Build error
Build error
import os | |
import time | |
import string | |
import argparse | |
import re | |
import sys | |
import random | |
import pickle | |
import logging | |
from fastai.distributed import * | |
from import * | |
import glob | |
import settings | |
import torch | |
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn | |
import | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torch.autograd import Variable | |
import numpy as np | |
from skimage.color import gray2rgb | |
from nltk.metrics.distance import edit_distance | |
import cv2 | |
import pickle | |
import copy | |
# from dataset import hierarchical_dataset, AlignCollate | |
# from model import Model, SuperPixler, CastNumpy, STRScore | |
# import hiddenlayer as hl | |
from callbacks import DumpPrediction, IterationCallback, TextAccuracy, TopKTextAccuracy | |
from dataset_matrn import ImageDataset, CustomImageDataset, TextDataset | |
from losses_matrn import MultiLosses | |
from lime import lime_image | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import random | |
from transforms import CVColorJitter, CVDeterioration, CVGeometry | |
from utils_matrn import Config, Logger, CharsetMapper, MyConcatDataset | |
from utils import SRNConverter | |
from model_matrn import STRScore | |
from lime.wrappers.scikit_image import SegmentationAlgorithm | |
from captum._utils.models.linear_model import SkLearnLinearModel, SkLearnRidge | |
from captum_test import acquire_average_auc, acquire_bestacc_attr, acquireAttribution, saveAttrData | |
# device = torch.device('cpu') | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | |
from captum.attr import ( | |
GradientShap, | |
DeepLift, | |
DeepLiftShap, | |
IntegratedGradients, | |
LayerConductance, | |
NeuronConductance, | |
NoiseTunnel, | |
Saliency, | |
InputXGradient, | |
GuidedBackprop, | |
Deconvolution, | |
GuidedGradCam, | |
FeatureAblation, | |
ShapleyValueSampling, | |
Lime, | |
KernelShap | |
) | |
from captum.metrics import ( | |
infidelity, | |
sensitivity_max | |
) | |
from captum.attr._utils.visualization import visualize_image_attr | |
### Acquire pixelwise attributions and replace them with ranked numbers averaged | |
### across segmentation with the largest contribution having the largest number | |
### and the smallest set to 1, which is the minimum number. | |
### attr - original attribution | |
### segm - image segmentations | |
def rankedAttributionsBySegm(attr, segm): | |
aveSegmentations, sortedDict = averageSegmentsOut(attr[0,0], segm) | |
totalSegm = len(sortedDict.keys()) # total segmentations | |
sortedKeys = [k for k, v in sorted(sortedDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])] | |
sortedKeys = sortedKeys[::-1] ### A list that should contain largest to smallest score | |
currentRank = totalSegm | |
rankedSegmImg = torch.clone(attr) | |
for totalSegToHide in range(0, len(sortedKeys)): | |
currentSegmentToHide = sortedKeys[totalSegToHide] | |
rankedSegmImg[0,0][segm == currentSegmentToHide] = currentRank | |
currentRank -= 1 | |
return rankedSegmImg | |
### Returns the mean for each segmentation having shape as the same as the input | |
### This function can only one attribution image at a time | |
def averageSegmentsOut(attr, segments): | |
averagedInput = torch.clone(attr) | |
sortedDict = {} | |
for x in np.unique(segments): | |
segmentMean = torch.mean(attr[segments == x][:]) | |
sortedDict[x] = float(segmentMean.detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
averagedInput[segments == x] = segmentMean | |
return averagedInput, sortedDict | |
def acquireSelectivityHit(origImg, attributions, segmentations, model, charset, labels, scoring): | |
# print("segmentations unique len: ", np.unique(segmentations)) | |
aveSegmentations, sortedDict = averageSegmentsOut(attributions[0,0], segmentations) | |
sortedKeys = [k for k, v in sorted(sortedDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])] | |
sortedKeys = sortedKeys[::-1] ### A list that should contain largest to smallest score | |
# print("sortedDict: ", sortedDict) # {0: -5.51e-06, 1: -1.469e-05, 2: -3.06e-05,...} | |
# print("aveSegmentations unique len: ", np.unique(aveSegmentations)) | |
# print("aveSegmentations device: ", aveSegmentations.device) # cuda:0 | |
# print("aveSegmentations shape: ", aveSegmentations.shape) # (224,224) | |
# print("aveSegmentations: ", aveSegmentations) | |
n_correct = [] | |
