Build error
Build error
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter | |
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline | |
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom | |
import numpy | |
def upsampleL(fieldmap, activation_data, reduction=1, shape=None, | |
scaleshape=None, out=None): | |
''' | |
Applies a bilinear upsampling. | |
''' | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
input_count = activation_data.shape[0] | |
if len(activation_data.shape) == 2: | |
ay, ax = centered_arange(fieldmap, activation_data.shape, reduction) | |
if shape is None: | |
shape = upsampled_shape( | |
fieldmap, activation_data.shape, reduction) | |
else: | |
ay, ax = centered_arange(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:], reduction) | |
if shape is None: | |
shape = upsampled_shape( | |
fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:], reduction) | |
if scaleshape is not None: | |
iy, ix = full_arange(scaleshape) | |
# TODO: consider treaing each point as a center of a pixel | |
iy *= shape[0] / scaleshape[0] | |
ix *= shape[1] / scaleshape[1] | |
else: | |
iy, ix = full_arange(shape) | |
if out is None: | |
out = numpy.empty((input_count, len(iy), len(ix)), | |
dtype=activation_data.dtype) | |
if len(activation_data.shape) == 2: | |
f = RectBivariateSpline(ay, ax, activation_data, kx=1, ky=1) | |
return f(iy, ix, grid=True) | |
else: | |
for z in range(input_count): | |
f = RectBivariateSpline(ay, ax, activation_data[z], kx=1, ky=1) | |
out[z] = f(iy, ix, grid=True) | |
return out | |
def upsampleC(fieldmap, activation_data, shape=None, out=None): | |
''' | |
Applies a bicubic upsampling. | |
''' | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
input_count = activation_data.shape[0] | |
ay, ax = centered_arange(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:]) | |
if shape is None: | |
shape = upsampled_shape(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:]) | |
iy, ix = full_arange(shape) | |
if out is None: | |
out = numpy.empty((input_count,) + shape, | |
dtype=activation_data.dtype) | |
for z in range(input_count): | |
f = RectBivariateSpline(ay, ax, activation_data[z], kx=3, ky=3) | |
out[z] = f(iy, ix, grid=True) | |
return out | |
def upsampleG(fieldmap, activation_data, shape=None): | |
''' | |
Upsampling utility functions | |
''' | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
input_count = activation_data.shape[0] | |
if shape is None: | |
shape = upsampled_shape(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:]) | |
activations = numpy.zeros((input_count,) + shape) | |
activations[(slice(None),) + | |
centered_slice(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:])] = ( | |
activation_data * | |
blurred = gaussian_filter( | |
activations, | |
sigma=(0, ) + tuple(t // 1.414 for o, s, t in zip(*fieldmap)), | |
mode='constant') | |
return blurred | |
def topo_sort(layers): | |
# First, build a links-from and also a links-to graph | |
links_from = {} | |
links_to = {} | |
for layer in layers: | |
for bot in layer.bottom: | |
if bot not in links_from: | |
links_from[bot] = [] | |
links_from[bot].append(layer) | |
for top in | |
if top not in links_to: | |
links_to[top] = [] | |
links_to[top].append(layer) | |
# Now do a DFS to figure out the ordering (using links-from) | |
visited = set() | |
ordering = [] | |
stack = [] | |
for seed in links_from: | |
if seed not in visited: | |
stack.append((seed, True)) | |
stack.append((seed, False)) | |
visited.add(seed) | |
while stack: | |
(blob, completed) = stack.pop() | |
if completed: | |
ordering.append(blob) | |
elif blob in links_from: | |
for layer in links_from[blob]: | |
for t in | |
if t not in visited: | |
stack.append((t, True)) | |
stack.append((t, False)) | |
visited.add(t) | |
# Return a result in front-to-back order, with incoming links for each | |
return list((blob, links_to[blob] if blob in links_to else []) | |
for blob in reversed(ordering)) | |
def composed_fieldmap(layers, end): | |
ts = topo_sort(layers) | |
fm_record = {} | |
for blob, layers in ts: | |
# Compute fm's on all the edges that go to this blob. | |
all_fms = [ | |
(compose_fieldmap(fm_record[bot][0], layer_fieldmap(layer)), | |
fm_record[bot][1] + [(bot, layer)]) | |
for layer in layers for bot in layer.bottom if bot != blob] | |
