import os import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import tqdm from rdkit.ML.Scoring.Scoring import CalcBEDROC from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, balanced_accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, average_precision_score, \ matthews_corrcoef, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, confusion_matrix def specificity_score(true_labels, predicted_labels): tn, fp, _, _ = confusion_matrix(true_labels, predicted_labels).ravel() specificity = tn / (tn + fp) return specificity MAIN_DIR = '' # todo add project dir def balanced_mcc_score(sensitivity, specificity, prevalence): """Returns the Matthews' correlation coefficient at the given sensitivity, specificity and prevalence. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : float The sensitivity of the model specificity : float The specificity of the model prevalence : float The prevalence of the test set Returns ------ float Matthews' correlation coefficient as a float """ numerator = sensitivity + specificity - 1 denominatorFirstTerm = sensitivity + (1 - specificity)*(1 - prevalence) / prevalence denominatorSecondTerm = specificity + (1 -sensitivity)*prevalence/(1 - prevalence) denominator = math.sqrt(denominatorFirstTerm * denominatorSecondTerm) if sensitivity == 1 and specificity == 0: denominator = 1 if sensitivity == 0 and specificity == 1: denominator = 1. return(numerator / denominator) def ef_top_per(predictions, prevalance, top_frac=0.01): n = int(len(predictions) * top_frac) predictions = sorted(predictions, reverse=True)[:n] f = np.sum(np.round(predictions)) / n return f / prevalance def compute_metrics(df): """ Compute a set of classification metric for single set of predictions. Args: df : dataframe with true labels in 'Label' column and probabilistic predictions in 'Prediction' column Returns: df_metrics: dataframe with metrics in 'Metric' column and values in 'Value' column """ true_labels = df['Label'] prevalance = sum(true_labels) / len(true_labels) predictions = df['Prediction'] # print(true_labels.value_counts()) # print(predictions.max()) acc = accuracy_score(true_labels, predictions.round()) bacc = balanced_accuracy_score(true_labels, predictions.round()) precision = precision_score(true_labels, predictions.round(), zero_division=0.0) recall = recall_score(true_labels, predictions.round()) specificity = specificity_score(true_labels, predictions.round()) mcc = matthews_corrcoef(true_labels, predictions.round()) bmcc = balanced_mcc_score(recall, specificity, prevalance) f1 = f1_score(true_labels, predictions.round()) auc = roc_auc_score(true_labels, predictions) ap = average_precision_score(true_labels, predictions) dap = ap - prevalance scores = df.sort_values(by='Prediction', ascending=False)[['Label', 'Prediction']].values bedroc = CalcBEDROC(scores, 0, 20) ef = ef_top_per(predictions, prevalance, 0.01) metrics_dict = {'ACC': acc, 'BACC': bacc, 'MCC': mcc, 'BMCC': bmcc, 'Precision': precision, 'Recall': recall, 'F1-score': f1, 'AUC': auc, 'dAP': dap, 'BEDROC': bedroc, 'EF-1%' : ef} df_metrics = pd.DataFrame(metrics_dict.items(), columns=['Metric', 'Value']) return df_metrics def get_metrics( tasks : list[str] = ['AID', 'UID'], models : list[str] = ['MHNfs', 'RF'], settings : list[str] = ['1+1x3', '1+3x3', '1+7x3', '2+2x3', '2+6x3', '2+14x3', '4+4x3', '4+12x3', '4+28x3', '8+8x3', '8+24x3', '8+56x3'], overwrite: bool = False): """ Computes classification metrics for each combination. """ file = f'{MAIN_DIR}/results_used.csv.gz' if overwrite: df = pd.DataFrame() else: df = pd.read_csv(file) path_preprocessed = "" # todo df_pubchem = pd.read_csv(path_preprocessed) for task in tasks: for model in models: for setting in settings: dir = f'{MAIN_DIR}/predictions/{model}/{task}/{setting}' try: targets = [x[:-4] for x in os.listdir(dir)] pubchem_targets = df_pubchem[task].astype(str).unique().tolist() for target in tqdm(targets, desc=f'{task} - {model} - {setting}'): if target not in pubchem_targets: continue # Skip already computed targets if not overwrite and any((df['Model'] == model) & (df['Setting'] == setting) & (df['Task'] == task) & (df['TID'] == target)): continue # Load predictions df_task = pd.read_csv(f'{dir}/{target}.csv') # Retrieve oragnism and L1 protein classification try: org = df_pubchem.loc[df_pubchem[task] == target, 'Organism'].values[0] l1 = df_pubchem.loc[df_pubchem[task] == target, 'L1'].values[0] except: org = df_pubchem.loc[df_pubchem[task] == int(target), 'Organism'].values[0] l1 = df_pubchem.loc[df_pubchem[task] == int(target), 'L1'].values[0] if l1 == None: print(target, l1) # Compute metrics for each fold for fold in df_task.Fold.unique(): metrics = (compute_metrics(df_task[df_task.Fold == fold]).assign( Model=model, Task=task, TID=target, Organism=org, L1=l1, Setting=setting, Fold=fold, ) ).rename(columns={'Target' : task}) df = pd.concat([df, metrics], ignore_index=True) except Exception as e: print(e) raise e df.to_csv(file, index=False) if __name__ == '__main__': #get_metrics() get_metrics(settings=['1+7x3', '2+6x3', '4+4x3', '2+14x3', '4+12x3','8+8x3'], overwrite=True)