# Copyright 2024 The YourMT3 Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Please see the details in the LICENSE file. """ projection_layer.py """ from typing import Tuple import math import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import Linear, LayerNorm from einops import rearrange from model.ops import count_parameters class GroupLinearFlatten(nn.Module): """ Implements a grouped linear layer with a flattened output. This module applies individual linear transformations for each group in the input tensor and then flattens the group dimension to produce the final output. It's useful when you have distinct groups in the input tensor and you want separate linear transformations for each of these groups. Args: - in_features (int): The number of input features per group. - flatten_out_features (int): The total number of flattened output features. This value must be divisible by num_groups. The actual number of output features per group is computed as flatten_out_features/num_groups. - num_groups (int): The number of distinct groups in the input tensor. - use_bmm (bool, optional): Whether to use batch matrix multiplication for computation. Default is True. Shape: - Input: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_groups, in_features) - Output: (batch_size, sequence_length, flatten_out_features) Examples: >>> m = GroupLinearFlatten(128, 512, 24) # >>> input = torch.randn(16, 10, 24, 128) # (B, T, C, F) >>> output = m(input) >>> output.size() torch.Size([16, 10, 512]) # (B, T, D) """ def __init__(self, in_features, flatten_out_features, num_groups, use_bmm=True): super().__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.flatten_out_features = flatten_out_features self.num_groups = num_groups self.use_bmm = use_bmm # Assuming flatten_out_features is divisible by num_groups self.out_features_per_group = self.flatten_out_features // self.num_groups # Each group gets its own weights self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_groups, self.out_features_per_group, in_features)) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5)) def forward(self, input): # input shape: (batch, seq_length, groups, in_features) # weight shape: (groups, out_features_per_group, in_features) batch_size, t, k, source_d = input.size() if self.use_bmm: # Reshape input for bmm operation input_reshaped = rearrange(input, 'b t k d -> k d (b t)') # Matrix multiplication: dot((k, out_features_per_group, d), (k, d, b*t)) -> (k, out_features_per_group, b*t) output_bmm = torch.bmm(self.weight, input_reshaped) # Reshape back to original shape and flatten the group dimension output = rearrange(output_bmm, 'k d_out (b t) -> b t (k d_out)', b=batch_size, t=t, k=k) else: output = torch.einsum('bsgi,goi->bsgo', input, self.weight) output = rearrange(output, 'b t k d_out -> b t (k d_out)') return output # class MultiChannelGroupLinear(nn.Module): # """ Not Implemented Yet """ # def __init__(self, in_ch=26, in_dim=128, out_ch=13, out_dim=512): # super().__init__() # self.in_ch = in_ch # self.in_dim = in_dim # self.out_ch = out_ch # self.out_dim = out_dim # self.in_ch_per_group = in_ch // out_ch # self.layer = GroupLinearFlatten(in_features=) class MultiChannelLinearProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch=26, in_dim=128, out_ch=13, out_dim=512): super().__init__() self.in_ch = in_ch self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_ch = out_ch self.out_dim = out_dim self.in_ch_per_group = in_ch // out_ch self.linear_in_ch = in_ch // self.in_ch_per_group self.linear_in_dim = in_dim * self.in_ch_per_group # Reshaped Input shape: (b, t, in_dim//in_ch_per_group, in_dim*in_ch_per_group) # Output shape: (b, t, out_ch, out_dim) if in_dim * self.in_ch_per_group == out_dim: self.linear = nn.Identity() else: self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features=self.linear_in_dim, out_features=out_dim, bias=False) def forward(self, x): """ Args: x: (B, T, C, D) Returns: x: (B, C_target, T, D_target) """ x = rearrange(x, 'b t (c1 c2) d -> b c1 t (c2 d)', c1=self.linear_in_ch, c2=self.in_ch_per_group) return self.linear(x) def get_multi_channel_projection_layer(input_shape: Tuple[int], output_shape: Tuple[int], proj_type: str) -> nn.Module: """ This function returns one of the projection layers for multi-channel models.""" in_ch = input_shape[-2] in_dim = input_shape[-1] out_ch = output_shape[-2] out_dim = output_shape[-1] if proj_type == 'mc_shared_linear': return MultiChannelLinearProjection(in_ch, in_dim, out_ch, out_dim) def test_multi_channel_linear_projection(): x = torch.randn(2, 10, 26, 128) # (b, t, c, d) mclp = MultiChannelLinearProjection(in_ch=26, in_dim=128, out_ch=13, out_dim=256) # actually nn.Identity() assert type(nn.Identity()) == type(mclp.linear) assert mclp(x).shape == (2, 13, 10, 256) # (b, _c, t, _d) x = torch.randn(2, 10, 26, 128) # (b, t, c, d) mclp = MultiChannelLinearProjection(in_ch=26, in_dim=128, out_ch=13, out_dim=512) # actually nn.Identity() assert torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear == type(mclp.linear) assert mclp(x).shape == (2, 13, 10, 512) # (b, _c, t, _d) class FlattenMLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, flatten_out_features, num_groups, hidden_dim=None, activation=None): super().