confidenceList = [] # First index is one feature removed, second index two features removed, and so on... | |
clonedImg = torch.clone(origImg) | |
gt = labels | |
for totalSegToHide in range(0, len(sortedKeys)): | |
### Acquire LIME prediction result | |
currentSegmentToHide = sortedKeys[totalSegToHide] | |
clonedImg[0,0][segmentations == currentSegmentToHide] = 0.0 | |
modelOut = model(clonedImg) ### Returns a tuple of dictionaries | |
confScore = scoring(modelOut).cpu().detach().numpy() | |
pred, _, __ = postprocess(modelOut[0], charset, config.model_eval) | |
pred = pred[0] # outputs a list, so query [0] | |
if pred.lower() == gt.lower(): ### not lowercase gt labels, pred only predicts lowercase | |
n_correct.append(1) | |
else: | |
n_correct.append(0) | |
confScore = confScore[0][0]*100 | |
confidenceList.append(confScore) | |
return n_correct, confidenceList | |
def _get_dataset(ds_type, paths, is_training, config, **kwargs): | |
kwargs.update({ | |
'img_h': config.dataset_image_height, | |
'img_w': config.dataset_image_width, | |
'max_length': config.dataset_max_length, | |
'case_sensitive': config.dataset_case_sensitive, | |
'charset_path': config.dataset_charset_path, | |
'data_aug': config.dataset_data_aug, | |
'deteriorate_ratio': config.dataset_deteriorate_ratio, | |
'is_training': is_training, | |
'multiscales': config.dataset_multiscales, | |
'one_hot_y': config.dataset_one_hot_y, | |
}) | |
datasets = [ds_type(p, **kwargs) for p in paths] | |
if len(datasets) > 1: return MyConcatDataset(datasets) | |
else: return datasets[0] | |
def get_model(config): | |
import importlib | |
names = config.model_name.split('.') | |
module_name, class_name = '.'.join(names[:-1]), names[-1] | |
cls = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_name), class_name) | |
model = cls(config) | | | |
model = model.eval() | |
return model | |
def preprocess(img, width, height): | |
img = cv2.resize(np.array(img), (width, height)) | |
img = transforms.ToTensor()(img).unsqueeze(0) | |
mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) | |
std = torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) | |
return (img-mean[...,None,None]) / std[...,None,None] | |
def postprocess(output, charset, model_eval): | |
def _get_output(last_output, model_eval): | |
if isinstance(last_output, (tuple, list)): | |
for res in last_output: | |
if res['name'] == model_eval: output = res | |
else: output = last_output | |
return output | |
def _decode(logit): | |
""" Greed decode """ | |
out = F.softmax(logit, dim=2) | |
pt_text, pt_scores, pt_lengths = [], [], [] | |
for o in out: | |
text = charset.get_text(o.argmax(dim=1), padding=False, trim=False) | |
text = text.split(charset.null_char)[0] # end at end-token | |
pt_text.append(text) | |
pt_scores.append(o.max(dim=1)[0]) | |
pt_lengths.append(min(len(text) + 1, charset.max_length)) # one for end-token | |
return pt_text, pt_scores, pt_lengths | |
output = _get_output(output, model_eval) | |
logits, pt_lengths = output['logits'], output['pt_lengths'] | |
pt_text, pt_scores, pt_lengths_ = _decode(logits) | |
return pt_text, pt_scores, pt_lengths_ | |
def load(model, file, device=None, strict=True): | |
if device is None: device = 'cpu' | |
elif isinstance(device, int): device = torch.device('cuda', device) | |
assert os.path.isfile(file) | |
state = torch.load(file, map_location=device) | |
if set(state.keys()) == {'model', 'opt'}: | |
state = state['model'] | |
model.load_state_dict(state, strict=strict) | |
return model | |
def main(config): | |
height = config.imgH | |
width = config.imgW | |
# 'IIIT5k_3000', 'SVT', 'IC03_860', 'IC03_867', 'IC13_857', 'IC13_1015', 'IC15_1811', 'IC15_2077', 'SVTP', 'CUTE80' | |
targetDataset = settings.TARGET_DATASET # Change also the configs/train_matrn.yaml test.roots test folder | |
segmRootDir = "{}/{}X{}/{}/".format(settings.SEGM_DIR, height, width, targetDataset) | |
outputSelectivityPkl = "strexp_ave_{}_{}.pkl".format(settings.MODEL, targetDataset) | |
outputDir = "./attributionImgs/{}/{}/".format(settings.MODEL, targetDataset) | |
attrOutputDir = "./attributionData/{}/{}/".format(settings.MODEL, targetDataset) | |
resumePkl = "" # Use to resume when session destroyed. Set to "" to disable | |
