import { config } from "@configs/config"; const endpoint = '/nutrition'; // Define the structure of a Nutrition Prediction Item export interface INutritionPredictionItem { Calories: number; CarbohydrateContent: number; FatContent: number; Images: string[]; Name: string; ProteinContent: number; RecipeIngredientParts: string[]; RecipeInstructions: string[]; type: string; } export interface INParams { calories: number } export class NutritionModel { public static async predictMealPlan( params: INParams ): Promise { const response = await fetch( `${config.modelsServerUrl}${endpoint}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(params), } ); if (!response.ok) { console.error(await response.text()); throw new Error("Failed to fetch data from the server"); } return response.text().then((data) => { return JSON.parse(data) as INutritionPredictionItem[][]; }); } }