# And take the max fieldmap. | |
fm_record[blob] = max_fieldmap(all_fms) | |
if blob == end: | |
return fm_record[blob] | |
def max_fieldmap(maps): | |
biggest, bp = None, None | |
for fm, path in maps: | |
if biggest is None: | |
biggest, bp = fm, path | |
elif fm[1][0] > biggest[1][0]: | |
biggest, bp = fm, path | |
# When there is no biggest, for example when maps is the empty array, | |
# use the trivial identity fieldmap with no path. | |
if biggest is None: | |
return ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)), [] | |
return biggest, bp | |
def shortest_layer_path(start, end, layers): | |
# First, build a blob-to-outgoing-layer graph | |
links_from = {} | |
for layer in layers: | |
for bot in layer.bottom: | |
if bot not in links_from: | |
links_from[bot] = [] | |
links_from[bot].append(layer) | |
# Then do a BFS on the graph to find the shortest path to 'end' | |
queue = [(s, []) for s in start] | |
visited = set(start) | |
while queue: | |
(blob, path) = queue.pop(0) | |
for layer in links_from[blob]: | |
for t in | |
if t == end: | |
return path + [layer] | |
if t not in visited: | |
queue.append((t, path + [layer])) | |
visited.add(t) | |
return None | |
def upsampled_shape(fieldmap, shape, reduction=1): | |
# Given the shape of a layer's activation and a fieldmap describing | |
# the transformation to original image space, returns the shape of | |
# the input size | |
return tuple(((w - 1) * t + s + 2 * o) // reduction | |
for (o, s, t), w in zip(zip(*fieldmap), shape)) | |
def make_mask_set(image_shape, fieldmap, activation_data, | |
output=None, sigma=0.1, threshold=0.5, percentile=None): | |
"""Creates a set of receptive field masks with uniform thresholds | |
over a range of inputs. | |
""" | |
offset, shape, step = fieldmap | |
input_count = activation_data.shape[0] | |
activations = numpy.zeros((input_count,) + image_shape) | |
activations[(slice(None),) + | |
centered_slice(fieldmap, activation_data.shape[1:])] = ( | |
activation_data) | |
blurred = gaussian_filter( | |
activations, | |
sigma=(0, ) + tuple(s * sigma for s in shape), | |
mode='constant') | |
if percentile is not None: | |
limit = blurred.ravel().percentile(percentile) | |
return blurred > limit | |
else: | |
maximum = blurred.ravel().max() | |
return (blurred > maximum * threshold) | |
def safezoom(array, ratio, output=None, order=0): | |
'''Like numpy.zoom, but does not crash when the first dimension | |
of the array is of size 1, as happens often with segmentations''' | |
dtype = array.dtype | |
if array.dtype == numpy.float16: | |
array = array.astype(numpy.float32) | |
if array.shape[0] == 1: | |
if output is not None: | |
output = output[0,...] | |
result = zoom(array[0,...], ratio[1:], | |
output=output, order=order) | |
if output is None: | |
output = result[numpy.newaxis] | |
else: | |
result = zoom(array, ratio, output=output, order=order) | |
if output is None: | |
output = result | |
return output.astype(dtype) | |
def receptive_field(location, fieldmap): | |
"""Computes the receptive field of a specific location. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
location: tuple | |
The x-y position of the unit being queried. | |
fieldmap: | |
The (offset, size, step) tuple fieldmap representing the | |
receptive field map for the layer being queried. | |
""" | |
return compose_fieldmap(fieldmap, (location, (1, 1), (1, 1)))[:2] | |
def proto_getattr(p, a, d): | |
hf = True | |
# Try using HasField to detect the presence of a field; | |
# if there is no HasField, then just use getattr. | |
try: | |
hf = p.HasField(a) | |
except: | |
pass | |
if hf: | |
return getattr(p, a, d) | |
return d | |
def wh_attr(layer, attrname, default=0, minval=0): | |
if not hasattr(default, '__len__'): | |
default = (default, default) | |
val = proto_getattr(layer, attrname, None) | |
if val is None or val == []: | |
h = max(minval, getattr(layer, attrname + '_h', default[0])) | |
w = max(minval, getattr(layer, attrname + '_w', default[1])) | |
elif hasattr(val, '__len__'): | |
h = val[0] | |
w = val[1] if len(val) >= 2 else h | |
else: | |
h = val | |
w = val | |
return (h, w) | |
def layer_fieldmap(layer): | |
# Only convolutional and pooling layers affect geometry. | |
if layer.type == 'Convolution' or layer.type == 'Pooling': | |
if layer.type == 'Pooling': | |