resumePkl2 = "" # To enable global resume 2nd part. Set to "" to disable | |
acquireSelectivity = True | |
acquireInfidelity = False | |
acquireSensitivity = False | |
if not os.path.exists(outputDir): | |
os.makedirs(outputDir) | |
if not os.path.exists(attrOutputDir): | |
os.makedirs(attrOutputDir) | |
config.character = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890$#" # See charset_36.txt | |
converter = SRNConverter(config.character, 36) | |
model = get_model(config).to(device) | |
model = load(model, config.model_checkpoint, device=device) | |
charset = CharsetMapper(filename=config.dataset_charset_path, | |
max_length=config.dataset_max_length + 1) | |
# if os.path.isdir(args.input): | |
# paths = [os.path.join(args.input, fname) for fname in os.listdir(args.input)] | |
# else: | |
# paths = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(args.input)) | |
# assert paths, "The input path(s) was not found" | |
# paths = sorted(paths) | |
# for path in tqdm.tqdm(paths): | |
# img ='RGB') | |
# img = preprocess(img, config.dataset_image_width, config.dataset_image_height) | |
# img = | |
""" evaluation """ | |
modelCopy = copy.deepcopy(model) | |
scoring_singlechar = STRScore(config=config, charsetMapper=charset, postprocessFunc=postprocess, device=device, enableSingleCharAttrAve=True) | |
super_pixel_model_singlechar = torch.nn.Sequential( | |
modelCopy, | |
scoring_singlechar | |
).to(device) | |
modelCopy.eval() | |
scoring_singlechar.eval() | |
super_pixel_model_singlechar.eval() | |
scoring = STRScore(config=config, charsetMapper=charset, postprocessFunc=postprocess, device=device) | |
### SuperModel | |
super_pixel_model = torch.nn.Sequential( | |
model, | |
scoring | |
).to(device) | |
model.eval() | |
scoring.eval() | |
super_pixel_model.eval() | |
selectivity_eval_results = [] | |
if config.blackbg: | |
shapImgLs = np.zeros(shape=(1, 3, 32, 128)).astype(np.float32) | |
trainList = np.array(shapImgLs) | |
background = torch.from_numpy(trainList).to(device) | |
# define a perturbation function for the input (used for calculating infidelity) | |
# def perturb_fn(modelInputs): | |
# noise = torch.tensor(np.random.normal(0, 0.003, modelInputs.shape)).float() | |
# noise = | |
# return noise, modelInputs - noise | |
strict = ifnone(config.model_strict, True) | |
### Dataset not shuffled because it is not a dataloader, just a dataset | |
valid_ds = _get_dataset(CustomImageDataset, config.dataset_test_roots, False, config) | |
# print("valid_ds: ", len(valid_ds[0])) | |
testImgCount = 0 | |
if resumePkl != "": | |
with open(resumePkl, 'rb') as filePkl: | |
selectivity_eval_results = pickle.load(filePkl) | |
for h in range(1, len(selectivity_eval_results)): | |
if "testImgCount" in selectivity_eval_results[-h]: | |
testImgCount = selectivity_eval_results[-h]["testImgCount"] # ResumeCount | |
break | |
try: | |
for i, (orig_img_tensors, labels, labels_tensor) in enumerate(valid_ds): | |
if i <= testImgCount: | |
continue | |
orig_img_tensors = orig_img_tensors.unsqueeze(0) | |
# print("orig_img_tensors: ", orig_img_tensors.shape) # (3, 32, 128) | |
# img_rgb *= 255.0 | |
# img_rgb = img_rgb.astype('int') | |
# print("img_rgb max: ", img_rgb.max()) ### 255 | |
# img_rgb = np.asarray(orig_img_tensors) | |
# segmentations = segmentation_fn(img_rgb) | |
# print("segmentations shape: ", segmentations.shape) # (224, 224) | |
# print("segmentations min: ", segmentations.min()) 0 | |
# print("Unique: ", len(np.unique(segmentations))) # (70) | |
results_dict = {} | |
with open(segmRootDir + "{}.pkl".format(i), 'rb') as f: | |
pklData = pickle.load(f) | |
# segmData, labels = segAndLabels[0] | |
segmDataNP = pklData["segdata"] | |
labels = labels.lower() # For fair evaluation for all | |
assert pklData['label'] == labels | |
# labels = "lama0" | |
segmTensor = torch.from_numpy(segmDataNP).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) | |
# print("segmTensor min: ", segmTensor.min()) # 0 starting segmentation | |
segmTensor = | |
# print("segmTensor shape: ", segmTensor.shape) | |
# img1 = np.asarray(imgPIL.convert('L')) | |
# sys.exit() | |
# img1 = img1 / 255.0 | |
# img1 = torch.from_numpy(img1).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(device) | |
img1 = | |
