# Scene Text Recognition Model Hub # Copyright 2022 Darwin Bautista # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import partial import imgaug.augmenters as iaa import numpy as np from PIL import ImageFilter, Image from timm.data import auto_augment from strhub.data import aa_overrides aa_overrides.apply() _OP_CACHE = {} def _get_op(key, factory): try: op = _OP_CACHE[key] except KeyError: op = factory() _OP_CACHE[key] = op return op def _get_param(level, img, max_dim_factor, min_level=1): max_level = max(min_level, max_dim_factor * max(img.size)) return round(min(level, max_level)) def gaussian_blur(img, radius, **__): radius = _get_param(radius, img, 0.02) key = 'gaussian_blur_' + str(radius) op = _get_op(key, lambda: ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius)) return img.filter(op) def motion_blur(img, k, **__): k = _get_param(k, img, 0.08, 3) | 1 # bin to odd values key = 'motion_blur_' + str(k) op = _get_op(key, lambda: iaa.MotionBlur(k)) return Image.fromarray(op(image=np.asarray(img))) def gaussian_noise(img, scale, **_): scale = _get_param(scale, img, 0.25) | 1 # bin to odd values key = 'gaussian_noise_' + str(scale) op = _get_op(key, lambda: iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(scale=scale)) return Image.fromarray(op(image=np.asarray(img))) def poisson_noise(img, lam, **_): lam = _get_param(lam, img, 0.2) | 1 # bin to odd values key = 'poisson_noise_' + str(lam) op = _get_op(key, lambda: iaa.AdditivePoissonNoise(lam)) return Image.fromarray(op(image=np.asarray(img))) def _level_to_arg(level, _hparams, max): level = max * level / auto_augment._LEVEL_DENOM return level, _RAND_TRANSFORMS = auto_augment._RAND_INCREASING_TRANSFORMS.copy() _RAND_TRANSFORMS.remove('SharpnessIncreasing') # remove, interferes with *blur ops _RAND_TRANSFORMS.extend([ 'GaussianBlur', # 'MotionBlur', # 'GaussianNoise', 'PoissonNoise' ]) auto_augment.LEVEL_TO_ARG.update({ 'GaussianBlur': partial(_level_to_arg, max=4), 'MotionBlur': partial(_level_to_arg, max=20), 'GaussianNoise': partial(_level_to_arg, max=0.1 * 255), 'PoissonNoise': partial(_level_to_arg, max=40) }) auto_augment.NAME_TO_OP.update({ 'GaussianBlur': gaussian_blur, 'MotionBlur': motion_blur, 'GaussianNoise': gaussian_noise, 'PoissonNoise': poisson_noise }) def rand_augment_transform(magnitude=5, num_layers=3): # These are tuned for magnitude=5, which means that effective magnitudes are half of these values. hparams = { 'rotate_deg': 30, 'shear_x_pct': 0.9, 'shear_y_pct': 0.2, 'translate_x_pct': 0.10, 'translate_y_pct': 0.30 } ra_ops = auto_augment.rand_augment_ops(magnitude, hparams, transforms=_RAND_TRANSFORMS) # Supply weights to disable replacement in random selection (i.e. avoid applying the same op twice) choice_weights = [1. / len(ra_ops) for _ in range(len(ra_ops))] return auto_augment.RandAugment(ra_ops, num_layers, choice_weights)