Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,633 Bytes
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"name": "axios",
"version": "1.6.8",
"description": "Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js",
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"test:karma:firefox": "node bin/ssl_hotfix.js cross-env LISTEN_ADDR=:: Browsers=Firefox karma start karma.conf.cjs --single-run",
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"contributors": [
"Matt Zabriskie (",
"Nick Uraltsev (",
"Jay (",
"Dmitriy Mozgovoy (",
"Emily Morehouse (",
"Rubén Norte (",
"Justin Beckwith (",
"Martti Laine (",
"Xianming Zhong (",
"Rikki Gibson (",
"Remco Haszing (",
"Yasu Flores (",
"Ben Carp ("
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"after:release": "echo Successfully released ${name} v${version} to ${repo.repository}."
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