config = layer.pooling_param | |
if config.global_pooling: | |
return ((0, 0), (None, None), (1, 1)) | |
else: | |
config = layer.convolution_param | |
size = wh_attr(config, 'kernel_size', wh_attr(config, 'kernel', 1)) | |
stride = wh_attr(config, 'stride', 1, minval=1) | |
padding = wh_attr(config, 'pad', 0) | |
neg_padding = tuple((-x) for x in padding) | |
return (neg_padding, size, stride) | |
# All other layers just pass through geometry unchanged. | |
return ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)) | |
def layerarray_fieldmap(layerarray): | |
fieldmap = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)) | |
for layer in layerarray: | |
fieldmap = compose_fieldmap(fieldmap, layer_fieldmap(layer)) | |
return fieldmap | |
# rf1 is the lower layer, rf2 is the higher layer | |
def compose_fieldmap(rf1, rf2): | |
"""Composes two stacked fieldmap maps. | |
Field maps are represented as triples of (offset, size, step), | |
where each is an (x, y) pair. | |
To find the pixel range corresponding to output pixel (x, y), just | |
do the following: | |
start_x = x * step[0] + offset[1] | |
limit_x = start_x + size[0] | |
start_y = y * step[1] + offset[1] | |
limit_y = start_y + size[1] | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
rf1: tuple | |
The lower-layer receptive fieldmap, a tuple of (offset, size, step). | |
rf2: tuple | |
The higher-layer receptive fieldmap, a tuple of (offset, size, step). | |
""" | |
if rf1 == None: | |
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() | |
offset1, size1, step1 = rf1 | |
offset2, size2, step2 = rf2 | |
size = tuple((size2c - 1) * step1c + size1c | |
for size1c, step1c, size2c in zip(size1, step1, size2)) | |
offset = tuple(offset2c * step1c + offset1c | |
for offset2c, step1c, offset1c in zip(offset2, step1, offset1)) | |
step = tuple(step2c * step1c | |
for step1c, step2c in zip(step1, step2)) | |
return (offset, size, step) | |
def _cropped_slices(offset, size, limit): | |
corner = 0 | |
if offset < 0: | |
size += offset | |
offset = 0 | |
if limit - offset < size: | |
corner = limit - offset | |
size -= corner | |
return (slice(corner, corner + size), slice(offset, offset + size)) | |
def crop_field(image_data, fieldmap, location): | |
"""Crops image_data to the specified receptive field. | |
Together fieldmap and location specify a receptive field on the image, | |
which may overlap the edge. This returns a crop to that shape, including | |
any zero padding necessary to fill out the shape beyond the image edge. | |
""" | |
offset, size = receptive_field(fieldmap, location) | |
return crop_rectangle(image_data, offset, size) | |
def crop_rectangle(image_data, offset, size): | |
coloraxis = 0 if image_data.size <= 2 else 1 | |
allcolors = () if not coloraxis else (slice(None),) * coloraxis | |
colordepth = () if not coloraxis else (image_data.size[0], ) | |
result = numpy.zeros(colordepth + size) | |
(xto, xfrom), (yto, yfrom) = (_cropped_slices( | |
o, s, l) for o, s, l in zip(offset, size, image_data.size[coloraxis:])) | |
result[allcolors + (xto, yto)] = image_data[allcolors + (xfrom, yfrom)] | |
return result | |
def center_location(fieldmap, location): | |
if isinstance(location, numpy.ndarray): | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
broadcast = (numpy.newaxis, ) * (len(location.shape) - 1) + ( | |
slice(None),) | |
step = numpy.array(step)[broadcast] | |
offset = numpy.array(offset)[broadcast] | |
size = numpy.array(size)[broadcast] | |
return location * step + offset + size // 2 | |
else: | |
offset, shape = receptive_field(location, fieldmap) | |
return tuple(o + s // 2 for o, s in zip(offset, shape)) | |
def centered_slice(fieldmap, activation_shape, reduction=1): | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
r = reduction | |
return tuple(slice((s // 2 + o) // r, (s // 2 + o + a * t) // r, t // r) | |
for o, s, t, a in zip(offset, size, step, activation_shape)) | |
def centered_arange(fieldmap, activation_shape, reduction=1): | |
offset, size, step = fieldmap | |
r = reduction | |
return tuple(numpy.arange( | |
(s // 2 + o) // r, (s // 2 + o + a * t) // r, t // r)[:a] # Hack to avoid a+1 points | |
for o, s, t, a in zip(offset, size, step, activation_shape)) | |
def full_arange(output_shape): | |
return tuple(numpy.arange(o) for o in output_shape) | |