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Copyright (c) 2019-present NAVER Corp.
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from modules_srn.transformation import TPS_SpatialTransformerNetwork
from modules_srn.feature_extraction import VGG_FeatureExtractor, RCNN_FeatureExtractor, ResNet_FeatureExtractor
from modules_srn.sequence_modeling import BidirectionalLSTM
from modules_srn.prediction import Attention
from modules_srn.resnet_aster import ResNet_ASTER
from modules_srn.bert import Bert_Ocr
from modules_srn.bert import Config
from modules_srn.SRN_modules import Transforme_Encoder, SRN_Decoder, Torch_transformer_encoder
from modules_srn.resnet_fpn import ResNet_FPN
import settings
import sys
# singleChar - if -1 then STRScore outputs all char, however if
# 0 - N, then it will output the single character confidence of the index 0 to N
class STRScore(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, opt, converter, device, gtStr="", enableSingleCharAttrAve=False, model=None):
super(STRScore, self).__init__()
self.enableSingleCharAttrAve = enableSingleCharAttrAve
self.singleChar = -1
self.opt = opt
self.converter = converter
self.device = device
self.gtStr = gtStr
self.model = model # Pass here if you want to use it
self.blank = torch.tensor([-1], dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
self.separator = torch.tensor([-2], dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
# singleChar - if >=0, then the output of STRScore will only be a single character
# instead of a whole. The char index will be equal to the parameter "singleChar".
def setSingleCharOutput(self, singleChar):
self.singleChar = singleChar
def forward(self, preds):
preds = preds[2] # Access second index
bs = preds.shape[0]
# text_for_loss, length_for_loss = self.converter.encode(labels, batch_max_length=self.opt.batch_max_length)
text_for_loss_length = self.opt.batch_max_length + 1
# _, preds_index = preds.topk(1, dim=-1, largest=True, sorted=True)
# preds_index = preds_index.view(-1, self.converter.batch_max_length)
# print("preds shape: ", preds.shape)
# print("preds_index: ", preds_index)
# preds_str = self.converter.decode(preds_index, length_for_pred)
if settings.MODEL == 'vitstr':
preds_str = self.converter.decode(preds_index[:, 1:], length_for_pred)
elif settings.MODEL == 'srn':
_, preds_index = preds.max(2)
length_for_pred = torch.IntTensor([self.opt.batch_max_length] * bs).to(self.device)
preds_str = self.converter.decode(preds_index, length_for_pred)
# sys.exit()
elif settings.MODEL == 'parseq':
preds_str, confidence = self.model.tokenizer.decode(preds)
# Confidence score
# ARGMAX calculation
sum = torch.FloatTensor([0]*bs).to(self.device)
if self.opt.confidence_mode == 0:
preds_prob = F.softmax(preds, dim=2)
# preds_prob shape: torch.Size([1, 25, 96])
preds_max_prob, preds_max_idx = preds_prob.max(dim=2)
# preds_max_prob shape: torch.Size([1, 25])
confidence_score_list = []
count = 0
for one_hot_preds, pred, pred_max_prob in zip(preds_prob, preds_str, preds_max_prob):
if settings.MODEL == 'vitstr' or settings.MODEL == 'srn':
if self.enableSingleCharAttrAve:
one_hot = one_hot_preds[self.singleChar, :]
# pred = pred[self.singleChar]
pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[self.singleChar]
pred_EOS = pred.find('[s]')
pred = pred[:pred_EOS]
pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[:pred_EOS]
# if pred_max_prob.shape[0] == 0: continue
if self.enableSingleCharAttrAve:
sum = one_hot
# sum shape: torch.Size([96])
sum = sum.unsqueeze(0)
if self.opt.scorer == "cumprod":
confidence_score = pred_max_prob.cumprod(dim=0)[-1] ### Maximum is 1
sum[count] += confidence_score
