mherlie's picture
first sync with repo
import streamlit as st
import random
# Function to generate a cat name based on breed and characteristics
def generate_cat_name(breed, characteristic):
breed_names = {
"Persian": ["Fluffy", "Cleo", "Pearl", "Snowball"],
"Siamese": ["Luna", "Suki", "Milo", "Kiki"],
"Maine Coon": ["Thor", "Bear", "Leo", "Maple"],
"Bengal": ["Zara", "Blaze", "Hunter", "Cleo"],
"Sphynx": ["Gizmo", "Baldwin", "Nala", "Pixie"]
characteristic_modifiers = {
"Playful": ["the Jester", "Pounce", "Bounce", "Whiskers"],
"Quiet": ["the Silent", "Shadow", "Muffin", "Dusk"],
"Naughty": ["Trouble", "Rascal", "Mischief", "Chaos"],
"Loyal": ["Buddy", "Faith", "Noble", "Guardian"],
"Curious": ["Explorer", "Scout", "Peek", "Wonder"]
base_name = random.choice(breed_names.get(breed, ["Kitty"]))
modifier = random.choice(characteristic_modifiers.get(characteristic, ["Furball"]))
return f"{base_name} {modifier}"
# Streamlit App
st.title("Cat Name Generator")
st.write("Select your cat's breed and characteristics to generate the perfect name!")
# User inputs
breed = st.selectbox(
"Choose your cat's breed:",
["Persian", "Siamese", "Maine Coon", "Bengal", "Sphynx"]
characteristic = st.selectbox(
"Choose your cat's characteristic:",
["Playful", "Quiet", "Naughty", "Loyal", "Curious"]
# Generate and display the cat name
if st.button("Generate Name"):
cat_name = generate_cat_name(breed, characteristic)
st.success(f"Your cat's name is: {cat_name}")