__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.num_groups = num_groups # Calculate flattened input dimension self.flat_in_dim = in_features * num_groups if hidden_dim is None: hidden_dim = self.flat_in_dim // 2 self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim # Check if flatten_out_features is divisible by in_features assert flatten_out_features % in_features == 0, "flatten_out_features should be divisible by in_features." # Define layers self.layers = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(2, 3), nn.Linear(self.flat_in_dim, hidden_dim), nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim), activation() if activation else nn.Identity(), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim), nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dim), activation() if activation else nn.Identity(), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, flatten_out_features)) def forward(self, x): # x shape: (batch, seq, num_groups, in_features) return self.layers(x) class LinearProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, flatten_out_features, num_groups): super().__init__() # Calculate flattened input dimension self.flat_in_dim = in_features * num_groups self.projection_layer = nn.Linear(in_features=self.flat_in_dim, out_features=flatten_out_features, bias=False) def forward(self, x): # x shape: (batch, seq, num_groups, in_features) batch_size, t, _, _ = x.size() x_flattened = x.reshape(batch_size, t, -1) # Flattening num_groups and in_features return self.projection_layer(x_flattened) class DepthwiseConvProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, flatten_out_features, num_groups, depth): super().__init__() d_out = flatten_out_features // in_features self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=num_groups, out_channels=num_groups * d_out, kernel_size=(1, depth), groups=num_groups) self.fc = nn.Linear(num_groups * d_out * (in_features - depth + 1), flatten_out_features) def forward(self, x): # Swap the dimensions of k and t to match expected input for depthwise convolution x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # shape: (b, k, t, d) # Convolutional layer x = self.conv(x) # shape: (b, k*d_out, t, d-depth+1) # Reshape the tensor for the Linear layer batch_size, _, t, _ = x.size() x = x.reshape(batch_size, t, -1) return self.fc(x) def get_projection_layer(input_shape: Tuple[int], output_shape: Tuple[int], proj_type: str) -> nn.Module: """ This function returns one of the projection layers defined below. """ if len(input_shape) == 2: _, d_source = input_shape elif len(input_shape) == 3: _, k_source, d_source = input_shape if len(output_shape) == 2: _, d_target = output_shape elif len(output_shape) == 3: _, k_target, d_target = output_shape if 'linear' == proj_type: return LinearProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source) elif 'mlp' in proj_type: if 'gelu' in proj_type: return FlattenMLP(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, activation=nn.GELU) elif 'relu' in proj_type: return FlattenMLP(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, activation=nn.ReLU) else: return FlattenMLP(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, activation=None) elif 'conv' in proj_type: if 'conv4' == proj_type: return DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, depth=4) elif 'conv16' == proj_type: return DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, depth=16) elif 'conv32' == proj_type: return DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, depth=32) elif 'conv64' == proj_type: return DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, depth=64) else: # conv depth 1 return DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, depth=1) elif 'group_linear' == proj_type: assert d_source % k_source == 0, "d_source and k_source must be divisible for group_linear projection." return GroupLinearFlatten(in_features=d_source, flatten_out_features=d_target, num_groups=k_source, use_bmm=True) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid projection type: {proj_type}") def test_projection_layers(): # encoder hidden states: (B, T, K, D) b = 2 t = 110 #10 k = 24 #16 d = 128 enc_hs = torch.randn(b, t, k, d) # target shape: (B, T, K, D//4) target_flatten_d = 512 # GroupLinear gl = GroupLinearFlatten(in_features=d, flatten_out_features=target_flatten_d, num_groups=k, use_bmm=True) enc_hs_hat = gl(enc_hs) assert enc_hs_hat.shape == (b, t, target_flatten_d) print('GroupLinear: ', f'{count_parameters(gl)//1000}k') # 65k # FlattenMLP fm = FlattenMLP(in_features=d, flatten_out_features=target_flatten_d, num_groups=k, hidden_dim=None, activation=nn.GELU) enc_hs_hat = fm(enc_hs) assert enc_hs_hat.shape == (b, t, target_flatten_d) print('FlattenMLP: ', f'{count_parameters(fm)//1000}k') # 3.6M # LinearProjection lp = LinearProjection(in_features=d, flatten_out_features=target_flatten_d, num_groups=k) enc_hs_hat = lp(enc_hs) assert enc_hs_hat.shape == (b, t, target_flatten_d) print('LinearProjection: ', f'{count_parameters(lp)//1000}k') # 1M # DepthwiseConvProjection dc = DepthwiseConvProjection(in_features=d, flatten_out_features=target_flatten_d, num_groups=k, depth=16) enc_hs_hat = dc(enc_hs) assert enc_hs_hat.shape == (b, t, target_flatten_d) print('DepthwiseConvProjection: ', f'{count_parameters(dc)//1000}k') # 4M