img1.requires_grad = True | |
bgImg = torch.zeros(img1.shape).to(device) | |
## Required preprocessing for MATRN | |
mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) | |
std = torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) | |
img1 = (img1-mean[...,None,None]) / std[...,None,None] | |
# preds = model(img1, seqlen=converter.batch_max_length) | |
input = img1 | |
origImgNP = torch.clone(orig_img_tensors).detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] # (1, 1, 224, 224) | |
origImgNP = gray2rgb(origImgNP) | |
### Integrated Gradients | |
ig = IntegratedGradients(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = ig.attribute(input, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_intgrad.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_intgrad.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["intgrad_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["intgrad_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["intgrad_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(ig.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["intgrad_sens"] = sens | |
### Gradient SHAP using zero-background | |
gs = GradientShap(super_pixel_model) | |
# We define a distribution of baselines and draw `n_samples` from that | |
# distribution in order to estimate the expectations of gradients across all baselines | |
baseline_dist = torch.zeros((1, 3, height, width)) | |
baseline_dist = | |
attributions = gs.attribute(input, baselines=baseline_dist, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_gradshap.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_gradshap.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["gradshap_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["gradshap_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["gradshap_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(gs.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["gradshap_sens"] = sens | |
### DeepLift using zero-background | |
dl = DeepLift(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = dl.attribute(input, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_deeplift.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_deeplift.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["deeplift_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["deeplift_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["deeplift_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(dl.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["deeplift_sens"] = sens | |
### Saliency | |
saliency = Saliency(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = saliency.attribute(input, target=0) ### target=class0 | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_saliency.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_saliency.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["saliency_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["saliency_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["saliency_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(saliency.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["saliency_sens"] = sens | |
### InputXGradient | |
input_x_gradient = InputXGradient(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = input_x_gradient.attribute(input, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_inpxgrad.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_inpxgrad.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["inpxgrad_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["inpxgrad_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["inpxgrad_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(input_x_gradient.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["inpxgrad_sens"] = sens | |
### GuidedBackprop | |
gbp = GuidedBackprop(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = gbp.attribute(input, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_guidedbp.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_guidedbp.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["guidedbp_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["guidedbp_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["guidedbp_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(gbp.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["guidedbp_sens"] = sens | |
