results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) mapped_results = [] # Pair each result with its original uid for (uid, _), result in zip(tasks_with_uid, results): # If the result is a StreamPromptingSynapse, the response was successful and the stream result is added without exceptions if isinstance(result, StreamPromptingSynapse): mapped_results.append(StreamResult(synapse=result, uid=uid)) # If the result is an exception, the response was unsuccessful and the stream result is added with the exception and an empty synapse elif isinstance(result, BaseException): failed_synapse = StreamPromptingSynapse( roles=["user"], messages=["failure"], completion="" ) mapped_results.append( StreamResult(synapse=failed_synapse, exception=result, uid=uid) ) # If the result is neither an error or a StreamSynapse, log the error and raise a ValueError else: bt.logging.error(f"Unexpected result type for UID {uid}: {result}") raise ValueError(f"Unexpected result type for UID {uid}: {result}") return mapped_results @async_log async def generate_reference(agent: HumanAgent): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor( None, agent.task.generate_reference, agent.llm_pipeline ) return result def log_stream_results(stream_results: List[StreamResult]): failed_responses = [ response for response in stream_results if response.exception is not None ] empty_responses = [ response for response in stream_results if response.exception is None and response.synapse.completion == "" ] non_empty_responses = [ response for response in stream_results if response.exception is None and response.synapse.completion != "" ]"Total of non_empty responses: ({len(non_empty_responses)})")"Total of empty responses: ({len(empty_responses)})") f"Total of failed responses: ({len(failed_responses)}):\n {failed_responses}" ) for failed_response in failed_responses: formatted_exception = serialize_exception_to_string(failed_response.exception) bt.logging.error( f"Failed response for uid {failed_response.uid}: {formatted_exception}" ) async def run_step( self, agent: HumanAgent, k: int, timeout: float, exclude: list = None ): """Executes a single step of the agent, which consists of: - Getting a list of uids to query - Querying the network - Rewarding the network - Updating the scores - Logging the event Args: agent (HumanAgent): The agent to run the step for. k (int): The number of uids to query. timeout (float): The timeout for the queries. exclude (list, optional): The list of uids to exclude from the query. Defaults to []. """ bt.logging.debug("run_step", # Record event start time. start_time = time.time() # Get the list of uids to query for this step. uids = get_random_uids(self, k=k, exclude=exclude or []).to(self.device) uids_cpu = uids.cpu().tolist() axons = [self.metagraph.axons[uid] for uid in uids] # Directly call dendrite and process responses in parallel streams_responses = await self.dendrite( axons=axons, synapse=StreamPromptingSynapse(roles=["user"], messages=[agent.challenge]), timeout=timeout, deserialize=False, streaming=True, ) # Prepare the task for handling stream responses handle_stream_responses_task = asyncio.create_task( handle_response(responses=dict(zip(uids_cpu, streams_responses))) ) if not agent.task.static_reference: reference_generation_task = generate_reference(agent) _, stream_results = await asyncio.gather( reference_generation_task, handle_stream_responses_task ) else: stream_results = await handle_stream_responses_task log_stream_results(stream_results) all_synapses_results = [stream_result.synapse for stream_result in stream_results] # Encapsulate the responses in a response event (dataclass) response_event = DendriteResponseEvent( responses=all_synapses_results, uids=uids, timeout=timeout )"Created DendriteResponseEvent:\n {response_event}") # Reward the responses and get the reward result (dataclass) # This contains a list of RewardEvents but can be exported as a dict (column-wise) for logging etc reward_result = RewardResult( self.reward_pipeline, agent=agent, response_event=response_event, device=self.device, )"Created RewardResult:\n {reward_result}") # The original idea was that the agent is 'satisfied' when it gets a good enough response (e.g. reward critera is met, such as ROUGE>threshold) agent.update_progress( top_reward=reward_result.rewards.max(), top_response=response_event.completions[reward_result.rewards.argmax()], ) self.update_scores(reward_result.rewards, uids) stream_results_uids = [stream_result.uid for stream_result in stream_results] stream_results_exceptions = [ serialize_exception_to_string(stream_result.exception) for stream_result in stream_results ] # Log the step event. event = { "block": self.block, "step_time": time.time() - start_time, "stream_results_uids": stream_results_uids, "stream_results_exceptions": stream_results_exceptions, **agent.__state_dict__(full=self.config.neuron.log_full), **reward_result.__state_dict__(full=self.config.neuron.log_full), **response_event.__state_dict__(), } return event