Functions for explaining classifiers that use Image data.
import copy
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import sklearn
import sklearn.preprocessing
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from skimage.color import gray2rgb
from tqdm.auto import tqdm

from . import lime_base
from .wrappers.scikit_image import SegmentationAlgorithm

class ImageExplanation(object):
    def __init__(self, image, segments):
        """Init function.

            image: 3d numpy array
            segments: 2d numpy array, with the output from skimage.segmentation
        self.image = image
        self.segments = segments
        self.intercept = {}
        self.local_exp = {}
        self.local_pred = None

    def get_image_and_mask(self, label, positive_only=True, negative_only=False, hide_rest=False,
                           num_features=5, min_weight=0.):
        """Init function.

            label: label to explain
            positive_only: if True, only take superpixels that positively contribute to
                the prediction of the label.
            negative_only: if True, only take superpixels that negatively contribute to
                the prediction of the label. If false, and so is positive_only, then both
                negativey and positively contributions will be taken.
                Both can't be True at the same time
            hide_rest: if True, make the non-explanation part of the return
                image gray
            num_features: number of superpixels to include in explanation
            min_weight: minimum weight of the superpixels to include in explanation

            (image, mask), where image is a 3d numpy array and mask is a 2d
            numpy array that can be used with
        if label not in self.local_exp:
            raise KeyError('Label not in explanation')
        if positive_only & negative_only:
            raise ValueError("Positive_only and negative_only cannot be true at the same time.")
        segments = self.segments
        image = self.image
        exp = self.local_exp[label]
        mask = np.zeros(segments.shape, segments.dtype)
        if hide_rest:
            temp = np.zeros(self.image.shape)
            temp = self.image.copy()
        if positive_only:
            fs = [x[0] for x in exp
                  if x[1] > 0 and x[1] > min_weight][:num_features]
        if negative_only:
            fs = [x[0] for x in exp
                  if x[1] < 0 and abs(x[1]) > min_weight][:num_features]
        if positive_only or negative_only:
            for f in fs:
                temp[segments == f] = image[segments == f].copy()
                mask[segments == f] = 1
            return temp, mask
            for f, w in exp[:num_features]:
                if np.abs(w) < min_weight:
                c = 0 if w < 0 else 1
                mask[segments == f] = -1 if w < 0 else 1
                temp[segments == f] = image[segments == f].copy()
                temp[segments == f, c] = np.max(image)
            return temp, mask

class LimeImageExplainer(object):
    """Explains predictions on Image (i.e. matrix) data.
    For numerical features, perturb them by sampling from a Normal(0,1) and
    doing the inverse operation of mean-centering and scaling, according to the
    means and stds in the training data. For categorical features, perturb by
    sampling according to the training distribution, and making a binary
    feature that is 1 when the value is the same as the instance being

    def __init__(self, kernel_width=.25, kernel=None, verbose=False,
                 feature_selection='auto', random_state=None):
        """Init function.

            kernel_width: kernel width for the exponential kernel.
            If None, defaults to sqrt(number of columns) * 0.75.
            kernel: similarity kernel that takes euclidean distances and kernel
                width as input and outputs weights in (0,1). If None, defaults to
                an exponential kernel.
            verbose: if true, print local prediction values from linear model
            feature_selection: feature selection method. can be
                'forward_selection', 'lasso_path', 'none' or 'auto'.
                See function 'explain_instance_with_data' in lime_base.py for
                details on what each of the options does.
            random_state: an integer or numpy.RandomState that will be used to
                generate random numbers. If None, the random state will be
                initialized using the internal numpy seed.
        kernel_width = float(kernel_width)

        if kernel is None:
            def kernel(d, kernel_width):
                return np.sqrt(np.exp(-(d ** 2) / kernel_width ** 2))

        kernel_fn = partial(kernel, kernel_width=kernel_width)

        self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
        self.feature_selection = feature_selection
        self.base = lime_base.LimeBase(kernel_fn, verbose, random_state=self.random_state)

    ### Custom function to acquire segmentation only, same as in the explain_instance() function
    def acquireSegmOnly(self, img):
        random_seed = self.random_state.randint(0, high=1000)
        segmentation_fn = SegmentationAlgorithm('quickshift', kernel_size=4,
                                                max_dist=200, ratio=0.2,
        segments = segmentation_fn(img)
        return segments

    def explain_instance(self, image, inputImg, classifier_fn, labels=(1,),
                         top_labels=5, num_features=100000, num_samples=1000,
        """Generates explanations for a prediction.

