import React, { useEffect } from "react"; |
import { useParams, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; |
import { useLiveQuery } from "dexie-react-hooks"; |
import { mapStoredMessageToChatMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages"; |
import { ConfigManager } from "@/lib/config/manager"; |
import { toast } from "sonner"; |
import { Messages } from "./components/Messages"; |
import { Input } from "./components/Input"; |
import { FilePreviewDialog } from "./components/FilePreviewDialog"; |
import { useChatSession, useSelectedModel, generateMessage, useChatManager } from "@/hooks/use-chat"; |
import { CHAT_MODELS, PROVIDERS } from "@/lib/config/types"; |
import { IDocument } from "@/lib/document/types"; |
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages"; |
import { AIMessageChunk } from "@langchain/core/messages"; |
import { DocumentManager } from "@/lib/document/manager"; |
import { useLoading } from "@/contexts/loading-context"; |
import { Alert, AlertTitle, AlertDescription } from "@/components/ui/alert"; |
import { AlertCircle } from "lucide-react"; |
export function ChatPage() { |
const { id } = useParams(); |
const navigate = useNavigate(); |
const { startLoading, stopLoading } = useLoading(); |
const configManager = React.useMemo(() => ConfigManager.getInstance(), []); |
const chatManager = useChatManager(); |
const documentManager = React.useMemo(() => DocumentManager.getInstance(), []); |
const [input, setInput] = React.useState(""); |
const [attachments, setAttachments] = React.useState<IDocument[]>([]); |
const [isUrlInputOpen, setIsUrlInputOpen] = React.useState(false); |
const [urlInput, setUrlInput] = React.useState(""); |
const [previewDocument, setPreviewDocument] = React.useState<IDocument | null>(null); |
const [isGenerating, setIsGenerating] = React.useState(false); |
const [streamingHumanMessage, setStreamingHumanMessage] = React.useState<HumanMessage | null>(null); |
const [streamingAIMessageChunks, setStreamingAIMessageChunks] = React.useState<AIMessageChunk[]>([]); |
const [editingMessageIndex, setEditingMessageIndex] = React.useState<number | null>(null); |
const [error, setError] = React.useState<string | null>(null); |
const config = useLiveQuery(async () => await configManager.getConfig()); |
const chatSession = useChatSession(id); |
const [selectedModel, setSelectedModel, chatHistoryDB] = useSelectedModel(id, config); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!config) { |
startLoading("Loading configuration..."); |
return; |
} |
stopLoading(); |
}, [config, startLoading, stopLoading]); |
const selectedModelName = React.useMemo(() => ( |
CHAT_MODELS.find(model => model.model === selectedModel)?.name || "Select a model" |
), [selectedModel]); |
const selectedModelProvider = React.useMemo(() => { |
const model = CHAT_MODELS.find(model => model.model === selectedModel); |
return model?.provider; |
}, [selectedModel]); |
const handleModelChange = React.useCallback(async (model: string) => { |
if (!config) return; |
if (!id || id === "new") { |
await configManager.updateConfig({ |
...config, |
default_chat_model: model |
}); |
} else { |
const session = await chatHistoryDB.sessions.get(id); |
if (session) { |
await chatHistoryDB.sessions.update(id, { |
...session, |
model, |
updatedAt: Date.now() |
}); |
} |
} |
setSelectedModel(model); |
setError(null); |
}, [config, id, setSelectedModel, configManager, chatHistoryDB.sessions]); |
const handleSendMessage = React.useCallback(async () => { |
setError(null); |
if (selectedModelProvider === PROVIDERS.ollama && config) { |
if (!config.ollama_base_url || config.ollama_base_url.trim() === '') { |
setError(`Ollama base URL is not configured. Please set a valid URL in the settings.`); |
return; |
} |
if (!config.ollama_available) { |
setError(`Ollama server is not available. Please check your connection to ${config.ollama_base_url}`); |
return; |
} |
} |
let chatId = id; |
let isNewChat = false; |
if (id === "new") { |
chatId = crypto.randomUUID(); |
isNewChat = true; |
navigate(`/chat/${chatId}`, { replace: true }); |
} |
chatManager.resetController(); |
try { |
await generateMessage( |
chatId, |
input, |
attachments, |
isGenerating, |
setIsGenerating, |
setStreamingHumanMessage, |
setStreamingAIMessageChunks, |
chatManager, |
setInput, |
setAttachments |
); |
if (isNewChat && chatId) { |
const chatName = await chatManager.chatChain( |
`Based on this user message, generate a very concise (max 40 chars) but descriptive name for this chat: "${input}"`, |
"You are a helpful assistant that generates concise chat names. Respond only with the name, no quotes or explanation." |
); |
await chatHistoryDB.sessions.update(chatId, { |
name: String(chatName.content) |
}); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error sending message:", error); |
if (error instanceof Error) { |
setError(error.message); |
} else { |
setError("An unknown error occurred while sending your message"); |
} |
} |
}, [id, input, attachments, isGenerating, chatManager, navigate, chatHistoryDB.sessions, selectedModelProvider, config]); |
const handleAttachmentFileUpload = React.useCallback(async (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { |
const files = event.target.files; |
if (!files) return; |
try { |
const newDocs = await Promise.all( |
Array.from(files).map(file => documentManager.uploadDocument(file)) |
); |
setAttachments(prev => [...prev, ...newDocs]); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