### Deconvolution | |
deconv = Deconvolution(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = deconv.attribute(input, target=0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_deconv.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_deconv.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["deconv_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["deconv_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["deconv_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(deconv.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["deconv_sens"] = sens | |
### Feature ablator | |
ablator = FeatureAblation(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = ablator.attribute(input, target=0, feature_mask=segmTensor) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_featablt.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_featablt.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["featablt_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["featablt_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["featablt_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(ablator.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["featablt_sens"] = sens | |
### Shapley Value Sampling | |
svs = ShapleyValueSampling(super_pixel_model) | |
# attr = svs.attribute(input, target=0, n_samples=200) ### Individual pixels, too long to calculate | |
attributions = svs.attribute(input, target=0, feature_mask=segmTensor) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_shapley.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_shapley.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["shapley_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["shapley_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["shapley_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(svs.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["shapley_sens"] = sens | |
## LIME | |
interpretable_model = SkLearnRidge(alpha=1, fit_intercept=True) ### This is the default used by LIME | |
lime = Lime(super_pixel_model, interpretable_model=interpretable_model) | |
attributions = lime.attribute(input, target=0, feature_mask=segmTensor) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_lime.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_lime.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["lime_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["lime_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["lime_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(lime.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["lime_sens"] = sens | |
### KernelSHAP | |
ks = KernelShap(super_pixel_model) | |
attributions = ks.attribute(input, target=0, feature_mask=segmTensor) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(attributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_kernelshap.png'.format(i)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_kernelshap.pkl', attributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, attributions, segmDataNP, model, charset, labels, scoring) | |
results_dict["kernelshap_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict["kernelshap_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model, perturb_fn, img1, attributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["kernelshap_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(ks.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict["kernelshap_sens"] = sens | |
# Other data | |
results_dict["testImgCount"] = testImgCount # 0 to N-1 | |
selectivity_eval_results.append(results_dict) | |
with open(outputSelectivityPkl, 'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(selectivity_eval_results, f) | |
testImgCount += 1 | |
print("testImgCount: ", testImgCount) | |
except: | |
print("An exception occurred1") | |
del valid_ds | |
valid_ds = _get_dataset(CustomImageDataset, config.dataset_test_roots, False, config) | |
bestAttributionKeyStr = acquire_bestacc_attr(config, outputSelectivityPkl) | |
bestAttrName = bestAttributionKeyStr.split('_')[0] | |
### Run another forloop | |
testImgCount = 0 | |
if resumePkl2 != "": | |
with open(resumePkl2, 'rb') as filePkl: | |
selectivity_eval_results = pickle.load(filePkl) | |
for h in range(1, len(selectivity_eval_results)): | |