elif self.opt.scorer == "mean":
confidence_score = torch.mean(pred_max_prob) ### Maximum is 1
sum[count] += confidence_score
sum = sum.unsqueeze(1)
elif settings.MODEL == 'parseq':
if self.enableSingleCharAttrAve:
one_hot = one_hot_preds[self.singleChar, :]
# pred = pred[self.singleChar]
pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[self.singleChar]
pred_EOS = len(pred) # Predition string already has no EOS, fully intact
pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[:pred_EOS]
# if pred_max_prob.shape[0] == 0: continue
if self.enableSingleCharAttrAve:
sum = one_hot
# sum shape: torch.Size([96])
sum = sum.unsqueeze(0)
if self.opt.scorer == "cumprod":
confidence_score = pred_max_prob.cumprod(dim=0)[-1] ### Maximum is 1
sum[count] += confidence_score
elif self.opt.scorer == "mean":
confidence_score = torch.mean(pred_max_prob) ### Maximum is 1
sum[count] += confidence_score
sum = sum.unsqueeze(1)
count += 1
# return sum.detach().cpu().numpy()
# print("sumshape: ", sum.shape)
elif self.opt.confidence_mode == 1:
preds_prob = F.softmax(preds, dim=2)
### Predicted indices
preds_max_prob = torch.argmax(preds_prob, 2)
# print("preds_max_prob shape: ", preds_max_prob.shape)
### Ground truth indices
gtIndices, _ = self.converter.encode([self.gtStr for i in range(0,preds_prob.shape[0])], batch_max_length=self.opt.batch_max_length-1)
# print("gtIndices shape: ", gtIndices.shape)
### Acquire levenstein distance
m = torch.tensor([preds_prob.shape[1] for i in range(0, gtIndices.shape[0])], dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
n = torch.tensor([preds_prob.shape[1] for i in range(0, gtIndices.shape[0])], dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
# print("m: ", m)
# print("preds_max_prob dtype: ", preds_max_prob.dtype)
# print("gtIndices dtype: ", gtIndices.dtype)
preds_max_prob = preds_max_prob.type(torch.float)
gtIndices = gtIndices.type(torch.float)
r = levenshtein_distance(,, n, m,[self.blank, self.separator]), torch.empty([], dtype=torch.float).to(self.device))
# print("r shape: ", r.shape)
# confidence_score_list = []
# count = 0
# for pred, pred_max_prob in zip(preds_str, preds_max_prob):
# if 'Attn' in self.opt.Prediction:
# pred_EOS = pred.find('[s]')
# pred = pred[:pred_EOS]
# pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[:pred_EOS] ### Use score of all letters
# # pred_max_prob = pred_max_prob[0:1] ### Use score of first letter only
# if pred_max_prob.shape[0] == 0: continue
# confidence_score = pred_max_prob.cumprod(dim=0)[-1]
# sum[count] += confidence_score
# count += 1
# return sum.detach().cpu().numpy()
# print("sumshape: ", sum.shape)
# sum = sum.unsqueeze(1)
rSoft = F.softmax(r[:,2].type(torch.float))
# rSoft = rSoft.contiguous()
rNorm = rSoft.max()-rSoft
sum = rNorm.unsqueeze(1)
return sum
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, opt):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.opt = opt
self.stages = {'Trans': opt.Transformation, 'Feat': opt.FeatureExtraction,
'Seq': opt.SequenceModeling, 'Pred': opt.Prediction}
""" Transformation """
if opt.Transformation == 'TPS':
self.Transformation = TPS_SpatialTransformerNetwork(
F=opt.num_fiducial, I_size=(opt.imgH, opt.imgW), I_r_size=(opt.imgH, opt.imgW), I_channel_num=opt.input_channel)
print('No Transformation module specified')
""" FeatureExtraction """
if opt.FeatureExtraction == 'VGG':
self.FeatureExtraction = VGG_FeatureExtractor(opt.input_channel, opt.output_channel)
elif opt.FeatureExtraction == 'RCNN':
self.FeatureExtraction = RCNN_FeatureExtractor(opt.input_channel, opt.output_channel)
elif opt.FeatureExtraction == 'ResNet':