        First, we generate neighborhood data by randomly perturbing features
        from the instance (see __data_inverse). We then learn locally weighted
        linear models on this neighborhood data to explain each of the classes
        in an interpretable way (see lime_base.py).

            image: 3 dimension RGB image. If this is only two dimensional,
                we will assume it's a grayscale image and call gray2rgb.
            classifier_fn: classifier prediction probability function, which
                takes a numpy array and outputs prediction probabilities.  For
                ScikitClassifiers , this is classifier.predict_proba.
            labels: iterable with labels to be explained.
            hide_color: TODO
            top_labels: if not None, ignore labels and produce explanations for
                the K labels with highest prediction probabilities, where K is
                this parameter.
            num_features: maximum number of features present in explanation
            num_samples: size of the neighborhood to learn the linear model
            batch_size: TODO
            distance_metric: the distance metric to use for weights.
            model_regressor: sklearn regressor to use in explanation. Defaults
            to Ridge regression in LimeBase. Must have model_regressor.coef_
            and 'sample_weight' as a parameter to model_regressor.fit()
            segmentation_fn: SegmentationAlgorithm, wrapped skimage
            segmentation function
            random_seed: integer used as random seed for the segmentation
                algorithm. If None, a random integer, between 0 and 1000,
                will be generated using the internal random number generator.
            squaredSegm: integer or None (default):

            An ImageExplanation object (see lime_image.py) with the corresponding
        if len(image.shape) == 2:
            image = gray2rgb(image)
        if random_seed is None:
            random_seed = self.random_state.randint(0, high=1000)

        if squaredSegm == 4:
            segments = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), dtype=np.int64)
            imgW = image.shape[1]
            halfW1 = 1*imgW//4
            halfW2 = 2*imgW//4
            halfW3 = 3*imgW//4
            segments[:,0:halfW1] = 0
            segments[:,halfW1:halfW2] = 1
            segments[:,halfW2:halfW3] = 2
            segments[:,halfW3:imgW] = 3
        elif squaredSegm == -2: ### Use to load custom resized segm data
            segments = loadedSegmData
            if segmentation_fn is None:
                segmentation_fn = SegmentationAlgorithm('quickshift', kernel_size=4,
                                                        max_dist=200, ratio=0.2,
                segments = segmentation_fn(image)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise e

        fudged_image = image.copy()
        if hide_color is None:
            for x in np.unique(segments):
                fudged_image[segments == x] = (
                    np.mean(image[segments == x][:, 0]),
                    np.mean(image[segments == x][:, 1]),
                    np.mean(image[segments == x][:, 2]))
            fudged_image[:] = hide_color

        top = labels

        data, labels = self.data_labels(image, inputImg, fudged_image, segments,
                                        classifier_fn, num_samples,

        distances = sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances(
            data[0].reshape(1, -1),

        ret_exp = ImageExplanation(image, segments)
        if top_labels:
            top = np.argsort(labels[0])[-top_labels:]
            ret_exp.top_labels = list(top)
        for label in top:
             ret_exp.score, ret_exp.local_pred) = self.base.explain_instance_with_data(
                data, labels, distances, label, num_features,
        return ret_exp

    def data_labels(self,
        """Generates images and predictions in the neighborhood of this image.

            image: 3d numpy array, the image
            fudged_image: 3d numpy array, image to replace original image when
                superpixel is turned off
            segments: segmentation of the image
            classifier_fn: function that takes a list of images and returns a
                matrix of prediction probabilities
            num_samples: size of the neighborhood to learn the linear model
            batch_size: classifier_fn will be called on batches of this size.

            A tuple (data, labels), where:
                data: dense num_samples * num_superpixels
                labels: prediction probabilities matrix
        n_features = np.unique(segments).shape[0]
        data = self.random_state.randint(0, 2, num_samples * n_features)\
            .reshape((num_samples, n_features))
        labels = []
        data[0, :] = 1
        imgs = []
        # print("data new shape: ", data.shape)
        # assert(False)
        # for row in tqdm(data):
        for row in data:
            temp = copy.deepcopy(image)
            zeros = np.where(row == 0)[0]
            mask = np.zeros(segments.shape).astype(bool)
            for z in zeros:
                mask[segments == z] = True
            temp[mask] = fudged_image[mask]
            if len(imgs) == batch_size:
                preds = classifier_fn(inputImg)
                preds = preds.cpu().detach().numpy()
                imgs = []
        if len(imgs) > 0:
            preds = classifier_fn(inputImg)
            preds = preds.cpu().detach().numpy()
        return data, np.array(labels)