toast.error("Failed to upload files"); |
} |
}, [documentManager]); |
const handleAttachmentUrlUpload = React.useCallback(async () => { |
if (!urlInput.trim()) return; |
try { |
const urls = urlInput.split(",").map(url => url.trim()); |
const newDocs = await Promise.all( |
urls.map(url => documentManager.uploadUrl(url)) |
); |
setAttachments(prev => [...prev, ...newDocs]); |
setUrlInput(""); |
setIsUrlInputOpen(false); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
toast.error("Failed to upload URLs"); |
} |
}, [urlInput, documentManager]); |
const handleAttachmentRemove = React.useCallback((docId: string) => { |
setAttachments(prev => prev.filter(doc => doc.id !== docId)); |
}, []); |
const handleEditMessage = React.useCallback((index: number) => { |
setEditingMessageIndex(index); |
}, []); |
const handleSaveEdit = React.useCallback(async (content: string) => { |
if (!id || editingMessageIndex === null || !chatSession || isGenerating) return; |
setError(null); |
if (selectedModelProvider === PROVIDERS.ollama && config) { |
if (!config.ollama_base_url || config.ollama_base_url.trim() === '') { |
setError(`Ollama base URL is not configured. Please set a valid URL in the settings.`); |
return; |
} |
if (!config.ollama_available) { |
setError(`Ollama server is not available. Please check your connection to ${config.ollama_base_url}`); |
return; |
} |
} |
try { |
const updatedMessages = [...chatSession.messages]; |
updatedMessages[editingMessageIndex] = { |
...updatedMessages[editingMessageIndex], |
data: { |
...updatedMessages[editingMessageIndex].data, |
content |
} |
}; |
const newMessages = updatedMessages.slice(0, editingMessageIndex + 1); |
await chatHistoryDB.sessions.update(id, { |
...chatSession, |
messages: newMessages, |
updatedAt: Date.now() |
}); |
setInput(content); |
setEditingMessageIndex(null); |
setAttachments([]); |
chatManager.resetController(); |
await generateMessage( |
id, |
content, |
[], |
isGenerating, |
setIsGenerating, |
setStreamingHumanMessage, |
setStreamingAIMessageChunks, |
chatManager, |
setInput, |
setAttachments |
); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error editing message:", error); |
if (error instanceof Error) { |
setError(error.message); |
} else { |
setError("An unknown error occurred while editing your message"); |
} |
} |
}, [id, editingMessageIndex, chatSession, isGenerating, chatHistoryDB.sessions, chatManager, selectedModelProvider, config]); |
const handleRegenerateMessage = React.useCallback(async (index: number) => { |
if (!id || !chatSession || isGenerating) return; |
setError(null); |
if (selectedModelProvider === PROVIDERS.ollama && config) { |
if (!config.ollama_base_url || config.ollama_base_url.trim() === '') { |
setError(`Ollama base URL is not configured. Please set a valid URL in the settings.`); |
return; |
} |
if (!config.ollama_available) { |
setError(`Ollama server is not available. Please check your connection to ${config.ollama_base_url}`); |
return; |
} |
} |
try { |
const messages = chatSession.messages; |
if (messages.length <= index) return; |
const message = messages[index]; |
const content = message.data.content; |
const newMessages = messages.slice(0, index + 1); |
await chatHistoryDB.sessions.update(id, { |
...chatSession, |
messages: newMessages, |
updatedAt: Date.now() |
}); |
chatManager.resetController(); |
await generateMessage( |
id, |
content, |
[], |
isGenerating, |
setIsGenerating, |
setStreamingHumanMessage, |
setStreamingAIMessageChunks, |
chatManager, |
setInput, |
setAttachments |
); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Error regenerating message:", error); |
if (error instanceof Error) { |
setError(error.message); |
} else { |
setError("An unknown error occurred while regenerating the message"); |
} |
} |
}, [id, chatSession, isGenerating, chatHistoryDB.sessions, chatManager, selectedModelProvider, config]); |
const stopGenerating = React.useCallback(() => { |
chatManager.controller.abort(); |
setIsGenerating(false); |
}, [chatManager]); |
return ( |
<div className="flex flex-col h-screen p-2"> |
{error && ( |
<Alert variant="destructive" className="mb-4"> |
<AlertCircle className="h-4 w-4" /> |
<AlertTitle>Error</AlertTitle> |
<AlertDescription>{error}</AlertDescription> |
</Alert> |
)} |
<Messages |
messages={chatSession?.messages.map(mapStoredMessageToChatMessage)} |
streamingHumanMessage={streamingHumanMessage} |
streamingAIMessageChunks={streamingAIMessageChunks} |
setPreviewDocument={setPreviewDocument} |
onEditMessage={handleEditMessage} |
onRegenerateMessage={handleRegenerateMessage} |
editingMessageIndex={editingMessageIndex} |
onSaveEdit={handleSaveEdit} |
onCancelEdit={() => setEditingMessageIndex(null)} |
/> |
<Input |
input={input} |
selectedModel={selectedModel || ""} |
attachments={attachments} |
onInputChange={setInput} |
onModelChange={handleModelChange} |
onSendMessage={handleSendMessage} |
enabledChatModels={config?.enabled_chat_models} |
setPreviewDocument={setPreviewDocument} |
isUrlInputOpen={isUrlInputOpen} |
setIsUrlInputOpen={setIsUrlInputOpen} |
urlInput={urlInput} |
setUrlInput={setUrlInput} |
handleAttachmentFileUpload={handleAttachmentFileUpload} |
handleAttachmentUrlUpload={handleAttachmentUrlUpload} |
handleAttachmentRemove={handleAttachmentRemove} |
selectedModelName={selectedModelName} |
isGenerating={isGenerating} |
stopGenerating={stopGenerating} |
/> |
<FilePreviewDialog |
document={previewDocument} |
onClose={() => setPreviewDocument(null)} |
/> |
</div> |
); |
} |