# Copyright 2024 The YourMT3 Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Please see the details in the LICENSE file. """midi.py MIDI <-> Note • midi2note: convert a MIDI file to a list of Note instances. • note2midi: convert a list of Note instances to a MIDI file. """ import os import copy import warnings import numpy as np from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union from mido import MetaMessage, Message, MidiFile, MidiTrack, second2tick from utils.note_event_dataclasses import Note, NoteEvent from utils.note2event import validate_notes, trim_overlapping_notes from utils.note2event import note2note_event """ midi2note: Convert a MIDI file to a list of Note instances. About new implementation: The widely used MIDI parsers (implementations from pretty_midi, onset_and_frames, reconvat, and mir_data) implementations used a method of applying the offset to the nearest previous note when note overlaps occurred. We often found issues with this lazy-processing approach, where the length of the overlapped notes later in the sequence would become extremely short. This code has been re-implemented to address these issues by keeping note activations in channel-specific buffers, similar to actual DAWs, allowing for the application of the sustain pedal effect in multi-channel tracks. Example from Slkah,'Track00805-S00' (bass stem): (onset, offset) (8.83, 9.02*) * first note's offset is later than second note's onset, so overlap occurs. (9.0, 9.55) (8.83, 9.0) (9.0, 9.02*) * second note is too short, because first note's offset is applied to second note. (8.83, 8.84*) * due to reverse search, first note's offset is missing, so minimum offset is applied. (9.0, 9.55) (8.83, 9.0) (9.0, 9.55) """ DRUM_PROGRAM = 128 def find_channel_of_track_name(midi_file: os.PathLike, track_name_keywords: List[str]) -> Optional[int]: mid = MidiFile(midi_file) found_channels = [] for track in mid.tracks: track_name_found = False for msg in track: if msg.type == 'track_name': for k in track_name_keywords: if k.lower() == msg.name.lower(): # exact match only track_name_found = True break if track_name_found and msg.type in ['note_on', 'note_off']: found_channels.append(msg.channel) break return list(set(found_channels)) def midi2note(file: Union[os.PathLike, str], binary_velocity: bool = True, ch_9_as_drum: bool = False, force_all_drum: bool = False, force_all_program_to: Optional[int] = None, track_name_to_program: Optional[Dict] = None, trim_overlap: bool = True, fix_offset: bool = True, quantize: bool = True, verbose: int = 0, minimum_offset_sec: float = 0.01, drum_offset_sec: float = 0.01, ignore_pedal: bool = False, return_programs: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[Note], float]: midi = MidiFile(file) max_time = midi.length # in seconds finished_notes = [] program_state = [None] * 16 # program_number = program_state[ch] sustain_state = [None] * 16 # sustain_state[ch] = True if sustain is on active_notes = [[] for i in range(16)] # active notes by channel(0~15). active_notes[ch] = [Note1, Note_2,..] sustained_notes = [[] for i in range(16) ] # offset is passed, but sustain is applied. sustained_notes[ch] = [Note1, Note_2,..] # Mapping track name to program (for geerdes data) reserved_channels = [] if track_name_to_program is not None: for key in track_name_to_program.keys(): found_channels = find_channel_of_track_name(file, [key]) if len(found_channels) > 0: for ch in found_channels: program_state[ch] = track_name_to_program[key] reserved_channels.append(ch) if ch_9_as_drum is True: program_state[9] = DRUM_PROGRAM reserved_channels.append(9) current_time = 0. for i, msg in enumerate(midi): current_time += msg.time if msg.type == 'program_change' and msg.channel not in reserved_channels: program_state[msg.channel] = msg.program elif msg.type == 'control_change' and msg.control == 64 and not ignore_pedal: if msg.value >= 64: sustain_state[msg.channel] = True else: sustain_state[msg.channel] = False for note in sustained_notes[msg.channel]: note.offset = current_time finished_notes.append(note) sustained_notes[msg.channel] = [] elif msg.type == 'note_on' and msg.velocity > 0: if program_state[msg.channel] == None: if force_all_program_to == None: raise ValueError( '📕 midi2note: program_change message is missing. Use `force_all_program_to` option') else: program_state[msg.channel] = force_all_program_to # if (ch_9_as_drum and msg.channel == 9) or force_all_drum: if program_state[msg.channel] == DRUM_PROGRAM