import streamlit as st from langchain.llms import OpenAI # Function to return the response def load_answer(question): # Initialize the OpenAI API llm = OpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", temperature=0.9) # Generate the response response = llm(question) return response # App UI Starts here st.set_page_config(page_title="LangChain Demo", page_icon=":robot:") st.header("LangChain Demo") # Get the user input def get_text(): input_text = st.text_input("Enter your question:", key="input") return input_text user_input = get_text() response = load_answer(user_input) submit = st.button("Submit") # If the submit button is clicked if submit: # Display the response st.write(response) st.subheader("Answer = ") st.balloons()