self.FeatureExtraction = ResNet_FeatureExtractor(opt.input_channel, opt.output_channel)
self.AdaptiveAvgPool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((None, 1)) # Transform final (imgH/16-1) -> 1
elif opt.FeatureExtraction == 'AsterRes':
self.FeatureExtraction = ResNet_ASTER(opt.input_channel, opt.output_channel)
elif opt.FeatureExtraction == 'ResnetFpn':
self.FeatureExtraction = ResNet_FPN()
raise Exception('No FeatureExtraction module specified')
self.FeatureExtraction_output = opt.output_channel # int(imgH/16-1) * 512
""" Sequence modeling"""
if opt.SequenceModeling == 'BiLSTM':
self.SequenceModeling = nn.Sequential(
BidirectionalLSTM(self.FeatureExtraction_output, opt.hidden_size, opt.hidden_size),
BidirectionalLSTM(opt.hidden_size, opt.hidden_size, opt.hidden_size))
self.SequenceModeling_output = opt.hidden_size
elif opt.SequenceModeling == 'Bert':
cfg = Config()
cfg.dim = opt.output_channel; cfg.dim_c = opt.output_channel # 降维减少计算量
cfg.p_dim = opt.position_dim # 一张图片cnn编码之后的特征序列长度
cfg.max_vocab_size = opt.batch_max_length + 1 # 一张图片中最多的文字个数, +1 for EOS
cfg.len_alphabet = opt.alphabet_size # 文字的类别个数
self.SequenceModeling = Bert_Ocr(cfg)
elif opt.SequenceModeling == 'SRN':
self.SequenceModeling = Transforme_Encoder(n_layers=2, n_position=opt.position_dim)
# self.SequenceModeling = Torch_transformer_encoder(n_layers=2, n_position=opt.position_dim)
self.SequenceModeling_output = 512
print('No SequenceModeling module specified')
self.SequenceModeling_output = self.FeatureExtraction_output
""" Prediction """
if opt.Prediction == 'CTC':
self.Prediction = nn.Linear(self.SequenceModeling_output, opt.num_class)
elif opt.Prediction == 'Attn':
self.Prediction = Attention(self.SequenceModeling_output, opt.hidden_size, opt.num_class)
elif opt.Prediction == 'Bert_pred':
elif opt.Prediction == 'SRN':
self.Prediction = SRN_Decoder(n_position=opt.position_dim, N_max_character=opt.batch_max_character + 1, n_class=opt.alphabet_size)
raise Exception('Prediction is neither CTC or Attn')
def forward(self, input, text=None, is_train=True):
""" Transformation stage """
if not self.stages['Trans'] == "None":
input = self.Transformation(input)
""" Feature extraction stage """
visual_feature = self.FeatureExtraction(input)
# if self.stages['Feat'] == 'AsterRes' or self.stages['Feat'] == 'ResnetFpn':
if self.stages['Feat'] == 'AsterRes' or self.stages['Feat'] == 'ResnetFpn':
b, c, h, w = visual_feature.shape
visual_feature = visual_feature.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
visual_feature = visual_feature.contiguous().view(b, c, -1)
visual_feature = visual_feature.permute(0, 2, 1) # batch, seq, feature
visual_feature = self.AdaptiveAvgPool(visual_feature.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)) # [b, c, h, w] -> [b, w, c, h]
visual_feature = visual_feature.squeeze(3)
""" Sequence modeling stage """
if self.stages['Seq'] == 'BiLSTM':
contextual_feature = self.SequenceModeling(visual_feature)
elif self.stages['Seq'] == 'Bert':
pad_mask = text
contextual_feature = self.SequenceModeling(visual_feature, pad_mask)
elif self.stages['Seq'] == 'SRN':
contextual_feature = self.SequenceModeling(visual_feature, src_mask=None)[0]
contextual_feature = visual_feature # for convenience. this is NOT contextually modeled by BiLSTM
""" Prediction stage """
if self.stages['Pred'] == 'CTC':
prediction = self.Prediction(contextual_feature.contiguous())
elif self.stages['Pred'] == 'Bert_pred':
prediction = contextual_feature
elif self.stages['Pred'] == 'SRN':
prediction = self.Prediction(contextual_feature)
prediction = self.Prediction(contextual_feature.contiguous(), text, is_train, batch_max_length=self.opt.batch_max_length)
return prediction