or force_all_drum: # drum's offset, active_notes, sustained_notes are not tracked. new_note = Note(is_drum=True, program=program_state[msg.channel], onset=current_time, offset=current_time + drum_offset_sec, pitch=msg.note, velocity=msg.velocity) finished_notes.append(new_note) else: new_note = Note(is_drum=False, program=program_state[msg.channel], onset=current_time, offset=None, pitch=msg.note, velocity=msg.velocity) active_notes[msg.channel].append(new_note) elif msg.type == 'note_off' or (msg.type == 'note_on' and msg.velocity == 0): temp_active_notes = active_notes.copy() offset_done_flag = False for note in active_notes[msg.channel]: if note.pitch == msg.note: if sustain_state[msg.channel]: sustained_notes[msg.channel].append(note) temp_active_notes[msg.channel].remove(note) elif offset_done_flag == False: note.offset = current_time finished_notes.append(note) temp_active_notes[msg.channel].remove(note) offset_done_flag = True # fix: note_off message is only for the oldest note_on message else: pass active_notes = temp_active_notes # Handle any still-active notes (e.g., if the file ends without note_off messages) for ch_notes in active_notes: for note in ch_notes: note.offset = min(current_time, note.onset + minimum_offset_sec) finished_notes.append(note) for ch_notes in sustained_notes: for note in ch_notes: note.offset = min(current_time, note.onset + minimum_offset_sec) finished_notes.append(note) notes = finished_notes if binary_velocity: for note in notes: note.velocity = 1 if note.velocity > 0 else 0 notes.sort(key=lambda note: (note.onset, note.is_drum, note.program, note.velocity, note.pitch)) # Quantize notes to 10 ms if quantize: for note in notes: note.onset = round(note.onset * 100) / 100. note.offset = round(note.offset * 100) / 100. # Trim overlapping notes if trim_overlap: notes = trim_overlapping_notes(notes, sort=True) # fix offset >= onset the Note instances if fix_offset: notes = validate_notes(notes, fix=True) # Print some statistics has_drum = False for note in notes: if note.is_drum: has_drum = True break num_instr = sum([int(c is not None) for c in program_state]) if verbose > 0: print( f'parsed {file}: midi_type={midi.type}, num_notes={len(notes)}, num_instr={num_instr}, has_drum={has_drum}') if return_programs: return notes, max_time, program_state else: return notes, max_time def note_event2midi(note_events: List[NoteEvent], output_file: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, velocity: int = 100, ticks_per_beat: int = 480, tempo: int = 500000, singing_program_mapping: int = 65, singing_chorus_program_mapping: int = 53, output_inverse_vocab: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """Converts a list of Note instances to a MIDI file. List[NoteEvent]: [NoteEvent(is_drum: bool, program: int, time: Optional[float], velocity: int, pitch: int, activity: Optional[Set[int]] = {}) Example usage: note_event2midi(note_events, 'output.mid') """ midi = MidiFile(ticks_per_beat=ticks_per_beat, type=0) midi.type = 1 track = MidiTrack() midi.tracks.append(track) # Set tempo # track.append(mido.MetaMessage('set_tempo', tempo=tempo)) # Assign channels to programs programs = set() for ne in note_events: if ne.program == 128 or ne.is_drum == True: programs.add(128) # 128 represents drum here... ne.program = 128 # internally we use 128 for drum else: programs.add(ne.program) programs = sorted(programs) program_to_channel = {} available_channels = list(range(0, 9)) + list(range(10, 16)) for prg in programs: if prg == 128: program_to_channel[prg] = 9 else: try: program_to_channel[prg] = available_channels.pop(0) except IndexError: warnings.warn(f'not available channels for program {prg}, share channel 16') program_to_channel[prg] = 15 # notes to note_events (this is simpler) drum_offset_events = [] # for drum notes, we need to add an offset event for ne in note_events: if ne.is_drum: drum_offset_events.append( NoteEvent(is_drum=True, program=ne.program, time=ne.time + 0.01, pitch=ne.pitch, velocity=0)) note_events += drum_offset_events note_events.sort(key=lambda ne: (ne.time, ne.is_drum, ne.program, ne.velocity, ne.pitch)) # Add note events to multitrack for program in programs: # Create a track for each program track = MidiTrack() midi.tracks.append(track) # Add track name if program == 128: program_name = 'Drums' elif output_inverse_vocab is not None: program_name = output_inverse_vocab.get(program, (program, f'Prg. {str(program)}'))[1] else: program_name = f'Prg. {str(program)}' track.append(MetaMessage('track_name', name=program_name, time=0)) # Channel is determined by the program channel = program_to_channel[program] # Some special treatment for singing voice and drums if program == 128: # drum # set 0 but it is ignored in drum channel track.append(Message('program_change', program=0, time=0, channel=channel)) elif program == 100: # singing voice --> Alto Sax track.append(Message('program_change', program=singing_program_mapping, time=0, channel=channel)) elif program == 101: # singing voice (chrous) --> Voice Oohs track.append(Message('program_change', program=singing_chorus_program_mapping, time=0, channel=channel)) else: track.append(Message('program_change', program=program, time=0, channel=channel)) current_tick = int(0) for ne in note_events: if ne.program == program: absolute_tick = round(second2tick(ne.time, ticks_per_beat, tempo)) if absolute_tick == current_tick: delta_tick = int(0) elif absolute_tick < current_tick: # this should not happen after sorting raise ValueError( f'at ne.time {ne.time}, absolute_tick {absolute_tick} < current_tick {current_tick}') else: # Convert time shift value from seconds to ticks delta_tick = absolute_tick - current_tick current_tick += delta_tick # Create a note on or note off message msg_note = 'note_on' if ne.velocity > 0 else 'note_off' msg_velocity = velocity if ne.velocity > 0 else 0 new_msg = Message(msg_note, note=ne.pitch, velocity=msg_velocity, time=delta_tick, channel=channel) track.append(new_msg) # Save MIDI file if output_file != None: midi.save(output_file) def get_pitch_range_from_midi(midi_file: os.PathLike) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns the pitch range of a MIDI file. Args: midi_file (os.PathLike): Path to a MIDI file. Returns: Tuple[int, int]: The lowest and highest notes in the MIDI file. """ notes = midi2note(midi_file, quantize=False, trim_overlap=False) pitches = [n.pitch for n in notes] return min(pitches), max(pitches) def pitch_shift_midi(src_midi_file: os.PathLike, min_pitch_shift: int = -5, max_pitch_shift: int = 6, write_midi_file: bool = True, write_notes_file: bool = True, write_note_events_file: bool = True) -> None: """Pitch shifts a MIDI file and write it as MIDI. Args: src_midi_file (os.PathLike): Path to a MIDI file. min_pitch_shift (int): The number of semitones to shift. max_pitch_shift (int): The number of semitones to shift. Writes: dst_midi_file (os.PathLike): {src_midi_filename}_pshift_{i}.mid, where i can be [...,-1, 1, 2,...] dst_notes : List[Note] dst_note_events: List[NoteEvent] """ # source file src_midi_dir = os.path.dirname(src_midi_file) src_midi_filename = os.path.basename(src_midi_file).split('.')[0] src_notes_file = os.path.join(src_midi_dir, f'{src_midi_filename}_notes.npy') src_note_events_file = os.path.join(src_midi_dir, f'{src_midi_filename}_note_events.npy') src_notes, _ = midi2note(src_midi_file) # src_note_events = note2note_event(src_notes) for pitch_shift in range(min_pitch_shift, max_pitch_shift): if pitch_shift == 0: continue # destination file dst_midi_file = os.path.join(src_midi_dir, f'{src_midi_filename}_pshift{pitch_shift}.mid') dst_notes_file = os.path.join(src_midi_dir, f'{src_midi_filename}_pshift{pitch_shift}_notes.npy') dst_note_events_file = os.path.join(src_midi_dir, f'{src_midi_filename}_pshift{pitch_shift}_note_events.npy') dst_notes = [] for note in src_notes: dst_note = copy.deepcopy(note) dst_note.pitch += pitch_shift dst_notes.append(dst_note) dst_note_events = note2note_event(dst_notes) # write midi file if write_midi_file: note_event2midi(dst_note_events, dst_midi_file) print(f'Created {dst_midi_file}') # write notes file if write_notes_file: # get metadata for notes src_notes_metadata = np.load(src_notes_file, allow_pickle=True).tolist() dst_notes_metadata = src_notes_metadata dst_notes_metadata['pitch_shift'] = pitch_shift dst_notes_metadata['notes'] = dst_notes np.save(dst_notes_file, dst_notes_metadata, allow_pickle=True, fix_imports=False) print(f'Created {dst_notes_file}') # write note events file if write_note_events_file: # get metadata for note events src_note_events_metadata = np.load(src_note_events_file, allow_pickle=True).tolist() dst_note_events_metadata = src_note_events_metadata dst_note_events_metadata['pitch_shift'] = pitch_shift dst_note_events_metadata['note_events'] = dst_note_events np.save(dst_note_events_file, dst_note_events_metadata, allow_pickle=True, fix_imports=False) print(f'Created {dst_note_events_file}')