if "testImgCount2" in selectivity_eval_results[-h]: | |
testImgCount = selectivity_eval_results[-h]["testImgCount2"] # ResumeCount | |
break | |
try: | |
for i, (orig_img_tensors, labels, labels_tensor) in enumerate(valid_ds): | |
if i <= testImgCount: | |
continue | |
orig_img_tensors = orig_img_tensors.unsqueeze(0) | |
results_dict = {} | |
with open(segmRootDir + "{}.pkl".format(i), 'rb') as f: | |
pklData = pickle.load(f) | |
# segmData, labels = segAndLabels[0] | |
segmDataNP = pklData["segdata"] | |
labels = labels.lower() # For fair evaluation for all | |
assert pklData['label'] == labels | |
# labels = "lama0" | |
target = converter.encode([labels], len(config.character)) | |
target = target[0] + 1 # Idx predicted by ABINET is 1 to N chars, not 0 to N-1 | |
target[target > 36] = 0 # Remove EOS predictions, set endpoint chars to 0 | |
segmTensor = torch.from_numpy(segmDataNP).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) | |
# print("segmTensor min: ", segmTensor.min()) # 0 starting segmentation | |
segmTensor = | |
# print("segmTensor shape: ", segmTensor.shape) | |
# img1 = np.asarray(imgPIL.convert('L')) | |
# sys.exit() | |
# img1 = img1 / 255.0 | |
# img1 = torch.from_numpy(img1).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(device) | |
img1 = | |
img1.requires_grad = True | |
bgImg = torch.zeros(img1.shape).to(device) | |
## Required preprocessing for MATRN | |
mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) | |
std = torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) | |
img1 = (img1-mean[...,None,None]) / std[...,None,None] | |
# preds = model(img1, seqlen=converter.batch_max_length) | |
input = img1 | |
origImgNP = torch.clone(orig_img_tensors).detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] # (1, 1, 224, 224) | |
origImgNP = gray2rgb(origImgNP) | |
charOffset = 0 | |
### Local explanations only | |
collectedAttributions = [] | |
for charIdx in range(0, len(labels)): | |
scoring_singlechar.setSingleCharOutput(charIdx + charOffset) | |
# print("charIdx + charOffset: ", charIdx + charOffset) | |
# print("target[0]: ", target[0]) | |
gtClassNum = target[0][charIdx + charOffset] | |
### Gradient SHAP using zero-background | |
# gs = GradientShap(super_pixel_model_singlechar) | |
# baseline_dist = torch.zeros((1, 3, height, width)) | |
# baseline_dist = | |
# attributions = gs.attribute(input, baselines=baseline_dist, target=gtClassNum) | |
attributions = acquireAttribution(config, super_pixel_model_singlechar, \ | |
input, segmTensor, gtClassNum, bestAttributionKeyStr, device) | |
collectedAttributions.append(attributions) | |
aveAttributions = torch.mean(,dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(aveAttributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_{}_l.png'.format(i, bestAttrName)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_{bestAttrName}_l.pkl', aveAttributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, aveAttributions, segmDataNP, modelCopy, charset, labels, scoring_singlechar) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_local_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_local_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model_singlechar, perturb_fn, img1, aveAttributions, normalize=True).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_local_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(svs.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_local_sens"] = sens | |
### Best attribution-based method using zero-background | |
attributions = acquireAttribution(config, super_pixel_model, \ | |
input, segmTensor, 0, bestAttributionKeyStr, device) | |
collectedAttributions.append(attributions) | |
### Global + Local context | |
aveAttributions = torch.mean(,dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttributionsBySegm(aveAttributions, segmDataNP) | |
rankedAttr = rankedAttr.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0] | |
rankedAttr = gray2rgb(rankedAttr) | |
mplotfig, _ = visualize_image_attr(rankedAttr, origImgNP, method='blended_heat_map') | |
mplotfig.savefig(outputDir + '{}_{}_gl.png'.format(i, bestAttrName)) | |
mplotfig.clear() | |
plt.close(mplotfig) | |
saveAttrData(attrOutputDir + f'{i}_{bestAttrName}_gl.pkl', aveAttributions, segmDataNP, origImgNP) | |
if acquireSelectivity: | |
