import cv2 import numpy as np from wand.image import Image as WandImage from scipy.ndimage import zoom as scizoom from wand.api import library as wandlibrary class MotionImage(WandImage): def motion_blur(self, radius=0.0, sigma=0.0, angle=0.0): wandlibrary.MagickMotionBlurImage(self.wand, radius, sigma, angle) def clipped_zoom(img, zoom_factor): h = img.shape[1] # ceil crop height(= crop width) ch = int(np.ceil(h / float(zoom_factor))) top = (h - ch) // 2 img = scizoom(img[top:top + ch, top:top + ch], (zoom_factor, zoom_factor, 1), order=1) # trim off any extra pixels trim_top = (img.shape[0] - h) // 2 return img[trim_top:trim_top + h, trim_top:trim_top + h] def disk(radius, alias_blur=0.1, dtype=np.float32): if radius <= 8: L = np.arange(-8, 8 + 1) ksize = (3, 3) else: L = np.arange(-radius, radius + 1) ksize = (5, 5) X, Y = np.meshgrid(L, L) aliased_disk = np.array((X ** 2 + Y ** 2) <= radius ** 2, dtype=dtype) aliased_disk /= np.sum(aliased_disk) # supersample disk to antialias return cv2.GaussianBlur(aliased_disk, ksize=ksize, sigmaX=alias_blur) # modification of def plasma_fractal(mapsize=256, wibbledecay=3): """ Generate a heightmap using diamond-square algorithm. Return square 2d array, side length 'mapsize', of floats in range 0-255. 'mapsize' must be a power of two. """ assert (mapsize & (mapsize - 1) == 0) maparray = np.empty((mapsize, mapsize), dtype=np.float_) maparray[0, 0] = 0 stepsize = mapsize wibble = 100 def wibbledmean(array): return array / 4 + wibble * np.random.uniform(-wibble, wibble, array.shape) def fillsquares(): """For each square of points stepsize apart, calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble""" cornerref = maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] squareaccum = cornerref + np.roll(cornerref, shift=-1, axis=0) squareaccum += np.roll(squareaccum, shift=-1, axis=1) maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(squareaccum) def filldiamonds(): """For each diamond of points stepsize apart, calculate middle value as mean of points + wibble""" mapsize = maparray.shape[0] drgrid = maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] ulgrid = maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] ldrsum = drgrid + np.roll(drgrid, 1, axis=0) lulsum = ulgrid + np.roll(ulgrid, -1, axis=1) ltsum = ldrsum + lulsum maparray[0:mapsize:stepsize, stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ltsum) tdrsum = drgrid + np.roll(drgrid, 1, axis=1) tulsum = ulgrid + np.roll(ulgrid, -1, axis=0) ttsum = tdrsum + tulsum maparray[stepsize // 2:mapsize:stepsize, 0:mapsize:stepsize] = wibbledmean(ttsum) while stepsize >= 2: fillsquares() filldiamonds() stepsize //= 2 wibble /= wibbledecay maparray -= maparray.min() return maparray / maparray.max()