cabasus /
added animation video
history blame
8.5 kB
import os
import csv
import json
import torch
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
from phate import PHATEAE
from funcs.som import ClusterSOM
from import numpy_to_native
from funcs.processor import process_data
from funcs.plot_func import plot_sensor_data_from_json
from funcs.dataloader import BaseDataset2, read_json_files
DEVICE = torch.device("cpu")
reducer10d = PHATEAE(epochs=30, n_components=10, lr=.0001, batch_size=128, t='auto', knn=8, relax=True, metric='euclidean')
cluster_som = ClusterSOM()
def map_som2animation(som_value):
mapping = {
2: 0, # walk
1: 1, # trot
3: 2, # gallop
5: 3, # idle
4: 3, # other
-1:3, #other
return mapping.get(som_value, None)
def deviation_scores(tensor_data, scale=50):
if len(tensor_data) < 5:
raise ValueError("The input tensor must have at least 5 elements.")
# Extract the side values and reference value from the input tensor
side_values = tensor_data[-5:-1].numpy()
reference_value = tensor_data[-1].item()
# Calculate the absolute differences between the side values and the reference
absolute_differences = np.abs(side_values - reference_value)
# Check for zero division
if np.sum(absolute_differences) == 0:
# All side values are equal to the reference, so their deviation scores are 0
return int(reference_value/20*32768), [0, 0, 0, 0]
# Calculate the deviation scores for each side value
scores = absolute_differences * scale
# Clip the scores between 0 and 1
clipped_scores = np.clip(scores, 0, 1)
return int(reference_value/20*32768), clipped_scores.tolist()
def process_som_data(data, prediction):
processed_data = []
for i in range(0, len(data)):
TS, scores_list = deviation_scores(data[i][0])
# If TS is missing (None), interpolate it using surrounding values
if TS is None:
if i > 0 and i < len(data) - 1:
prev_TS = processed_data[-1][1]
next_TS = deviation_scores(data[i + 1][0])[0]
TS = (prev_TS + next_TS) // 2
elif i > 0:
TS = processed_data[-1][1] # Use the previous TS value
TS = 0 # Default to 0 if no surrounding values are available
# Set Gait, State, and Condition
#0-walk 1-trot 2-gallop 3-idle
gait = map_som2animation(prediction[0][0])
state = 0
condition = 0
# Calculate Shape, Color, and Danger values
shape_values = scores_list
color_values = scores_list
danger_values = [1 if score == 1 else 0 for score in scores_list]
# Create a row with the required format
row = [gait, TS, state, condition] + shape_values + color_values + danger_values
return processed_data
# ml inference
def get_som_mp4(file, slice_select, reducer=reducer10d, cluster=cluster_som):
train_x, train_y = read_json_files(file)
train_x, train_y = read_json_files(
# Convert tensors to numpy arrays if necessary
if isinstance(train_x, torch.Tensor):
train_x = train_x.numpy()
if isinstance(train_y, torch.Tensor):
train_y = train_y.numpy()
# load the time series slices of the data 4*3*2*64 (feeds+axis*sensor*samples) + 5 for time diff
data = BaseDataset2(train_x.reshape(len(train_x), -1) / 32768, train_y)
#compute the 10 dimensional embeding vector
embedding10d = reducer.transform(data)
# retrieve the prediction and get the animation
prediction = cluster_som.predict(embedding10d)
processed_data = process_som_data(data,prediction)
# Write the processed data to a CSV file
header = ['Gait', 'TS', 'State', 'Condition', 'Shape1', 'Shape2', 'Shape3', 'Shape4', 'Color1', 'Color2', 'Color3', 'Color4', 'Danger1', 'Danger2', 'Danger3', 'Danger4']
with open('animation_table.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
os.system('curl -X POST -F "csv_file=@animation_table.csv" --output animation.mp4')
# prediction = cluster_som.predict(embedding10d)
fig = cluster.plot_activation_v2(embedding10d, slice_select)
return fig, 'animation.mp4'
def attach_label_to_json(json_file, label_text):
# Read the JSON file
with open(json_file, "r") as f:
slices = json.load(f)
with open(, "r") as f:
slices = json.load(f)
slices['label'] = label_text
with open(f'manual_labelled_{os.path.basename(}', "w") as f:
json.dump(numpy_to_native(slices), f, indent=2)
return f'manual_labelled_{os.path.basename(}'
with gr.Blocks(title='Cabasus') as cabasus_sensor:
title = gr.Markdown("<h2><center>Data gathering and processing</center></h2>")
with gr.Tab("Convert"):
with gr.Row():
csv_file_box = gr.File(label='Upload CSV File')
with gr.Column():
processed_file_box = gr.File(label='Processed CSV File')
json_file_box = gr.File(label='Generated Json file')
plot_box_leg = gr.Plot(label="Filtered Signal Plot")
slice_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=300, label='Slice select', step=1)
som_create = gr.Button('generate som')
som_figures = gr.Plot(label="som activations")
with gr.Row():
slice_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=16, maximum=512, step=1, value=64, label="Slice Size", visible=False)
sample_rate = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=199, step=1, value=20, label="Sample rate", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
window_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=100, step=2, value=10, label="Window Size", visible=False)
repeat_process = gr.Button('Restart process', visible=False)
with gr.Row():
leg_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=['GZ1', 'GZ2', 'GZ3', 'GZ4'], label='select leg', value='GZ1')
with gr.Row():
get_all_slice = gr.Plot(label="Real Signal Plot")
plot_box_overlay = gr.Plot(label="Overlay Signal Plot")
with gr.Row():
plot_slice_leg = gr.Plot(label="Sliced Signal Plot", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
slice_json_box = gr.File(label='Slice json file')
with gr.Column():
label_name = gr.Textbox(label="enter the label name")
button_label_Add = gr.Button('attach label')
slice_json_label_box = gr.File(label='Slice json labelled file')
with gr.Row():
animation = gr.Video(label='animation')
real_video = gr.Video(label='real')
slices_per_leg = gr.Textbox(label="Debug information")
csv_file_box.change(process_data, inputs=[csv_file_box, slice_size_slider, sample_rate, window_size_slider],
outputs=[processed_file_box, json_file_box, slices_per_leg, plot_box_leg, plot_box_overlay, slice_slider, plot_slice_leg, get_all_slice, slice_json_box])
leg_dropdown.change(plot_sensor_data_from_json, inputs=[json_file_box, leg_dropdown, slice_slider],
outputs=[plot_box_leg, plot_slice_leg, get_all_slice, slice_json_box, plot_box_overlay]), inputs=[csv_file_box, slice_size_slider, sample_rate, window_size_slider],
outputs=[processed_file_box, json_file_box, slices_per_leg, plot_box_leg, plot_box_overlay, slice_slider, plot_slice_leg, get_all_slice, slice_json_box])
slice_slider.change(plot_sensor_data_from_json, inputs=[json_file_box, leg_dropdown, slice_slider],
outputs=[plot_box_leg, plot_slice_leg, get_all_slice, slice_json_box, plot_box_overlay]), inputs=[json_file_box, slice_slider], outputs=[som_figures, animation]), inputs=[slice_json_box, label_name], outputs=[slice_json_label_box])