import React from "react"; |
import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogDescription, DialogHeader, DialogTitle } from "@/components/ui/dialog"; |
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; |
import { Download, Loader2 } from "lucide-react"; |
import { DocumentManager } from "@/lib/document/manager"; |
import { FilePreviewDialogProps } from "../types"; |
import { toast } from "sonner"; |
export const FilePreviewDialog = React.memo(({ document: fileDoc, onClose }: FilePreviewDialogProps) => { |
const [content, setContent] = React.useState<string | null>(null); |
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(true); |
const [error, setError] = React.useState<string | null>(null); |
const documentManager = React.useMemo(() => DocumentManager.getInstance(), []); |
React.useEffect(() => { |
if (!fileDoc) return; |
const loadContent = async () => { |
try { |
setIsLoading(true); |
setError(null); |
const file = await documentManager.getDocument(fileDoc.id); |
if (fileDoc.type === "image") { |
const reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.onload = () => setContent(reader.result as string); |
reader.readAsDataURL(file); |
} else if (fileDoc.type === "pdf") { |
const url = URL.createObjectURL(file); |
setContent(url); |
return () => URL.revokeObjectURL(url); |
} else { |
const text = await file.text(); |
setContent(text); |
} |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err); |
setError("Failed to load file content"); |
} finally { |
setIsLoading(false); |
} |
}; |
loadContent(); |
}, [fileDoc, documentManager]); |
const handleDownload = React.useCallback(async () => { |
if (!fileDoc) return; |
try { |
const file = await documentManager.getDocument(fileDoc.id); |
const url = URL.createObjectURL(file); |
const a = document.createElement('a'); |
a.href = url; |
a.download = fileDoc.name; |
document.body.appendChild(a); |
a.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(a); |
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(err); |
toast.error("Failed to download file"); |
} |
}, [fileDoc, documentManager]); |
if (!fileDoc) return null; |
const renderContent = () => { |
if (isLoading) { |
return ( |
<div className="flex items-center justify-center h-full"> |
<Loader2 className="h-8 w-8 animate-spin" /> |
</div> |
); |
} |
if (error) { |
return ( |
<div className="flex items-center justify-center h-full text-destructive"> |
{error} |
</div> |
); |
} |
if (content) { |
if (fileDoc.type === "image") { |
return ( |
<div className="flex items-center justify-center p-4"> |
<img src={content} alt={fileDoc.name} className="max-w-full max-h-full object-contain" /> |
</div> |
); |
} |
if (fileDoc.type === "pdf") { |
return <iframe src={content} className="h-full w-full rounded-md bg-muted/50" />; |
} |
return ( |
<pre className="p-4 whitespace-pre-wrap font-mono text-sm"> |
{content} |
</pre> |
); |
} |
return null; |
}; |
return ( |
<Dialog open={!!fileDoc} onOpenChange={onClose}> |
<DialogContent className="max-w-4xl max-h-[80vh] h-full flex flex-col"> |
<DialogHeader className="flex flex-row items-center justify-between"> |
<div className="space-y-1"> |
<DialogTitle>{fileDoc.name}</DialogTitle> |
<DialogDescription> |
Type: {fileDoc.type} • Created: {new Date(fileDoc.createdAt).toLocaleString()} |
</DialogDescription> |
</div> |
<Button onClick={handleDownload} variant="outline" size="sm" className="gap-2"> |
<Download className="h-4 w-4" /> |
Download |
</Button> |
</DialogHeader> |
{renderContent()} |
</DialogContent> |
</Dialog> |
); |
}); |
FilePreviewDialog.displayName = "FilePreviewDialog"; |