n_correct, confidenceList = acquireSelectivityHit(img1, aveAttributions, segmDataNP, modelCopy, charset, labels, scoring_singlechar) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_global_local_acc"] = n_correct | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_global_local_conf"] = confidenceList | |
if acquireInfidelity: | |
infid = float(infidelity(super_pixel_model_singlechar, perturb_fn, img1, aveAttributions).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_global_local_infid"] = infid | |
if acquireSensitivity: | |
sens = float(sensitivity_max(svs.attribute, img1, target=0).detach().cpu().numpy()) | |
results_dict[f"{bestAttrName}_global_local_sens"] = sens | |
results_dict["testImgCount2"] = testImgCount # 0 to N-1 | |
selectivity_eval_results.append(results_dict) | |
with open(outputSelectivityPkl, 'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(selectivity_eval_results, f) | |
testImgCount += 1 | |
print("testImgCount GlobLoc: ", testImgCount) | |
except: | |
print("An exception occurred2") | |
### Use to check if the model predicted the image or not. Output a pickle file with the image index. | |
def modelDatasetPredOnly(opt): | |
# 'IIIT5k_3000', 'SVT', 'IC03_860', 'IC03_867', 'IC13_857', | |
# 'IC13_1015', 'IC15_1811', 'IC15_2077', 'SVTP', 'CUTE80' | |
datasetName = "IIIT5k_3000" | |
outputSelectivityPkl = "metrics_predictonly_eval_results_{}.pkl".format(datasetName) | |
charset = CharsetMapper(filename=config.dataset_charset_path, | |
max_length=config.dataset_max_length + 1) | |
model = get_model(config).to(device) | |
model = load(model, config.model_checkpoint, device=device) | |
model.eval() | |
strict = ifnone(config.model_strict, True) | |
### Dataset not shuffled because it is not a dataloader, just a dataset | |
valid_ds = _get_dataset(CustomImageDataset, config.dataset_test_roots, False, config) | |
# print("valid_ds: ", len(valid_ds[0])) | |
testImgCount = 0 | |
predOutput = [] | |
for i, (orig_img_tensors, labels, labels_tensor) in enumerate(valid_ds): | |
orig_img_tensors = orig_img_tensors.unsqueeze(0).to(device) | |
modelOut = model(orig_img_tensors) ### Returns a tuple of dictionaries | |
pred, _, __ = postprocess(modelOut[0], charset, config.model_eval) | |
pred = pred[0] # outputs a list, so query [0] | |
if pred.lower() == labels.lower(): predOutput.append(1) | |
else: predOutput.append(0) | |
with open(outputSelectivityPkl, 'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(predOutput, f) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default='configs/train_matrn.yaml', | |
help='path to config file') | |
parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, default='figs/test') | |
parser.add_argument('--imgH', type=int, default=32, help='the height of the input image') | |
parser.add_argument('--imgW', type=int, default=128, help='the width of the input image') | |
parser.add_argument('--scorer', type=str, default='mean', help='See STRScore: cumprod | mean') | |
parser.add_argument('--blackbg', action='store_true', default=None) | |
parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=int, default=-1) | |
parser.add_argument('--rgb', action='store_true', help='use rgb input') | |
parser.add_argument('--checkpoint', type=str, default='workdir/train-abinet/best-train-abinet.pth') | |
parser.add_argument('--model_eval', type=str, default='alignment', | |
choices=['alignment', 'vision', 'language']) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
config = Config(args.config) | |
if args.checkpoint is not None: config.model_checkpoint = args.checkpoint | |
if args.model_eval is not None: config.model_eval = args.model_eval | |
if args.imgH is not None: config.imgH = args.imgH | |
if args.imgW is not None: config.imgW = args.imgW | |
if args.scorer is not None: config.scorer = args.scorer | |
if args.blackbg is not None: config.blackbg = args.blackbg | |
if args.rgb is not None: config.rgb = args.rgb | |
config.global_phase = 'test' | |
config.model_vision_checkpoint, config.model_language_checkpoint = None, None | |
device = 'cpu' if args.cuda < 0 else f'cuda:{args.cuda}' | |
Logger.init(config.global_workdir, config.global_name, config.global_phase) | |
Logger.enable_file() | | | |
# acquire_average_auc(config) | |
main(config) | |
# modelDatasetPredOnly(config) | |